Part 19

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I heard a knock on the door , I quickly got up , pulling myself away from Nat who purred at the suddenly lose of contact.

I pulled a hoddie over my head and boxers , and opened the door.

Mom stood with a tray and a smile on her face " she will need this " she handed the tray to me " I'll tell your dad you're not feeling well so you can take care of her " she walked away and I got back inside locking my door.

There was food , meat mostly and cake and cupcakes and donuts too , with juice and tablets and a cube.

I put it on the table and took of the hoodie getting back into bed.

She snuggled into me immediately and purred , I looked at her she was deep asleep with light low snores leaving her lips.

She looked beautiful I kissed her forehead then her lips she kissed me back and I pulled out " sleep" I said and cuddled up on her falling asleep immediately.

I was woken up by Nat wiggling in my arms " Xavier let go I need to pee" I smiled kissing the back of her head before letting her go , she ran into the bathroom.

I chuckled she was completely naked and I know she didn't notice.

After a while she popped her head out of the bathroom " uhmm could you like get me something to wear" I scrunch my brows " why? I don't want you dress" I teased.

" please" she said , I got out of bed and she closed her eyes looking away when she noticed I only had my boxers on.

I pulled out my black shirt and boxers and stood infront her " you can't get dressed with your eyes princess" she opened her eyes falling back when she noticed how close we were.

I catched her before she could fall and she bit on her lower lip a growl leaving my throat, I lick her lip and she let's go and I suck on it then let go her cheeks visible red " I told you I'll punish you every time you do that princess" I could feel my wolf wanting to take control,  okay that's never happened.

She looked up at my eyes then my lips , stood to her toes and kissed me , I held her arm as she moved away " where are you going?" , "taking a shower" she answered " I'll take one with you" I slid of my boxers and she gasped looking away.

"Cute" I said putting the clothes on the side opening up the shower and testing the water.

I pulled her infront of me letting the water go down on her , I put shower gel in my hand and started washing her body my hand went down her back , and stopped before her ass she flinched , I turned her around , my hands taking her body in running circles around her boobs as her nipples stood up to me.

She put her hand on my chest with gel on it her hand traces down my chest down my abs and she bit her lower lip then looked up at me , I closed the distance between us and pulled her to my chest , she bent down on her knees taking my member into her mouth.

God what was this woman doing to me , the water runs down my body as her tongue plays tricks with the tip of my member , I groan with pleasure,  she was so good.

I switched off the water tilting my head back , I look down at her my hand griped on her hair " look at you , you're doing such a good job " I praised and she took me deeper in.

She upped her pace and I came in her mouth , she stood up licking my cum of her lips , I pinned her on the wall and entered inside her she moaned.

Noticing she was feeling sensitive I slowed down my strokes switching on the water to calm our bodies up , this time we were slow , pationate and emotional her moaned echoed with my groaned we both came I knotted inside her and her body was shaking.

We stayed like that for a minute her arms wrapped tightly around my neck , when my knot released I immediately pulled out of her.

We took our shower got out lotioned our body and she she wore a tshirt,  I stopped her when she was about to wear boxers and pulled her out with me , I placed her on the bed and took the cube.

" open" I said bending between her legs she looked at me confused " you're swolen I need to apply ointment" she hesitated but I opened her up she flinched as I applied the ointment.

I leg go of her and gave her the pills she gulped them down I took her hand in mine leading her to the couch so we could eat after eating everything,  I mean everything I think my mom knew we would need so much food.

I leaded her back to bed " you need to rest , next time don't let me fuck you so hard yes?" She looked at me confused " we shouldn't be fucking so much it's not good for you , I might hurt you" I explained.

" next time?" She asked and I nodded " but you have L.." , " let's not talk  about that right now , I told you I want you " , " you're just using me for the sex" , she stood up " no , I mean yes , yesterday I wanted to but no that's not wh.." , " stop" tears visible in her eyes.

She just vanished , what the fuck was that ?  , I am so stupid I jumped out of bed pulling on sweat pants and a white shirt with my white sneakers, taking my phone and keys I rush downstairs " great you're up let's go see Lisa" father said walking into the house.

I just nodded I knew I couldn't tell him what happened,  he didn't like Nat.

I spend most of my day taking care of Lisa , Nat wasn't answering my calls or texts.

I researched what knotting meant and why it only happened with her.

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