Part 11

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Lina asked me to go with her to the bathroom and I did.

" so what's with you and Xavier?" , " why is everyone asking us this? We're just friends why?" We walked inside the bathroom.

"Nothing it's just the way he looks at you , that's not how friends look at each other" , " what do you mean?" I asked curiously " he looks at you like Gary looks at me" I chuckled.

" you're seeing things Xavier is looking for his mate why waist time with me" she nodded.

She did he business as I stood there thinking about what she had said.

We walked back to the guys " so Nat can we like drink and play games at your place?" Lucky asked " no" both me and Gary answered and Nathan chuckled.

" I wanna drink with you" Lina said " a few drinks won't hurt" Gary said and Xavier chuckled "Gary!" I shouted " fine no drinking" , "c'mon Nat just a few we'll clean up" Nathan said.

Xavier kept quiet " fine but I won't drink" I said , Xavier looked at me as if looking for reason "that's no fun" he said and I nodded.

Drinking wasn't gonna do me any good right now.

We walked to the liquor store we got some vodka , beer and tequila.

We drove back to my apartment " wow this place is huge and it looks cool too" Luke said " thanks" Gary voiced , " I don't know why you're thanking him when you hardly here literally living alone now" he chuckled  " I have some unfinished business I need to handle at home" he says looking at Lina who is blushing.

" hey you guys got matching bracelets" Luke says bringing everyone's attention to me and Xavier , he chuckles " yea my birthday present" , " nice , are you sure you're not mates? " , " let's just drink " Nathan voiced.

We go outside by the pool and they play music while playing drinking games , I sit next to Gary and watch everyone drinking " is he the reason you're not drinking?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" , " you can hide from everyone but not me Nat , I can smell him all over the apartment and on you , are you guys dating" , " no he slept over last night , he got drugged at his party" , " so you slept with him?" , I shake my head.

"No I helped him get rid of the drug and we slept " , " can I ask you something?" I nodded " when Nate gets rid of his curse how would you feel if he found his mate?" I looked over at Xavier then at the bracelet he got me running a finger over it.

" as long as he's happy , I'll be fine" he chuckled , " I don't know if you haven't noticed but you two are deeply inlove with each other maybe it's because his an Alpha King and you are destined to be a Goddess maybe that's why you're attracted to him but something is pulling you two together" I looked over at Xavier and we locked us.

" and that's how you look at someone you want to protect for the rest of your life" he said before getting up and walking towards Lina.

I ended up drinking , it was now late in the night we were playing spin the bottle , it landed on Luke and Nathan and they dared each other , it then landed on Gary and Xavier.

" I dare you to do a 30 sesh with Nat" Gary said , I choked on my drink and so did Nate "yes I want to see this too" Luke said.

Xavier looked at Nathan " I don't want to do something you wouldn't like I don't want us fighting again" , " if Nat is okay then I am cool but I think you guys should do it in the room 30 minutes is quiet long and we want to keep playing" , Xavier got up taking my hand in his.

We walked to the room and sat on the floor " you've been awfully quiet" he said.

" I have alot on my mind" I confessed , " can I help calm you down? You haven't had anything sweet since the arcade" I nodded.

He pulled me closer to him lifting me up and sitting me onto of his lap with his back against the bed.

" kiss me " he ordered , I bit on my lower lip as our eyes locked looking from his eyes then his lips " I told you what danger that puts you in" he voiced his voice soft low and deep.

" kiss me " he demanded and I smashed my lips on his ,  I felt him harden under me his hand go under my shirt squeezing my butt making me moan , he moves one hand up while the other hold my hips down.

We deepen the kiss his hands trace up my back , leaving little burning sensations on me.

I break the kiss looking at him , I jump of him and he looks at me confused.

" we shouldn't be doing this" I voiced " Nathalie" , " no you promised" he looked at me then gulped down his drink.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence we went out and sat with the others.

" you bite her?" Luke said looking at my lips " I got carried away" Xavier said gulping down a full glass of vodka.

I took one myself and gulped it down " whoa what's with you two" Lina asked.

" Nothing " Xavier answered taking another glass and gulping it down , I took one two and gulped it down " oh for fucksakes just fuck already" Nathan voiced making us both choke on the vodka.

Everyone laughed he poured vodka for us both and himself " I look forward to the day you two realize you love each other" everyone lifted they glasses and clicked them we picked up our own " to Love" we all said.

Okay we were now all drunk ,Xavier and I would make out every now and then , even kissing infront of the guys once.Lina and Gary slept in his room Gary and Luke slept in his room, we slept in my room we were too drunk so we just passed out.

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