Part 17

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I've been taking all this time away from Xavier training,  I knew if I needed things to work I need to unlock the goddess in me.

I was now sitting at the cafeteria a calm scent hit my nose " yes Luna how can I help" I said without even looking up and she chuckled sitting down next to me.

"I was hoping we could talk" I nodded waiting for her to talk "why haven't you told him yet?" She asked.

" telling him won't do him any good , let's just leave it" I answered,  I could feel my heart breaking at the thought that my Mate will be with someone else.

" you know she's casted him again" , I look at her " we both know the Luna is gifted you can easily take it away" she shook her head.

" Nathalie the Goddess cursed him only you his mate can take it away" I nodded.

" I understand " I got up and walked away.

Gary ran to me " close it" I turned to him " what?" , " the new energy flowing within you close it , Cale has been stalking you , it's visible today what has you rilled up? Is it Xavier " I looked at him " you know?" He nodded.

He put a hand over my shoulder " whatever happens you'll always have me ,just like Nathan said protect him and we will you" , " you've been training your power is that why you can sense mine" he nodded.

" remove the curse and bind him as yours when you're ready to fight , if both of you are meant to be he will with stand the power of the bond when you change" he assured and I nodded.

I drove back to the apartment to find Nathan I sat next to him " how is your shield ?" , " stronger I've been training with Gary" , " and your telepathy?" , " I can now go from home to the shed" , " good , and your elements?" , " air , and fire are 100 , water and nature well let's say 75, is it time?" I nodded.

" she's coming" , " you'll be okay right" I looked at him " I know you're string and all but you'll make it right? I've only just found you Nat I can't lose you again" , " I'll be fine I have you and I have him" he nodded

" you finally know?" I nodded " good , he has something fishy on him he smells weird " , " I know I'll take care of it , ask Gary to teach you the abstract power you need to cast a protective binding spell on our parents , I can't she will smell it , and she will know , I give you till the school event , keep away from Nancy this requires abstinence" he nodded.

I got up and got in room , chanced into sweat pants and hoodie and teleported to the abandoned building , I needed to train myself every day from today and filling myself with his energy to help unlock myself.

The next day I went to school , first lecture was mating studies " finally" Luke said running to me and hugging me " where have you been" he asked turning me around inspecting me.

" Lucky I see you've missed me" , " are you kidding it's so boring without you , those two are all boring" he pointed to a very annoyed looking Xavier and angry Lisa.

I walked up to my seat " sorry I had something to take care of" , I walked to Xavier with my hand out and he rolled his eyes " why not ask Lucky" I chuckled he was jealous cute.

" I prefer yours Mr Future Alpha" he turned to me " are you flirting with my Mate?" Lisa asked " how could I when he already has you , anger is no good for you baby " , Xavier pulled out the lollipop from his mouth and into mine.

"From now on I want one every period" he nodded I noticed the bracelet on his wrist and I smiled walking away to my seat.

Xavier gave me a lollipop every hour , that's more than what I had asked for.

We now had a free class and he walked up to me "can we have a one on one I need to blow some steam" he asked and I nodded getting up from my seat following him out.

We take off our jackets he hands me a vest from the team kit and I take of my shirt and wear it he does the same thing.

The game was intense and sexual , it was if he was telling me his feeling through it , his gaze on me ,the feeling on my skin when his body was close to mine , the tingling sensation when his hands grazed my body , my body was screaming for more , more of him.

We stumbled and he fell ontop of me with us both breathing heavily,  I could hear his heart beat his eyes went from mine then to my lips.

He suddenly kissed me and I responded immediately, we were both hungry for one another , his hand behind my head whilst mine dug deep in his hair.

We both pulled away feeling out of breath he connected our foreheads closing our eyes , and just breathing heavily his breath on my face as mine on his.

" I miss you Nathalie,  I am going crazy , I crave for you every day , why are you pushing me away" he opened his eyes staring through me.

"I am sorry , I thought I should give you time with your Mate " , " I want you , please don't push me away again" I could see his eyes water up.

I pulled him into my embrace " I won't run I promise" he pulled me to him , I could feel him relaxing as he took in my scent.

God I craved more, I wanted this to last forever.

Luke cleared his throat bringing our attention to him we pulled away and stood up "Lisa is on her way , I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up" he said smiling widely.

"Glad to see you guys made up , it was starting to get awkward" I changed back into my clothes and walked out with Luke.

Moments later Lisa walked into the hall , I took a deep sigh thank God Luke got me out in time.

Classes continue and things weren't awkward between me and Xavier anymore we had small talks before being interrupted by Lisa but we were okay.

We also spoke over the phone , he would text me every now and then.

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