Part 6

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~Nathalie ~
We got to the school and a new scent hit me strongly making me chuckle,  I never thought I'd find my brothers mate so soon.

She got in the car and I turned looking at her " wooow you're so beautiful , are you my brothers mate" I chuckled.

" thanks but I don't think so , you look beautiful yourself " she smiled , " excuse me I am here too" , " I know" I answered.

" so what are you guys?" , " Nancy this is Nathalie she's my friend " , "wait I've seen you somewhere,  you're that girl everyone was talking about you" , " what girl" , " uhmm Nathan's new girlfriend" I chuckled.

" what do you think of him?" I asked " who?" , " Nathan" she thought for a minute.

" honestly I don't know him , my friend always talk about him and show me pictures of him with girls and stuff saying he's a player " I nod " do you think he's a player " she shakes her head.

" I just think all these girl are using him , so are you really his girlfriend ", " no but it surprises me that you guys never met" she looked at her brother.

" well I can't he and my brother don't get along , so he banned me from seeing or speaking with him" Xavier shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

" stop starring" he said as he felt my gaze on him.

" do you believe in mates?" She asked me.

" for everybody else yes for me no" I answered and she nodded, this time Xavier starred at me.

We got to his car Nancy said her goodbyes and walked to the car " what?" , " why were you asking her all those questions", " what's with you and my brother?" He rolled his eyes " fine you win give me your phone "I gave it to him.

He called himself  and saved his number as " soursucker " I chuckled " so unique " , " I know right just like the person who gave it to me bye" he got off closing the door , I could feel myself heating up.

What is Xavier doing to me ? Is he flirting with me?.

I get home and get to my room " home yet?" I get a text from Xavier , " yes " , " what are you doing?" , " nothing" , " are you alone?" , " yes " he kept quiet for a while.

" burger or pizza or both?" , " burger" he went quiet again.

It was now in the evening Gary texted he won't be coming back home , I took a shower , lotioned my body and wore my black big hoodie with boxers.

I took a nap.

After I got home I didn't really want to be here,  father invited Lisa and he said she's sleeping over.

I walked out of the house went to the burger place and got some for me and Nat , I don't know I just wanted to be with her , I didn't want to go home.

I asked Lina for her address and she gave it to me.

I've been texting her but no response,  I knocked on her door and after minutes of knocking she opened up.

" I thought your senses were the highest" I said pushing her out of the way with the food.

She rolled her eyes " you haven't eaten since afternoon I brought dinner" , " thanks" was all she said now noticing she's wearing boxers.

I chuckled " I have the same color boxers" , " bruh leave me alone" I laughed falling of the chair " you're an idiot" she said sitting next to me giving me a glass of juice.

We ate our food joking around "so what really happened between you and my brother?" , " nothing honestly girls just brought the tension to us and I guess we just took the bait" she nods.

" why?" , " your sister is his mate , I understand why he hasn't noticed until now" , " what? Are you sure? , I mean I would do anything for her to get her mate she's been looking forward to this and all this time I am to blame" , " well ill talk to my brother first then maybe we can get them to meet somehow" I nodded.

It was now midnight " can I sleep over" she choker on her drink " I mean it's midnight , I can take the couch " she nodded " this couch or the one in my room you choose" she then asked.

"Uhmm the one in your room that way we can talk and not make it awkward" she nodded.

We cleared up everything then went to her room.

It looked huge " this place is huge , your room looks so cool" , " thanks" she said getting out blankets for me " you don't like color don't you?" I asked she chuckled.

"Black is a color " , " I know but mostly you like safe colors black , Grey,  white the only thing you have with color are your sneakers " she handed me sweat pants with a hoodie " you can take a shower and change or whatever" she said.

I chuckled " you should work on hospitality , I'll take a shower" I walked into the bathroom taking a shower and got dressed in the clothes she handed me.

I walked back out to see her sound asleep , I covered her up with her blankets and she purred making me smile " cute" I said taking her hair away from her face.

I walked to the couch and fell asleep immediately.

Her scent lingered in the making me feel warmth and sleep , I felt so comfortable and warm.

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