Part 15

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I woke up feeling so much better , I got into the bathroom and ran myself a bath.

I  sank myself in the tub listening to my body , this felt great.

I got out got dress and walked out " so let's see it " I ask Gary and he chuckles " morning Nat" , " wow suddenly you have a sense of humor , I love this for you" he laughed his features relaxed he truly has his emotional vein.

Nathan walked out and sat next to me "so where is Lina" , " it's gonna take like 3 more days before we see her , right now she will be in bed and wanting one person only" I pointed at Gary and he smiled stupidly " you can smile?" Nathan asked shocked and we both bursted out laughing.

" that's cause he just got his emotional vein dummy now he can express and understand emotions" I explained and he nodded " nice bye I am taking Nancy to school and I don't want to be late" , " look at you two making me feel all fuzzy and warm inside and jealous" he looked back at me.

" just find your mate its not that hard we will protect you " he walked out , " he's right you know" Gary said , " not now we both know she'll be waiting for this" he nods and I get out.

Driving to Sally's for breakfast I sit down and order my food suddenly a beautiful muscular scent hit my know , and I can pinpoint who it is even without looking.

I calm myself down as Xavier sits next to me " hey " , "hey" I say back.

My body felt hot I quickly closed myself off so he couldn't feel me , how could I have missed it , all this time I was with my Mate.

He ordered his food and waited with me our food got delivered.

We ate not talking to each other , I looked everywhere but him , okay I was panicking.

" are you mad at me?" I shook my head " then why haven't you answered any of my texts I was worried" , " honestly I don't even know where my phone is " I finished up my food and ordered dessert.

" can I come over tonight? I want us to talk about something" , " probably next week we currently have a newly marked Lina , can't really have visitors right now especially with Gary's new form" he nodded " but we will talk right" I gave him a light smile putting my hand over his.

" yes" he relaxed immediately with my touch , I quickly removed my hand " uhmm see you at school" he nodded and watched me walk out.

I sat in my car swallowing the lump in my throat.

I get to school and I am called into the office , I get in and sit down in walks the Alpha " Alpha I'll give you two time together " the Dean said before walking out.

He sat down staring me up and down " if you want this conversation to go well ,leave the attitude " he chuckled " you dare talk to me like that" I stood up.

" sit down" he demanded and I just walked out the door he grabbed my arm " this is about Xavier" I turned looking at him sitting back down " I was right you do care for him" , "what do you want".

"Xavier has found his mate leave him , you are disturbing my plans for him , he will be getting married next month" , I stood up " sure" he was surprised by my answer.

I just walked out to find Xavier and a woman I am thinking that's his mom standing in the hallway looking around.

"Nat" he waved me over , and I walked to them , this woman aura was peaceful and light I greeted them , he pulled out the lollipop out of his mouth and put it in mine.

Okay he's done this before but now it was different now it felt good , I liked the way he did it I wanted him to kiss me.

I bit my lower lip and he looked between me and my lips his mom cleared her throat bringing us back.

"Lovely to finally meet you Nathalie, I've heard so much about you" she said hugging me.

I quickly removed myself knowing what she was doing , " uhmm I need to go" I said walking out of the school hoping into my car.

I drove around before deciding to go home.

My mom hugged me "why aren't you in school baby" , "uhmm I needed to be alone can I sleep here tonight? The others won't be coming back anytime soon" she nodded.

" ofcourse baby dad and I will give you space just make sure to come out and eat okay" I nodded.

She hugged me one more time before releasing me.

I walked into my room locked the door, took off my jeans and shoes then got in bed.

I spend Friday and the weekend at home locked into my room , I just needed to be with myself.

Xavier was getting married, isn't this what I wanted for my mate? For them to be happy.

But it bothered me that he lied and said he's found his mate , when I am right here.

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