Needs to know!!

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Lets break down the titles of this book , this are facts and need to know for you to better understand this book.

Elementary wolves
-wolves who can control , water , earth , air and nature.

- heals others with no medication.
-can control ones mind.
- depending on the illness they can take time to heal themselves.
-never sick.
-if removing poison from another they will surfer some pains by poison will not affect them.

Gifted Luna
- one who can forsee things that will happen.
-someone who can see others future by touch.
-one who can feel others pain.
-one who can absorb others energy or give energy.

Blanky Elementary
-the special ones.
- these wolves are taken from home at the ages of 2.
- these wolves are trained and have they emotional vein cut of.
- they are one of the strongest wolves and usually are sent to be warriors.
- these wolves have no true form until they find they mates.
- when they find they mates only then they can see they true form and they true power.
-these wolves can be hybrids, mix breeds, lynicans or great white wolves.
-they can kill or challenge an Alpha but they will never find their true form once doing so.
-they bow to no one , not even the Alpha.
-they bow to the Alpha only when they turn warriors.

Blanky Goddess
-this is the strongest wolf.
- she guards and trains all Blankies.
- she does not have a mate.
-she bows to no one Alphas bow to her.
- she kills Goddess.

-the ruler of all living and non living things.
-mated to the Alpha King.
-born once every century.
-posess every power.
- can revive the dead.

Alpha King
-only receives they true power once they find their mates.

Twin Elemantories
-wolves that are both twins with the power Elemantories.
-can see the future.
-have visions of what's to happen.
-the younger one is sent to be a blanky.
-they have healing powers.
-the can transport through telepathy.
-they can be invisible.
-these wolves are close to being Goddesses or Gods.
-only they mates can make them bow.

These are all basics of your need to knows.

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