Part 5

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I woke up to my phone buzzing and I answered " what?" , " can I come over? Tonight" ," no" I dropped the call.

I got out of my bed did my bed and got ready for school.

I walked downstairs " Son can I t.." , " I am late , morning mom don't worry I'll grab something at the cafeteria" I walked out.

I drove to Sally's and got a sandwich, two donuts one condensed milk and one iced mocha.

I drove to school holding the food in one hand and my phone in the other I walked to the basketball court "I knew you'd be here" I said walking in seeing Nat sitting on the floor.

"Come here" she looked at me as I sat on the chairs " just come" she got up and walked to me " Goodmorning to you to I guess" I chuckle.

" for someone who has no emotional vein you're funny , sarcastic yes but funny" , "I see you did your research" , "yes you had me curious, now taste one and tell me which one you prefer" I say handing her the drinks , she chose the mocha and I chuckled.

" thought as much" , " what's this anyway" she said taking a bite on her donut , " well I wanted to apologize for yesterday even if you weren't a you know , I still think it was wrong of me to act the way I did , plus for some reason I feel like me and you are going to be great friends" she chuckled.

" I am not good with friends" , " I didn't ask" she chuckled " friends it is then" she says and we click our cups.

We walk out of the court and into the hallway everyone is staring at us and Lisa walks to us.

She stands infront of us " really? Infront of me?" , "that's my que" Nat says but I hold her back " Nat is my friend and if that doesn't sit well with you bye" I push pass her walking with Nat to class.

The whole time she's quiet we get in class and she sits next to Luke " morning Lucky" , " Morning" , " what's wrong with you?" She asks him " nothing I just have a hangover" she nods.

She puts her hand on his shoulder before I realize what she's doing , Luke looks at her " I told you I like Lucky" she walks to her seat.

" she just took away everything is she a healer" I nod "something like that" I look over and see Lina staring at me.

She signals for me to go outside with her and I follow her out " what's going on with you and  Nat?" She suddenly asks.

" nothing I just like her vibe we're friends" , "bullshit everyone is talking about you two" , " Lina for real we're just friends,  your sister and I and probably your brother we will be working together when I am Alpha why not start our relationship now , honestly yes your sister is hot but I don't think I am her type and I don't see her that way I really just want to be friends" , " promise?" I nodded.

She walked back in class and we sat in our seats we had only morning class today.

After class that guy that's always with Nate stood infront of our door and Nat went to him , I called out for them and they stopped " hey , what are you guys doing after this" , "probably going to our place why?" , " you live together?" , " yes this is Gary my brother" I frowned I didn't like them living together.

" nice to meet you Gary , I am Xavier " he chuckled taking my hand in his " you don't seem happy about us living together Xavier" , " it's not that I just didn't know she had another brother" , " are you interested in her?", " no we're friends , anyway do you wanna catch a movie at the car park?" , " I'll go if Gary go" she says.

" I'll go if Lina goes " he says looking behind me " Lina" I called her waving her over " movie , car park , wanna come?" She nods " yes" she smiled widely.

" whose car are we taking?" She asks " Nats" I say pushing her to the parking lot " fine but don't get it dirty " , " where is Nate?" I asked " at home he had something to do today " Lina answered.

We got in the car with me sitting infront I looked at the way Gary looked at Lina , I swear they're mates but how can one be mated to they sister?.

I should really start listening in class.

We parked the car "well get snacks you two get drinks" I said walking out with Nat.

" what's with Lina and Gary?" , she looks around " you can't ask stuff like that in public you don't know whose listening,  but you're right , but let's talk about it elsewhere " I nodded.

We got the snacks and got back to the car.

The movie started it was a comedy every now and then I'd watch how Nat failed to understand some jokes , how she'd frown and pout , she was cute , by the time the movie was done Lina was asleep in Gary's arms and so was he.

" cute " I said looking at them and taking a picture , Nat just looked at them annoyed.

We drove off and we dropped Lina at home " thank you for spending time with me today Nat I had fun, let's do it again yes?" , she nodded " ofcourse next time you choose " she smiled widely " bye Gary" she said then waved at me.

She hopped to the house " should I drive you to school to pick up your car?" , " uhmm can we pick up my sister first then drop me off at my car ", "sure Gary do you want to do something?" , " uhmm I just want to spend sometime with Lina let me just annoy Nate bye" he said getting off the car.

We drove off " so Gary ?" , "he's my parents Godson his parents died during war" , I nodded understanding.

" Lina doesn't know so don't tell her okay" she added " and you don't do things like that with other people don't trust easly" she chuckled.

"You know I work on instinct right?" I nodded " I don't do things without thinking , the is a reason I called him Lucky " I chuckled and gave her the directions to Nancy's school.

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