Part 1

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I walk downstairs looking for my father, as I walk down the stairs I am hit by a delicious scent, that would be my mother's cooking.

I follow the scent to the kitchen and hug her from the side " morning mom" she turns and cupped my face " morning baby do you need me to make you a hangover cure" I run a hand on my hair.

She always knows when I've sneaked out " yes please" I say nervously she nods.

"Xavier we n.." my dad stops as he takes in the scent of his mate and the food.

I roll my eyes jealous at what's infront of me , I haven't found my Mate yet.

" Xav can you get your siblings down for me please" , " anything for the Queen " I say and they both chuckle.

I walk upstairs and go to my sisters room " Nancy mom wants you down for breakfast" she walks out of the closet.

" do you think I look good?" She asks me and I scrunch my brows confused.

" the blankies are coming back today dummy and I think my Mate is one of them so I wanted to look good for them" I walk towards her and lift her face up with a finger.

" you look beautiful in anything you wear , your mate will be out of breath just by seeing your beautiful face " she smiles widely.

" thank you , let's go" we walk out and I go to my little brother's room as she walks down the stairs.

He's playing with his toys on the floor I pick him up and tickle him before throwing him over my shoulder " I am coming down I promise I won't run" he says between laughs.

I spank him " not a chance buddy" we get downstairs and I put him down.

We eat over light conversations. Once we're done I follow my father to his office.

" Son I have something important to talk to you about" I nod letting him speak.

" the elders and I spoke and we've decided that you will marry Lisa" , I stand up " what!?" , he clears his throat.

" I am not getting any younger and you're getting older you're 23 son and maybe your mate passed just as hers" , " what if she's not dead? What then? I keep telling you Lisa isn't who you think she is" , " yet you've been sleeping with her" he says looking at me.

" only when I am in my heat because I don't want to sleep around" I explained.

" well I've spoken to her father and he doesn't seem to have a pro.." I didn't let him finish I just walked out of the room.

I am not marrying Lisa that's bull , I walk to my car.

Yes Lisa and I have been sleeping together but that's because I was avoiding sleeping around with other people.

I didn't wanna do stupid stuff and my Mate could reject me atleast with one person I can explain.

Mom stops me before I can get in " mom please" , " baby what's wrong?".

" didn't he tell you?" I ask and she shakes her head.

" he wants me to Mate with that bitch Lisa" , " Language" , " I am sorry mom"

She put her hand over my shoulder " you will meet your mate this year I am sure of it , I will help you find her if I have to okay" I nodded.

She hugged me then let me go.

I drove around clearing my head before going to school.

I've been looking for my mate for the past 5 years , the last time I did all I ended up following Nathan all around town thinking he was my Mate but when I was close to him I knew he wasn't.

We've been at each other's throat since then , Lisa even tried seducing him once but he wasn't interested.

I don't hate the guy we just don't click he's water I am fire.

I park infront of my favorite restaurant and get myself some donuts and warm condensed milk.

Sweet tooth , I know hey , I sit in my car enjoying my little treat.

I really wish my mom is correct, I hope I meet my Mate soon.

I wonder what she looks like , but why do I care she is my soul mate whatever she looks like she's going to be one loved woman by me and our kids.

Once done I drive off to school it's 9 am class starts at 10:30.

Annoyed that I am still early I walk to my classroom.

When I reach there it's empty.

Great I walk to a seat at the back and take a nap.

NB: Nancy is 16 and Nick is 6.

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