Part 8

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As soon as I got home I felt my energy die down I could feel myself being drained.

I walked in to see my mom , dad and Lisa sitting in the lounge.

" come in here now" my father demanded I took a chair and sat infront of them.

" before you say anything can I talk" he nodded.

" this is my house my home , where I am supposed to feel safe and protected instead,  I now feel more comfortable being outside this house , I am going to be an Alpha one day and you are to groom me , what kind of Alpha will I be if I let you or anyone force such a big decision on my life , you're asking me to abandon my Mate and be with someone I don't even love , but here you are sitting next to the love of your life , this woman will be the future Luna filling in the steps of your mate , do you think she's worth it? Have you asked any young ones about her? She may seem perfect in you adults eyes because that's what she wants you all to see , but we are with her everyday , we go to parties and see how slutful she is when drunk , yes I choose to sleep with her but we all know we can't really control our heat , you should be proud that I choose to continue doing so with one woman instead of going around making a reputation for myself, if you keep her here I'll go elsewhere and I swear if needed I'll go away from here" , " Xavier!!" My mom shouted.

" I am sorry mom but I won't spend my days with someone I don't like " I turned and looked at Lisa " the whole school is talking about me and Nat calling her names , do you know how dangerous that is ? Whilst I am trying to protect my pack you're are angering her and putting it in danger" , "what are you talking about?".

" the is a new girl at his school , she's a warrior blanky , he's befriended her and has been trying to keep her calm" , " is her birthday near?" My dad asked and I nodded.

" I see , Lisa what have you done to the girl?" , " I didn't know she was a bl.." , " she and her little friends keep taking pictures of us and writing mean things about her , she's not a social media person but her brother and sister are , what if they show it to her ? How do you think she'll react then?".

" son I am sorry I didn't know you had a task on your hand , but the reason I am pushing this on you , well the Goddess urged that you get mated within the next 3 months or she will start a war, if you can get your mate by then , that's fine but if not I am afraid you'll need to take Lisa" , I stood up.

" thank you , I'll take your words in consideration" I walked out and my mom followed me up to my room.

" have you eaten? Whose clothes are you wearing? Is this the girls scent did you sleep with her? Is she your mate?" I turned looking at her sitting her down.

" mom calm down , yes I've eaten , yes these are her clothes , no we didn't sleep together I slept on the couch , I don't know yet " , "what do you mean you don't know yet".

" well how does one know when they've found they mate?" I asked my mom " your wolf senses tell you , the moment you see that person you just know they're yours" , " I don't know it's different with Nat , I like her and not to lie I think I am starting to like her like her , I don't know if she's my Mate but  , when I am with her we can talk for hours and I wouldn't be bored , I like learning about her , I like doing things for her , it's only been 3 days but when I leave from her it feels like something of me was taken away , I want to see her more even now ,I want to call her and hear her voice make an excuse so I can see her" my mom looked at me scanning my face.

" you sound like someone who has found they mate but why is the mate bond not pulling you two together or am I missing something?"She asked more herself.

" uhmm I think let me meet this girl then let's see if I can help maybe she really is your true mate" she voiced and I nod.

" please be at dinner your sister missed you and Nick has been asking if you'd play with him" I nod and got on my bed.

She got up I pulled out my phone and texted Nat "what are you up to" , " I need your help" I got up immediately and called her.

" you didn't have to call " , " but I did what's wrong?" , "I need a place to train my brother , a place forbidden for others and no one has access to" , " okay when do you want to go?", " busy now? It's kind of urgent" , I'll be at yours in 20" , " sure".

I dropped the call got out and drove to her house.

She , Gary and Nathan were sitting outside they got in the car " hey " she said " hey , Gary , Nathan" Gary waved " Xavier " , she looked between me and Nathan " that's a good start keep working on that" , Nathan looked at her " why?" He shrugged and I looked at her.

" you didn't tell him?" , "that will only distract him lets go"Gary voiced , " is this about my Mate? Does Xavier know?" I drove off.

" let's talk about that later you need to focus on this right now its important , I was wondering Nat how did you really stay calm these few days? " Gary asked.

" he" she pointed at me " I think because he's an Alphas son he's energy has been keeping me calm" , Gary looked between us " nice".

The rest of the drive was silence , I drove off to one of the abandon buildings where my mother trained in seclusion.

" We can stand guard" I pointed between Gary and me , she nodded and walked in with Nathan.

" you like her" Gary voiced and I kept quiet " I am looking for my mate and so is she" he chuckled " she's not looking for anyone".

" what do you mean?" He looked at me " you know what she is right?" I nodded " her mate is safe out there , if he knew who she was it will only bring danger to both her and him and the pack" , " why?" , "because the Goddess ordered us all to find and kill him , not only will she have all Blankies on her back but the Goddess as well , she's a kid 17 going on 18 she doesn't need that pressure, she might even die and I don't think she wants that ,she just wants a calm life" he chuckled "damn she doesn't even like fighting but if you saw her fight you'd be so surprised she's so damn good and so calm , that's the thing that annoys the Goddess".

" what do you mean" , " since I could remember Nat has always been calm the goddess hated that she could handle her reaction to things , this one time she had to endure 100 latches from the whip of thunder , she didn't flinch in pain or move from her position till all 100 were given to her , she got up and walked to her dorm without showing anything,  she still answered the teachers well too and we were only 10" I looked at him surprised.

" she was right you do have a calm sense of energy , I've never spoken to anyone so long not even her" he chuckled.

We stood on guard till late evening, she walked out carrying her brother " what's wrong with him?" I asked " he's just exhausted its our first day", " are you sure you want to drive with us ? Why don't you just teleport home? His energy will radiate the whole car and only harm you" Gary voiced.

" I am fine Gary look" she lifted Nathan's shirt showing us how fast he was healing " you guys did it?" Gary asked surprised " almost he got too excited and took a strike, but you're right see you at home" she closed the door and vanished.

I drove off , you don't see that every day. Nathan's scent made me miss her more , he smelt like her but you cam tell the difference.

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