Part 7

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I woke up feeling so light , I swear I've never slept so peacefully.

I got out of the couch did my business in the bathroom then walked out to find Nat , she sat by the window with a book in her hand , she was wearing glasses and her hair tied up.

She looked really good " I didn't know you read " , " Morning to you too Mr Future Alpha" I chuckled.

" sorry Morning" she closed her book " you're up late and I don't eat breakfast this late" I look over at my phone to see the time it's 10:30 " wow I've never woken up this late either , I am sorry as an apology let me take you somewhere for breakfast" she nodded.

She walked in the room wore her black sweat pants and sneakers , I wore my sneakers. And we walked out , I drove us to Sally's , I've never taken anyone here but I don't know I wanted her here with me.

We walked in and sat down , we ordered our food " this is my favorite restaurant" she chuckled " I can see why" she pointed at all the dessert infront of us.

" for every order you can have dessert free in the morning" , " really?" , "yep anything" , "that's so cool I should come here more often , maybe with Lina I guess she'd like that" a little hurt that she didn't say with me.

Our food arrive and she took in the scent " smells delicious" , I chuckled " you're not good with Lina?" I asked , she took a bite of her burger " I've been away for a really long time and we've never really talked , I don't know how to act around her , she makes me uncomfortable but I don't want to hurt her feelings or disappoint her , Nate told me she was excited that she had an older sister and I don't know what that is , all my life all I know was to fight , I am not a social person but somehow I do fine with you and Lucky" I chuckled.

" being an elder sibling doesn't require much , just like you do with everything else this too require instinct,  compliment her , take her to fun places , spend time , figure out what she likes , protect her , talk to her more , and taking her here will be great she likes cakes plus you have it easy Lina is an easy person , she's not like other girls , she likes books like you , movies , food , shopping , jewelry , maybe play tennis with her and go to some parties maybe" she nodded.

" thanks I really want to work on relationship" we finished up our food , she got chocolate slice of cake and I got vanilla ,we walked outside she saw a jewelry store and walked to it.

" I want to get her something" she said and I nodded , she picked up a silver necklace with a moon crescent on it " I'll take this please" she said.

As she was busy I looked through the bracelets , I saw a black bracelet with an X on it , I signaled the worker to help me get it and asked them to engrave N.B behind it , they said to fetch it after 2 days and I smiled.

We walked back to the car " did you get something?" She asked and I shook my head " when is your birthday?" , "two weeks from now yours?" , " this coming Friday" , she nods " I should get you something then " , "will you go to my party? You can bring Lina" , " uhmm not now I can't do drunk people now I need to train Nate first so I can socialize " I nodded.

" okay I look forward to partying with you in the future" , "me to" she said.

We got in the car and her phone rang "you didn't have to call me you know?" , she answered " fine I'll bring your clothes , I don't have class today " she dropped the call.

" guess someone is not coming home anytime soon" ," I guess so" she answered.

I dropped her off and left , God knows I didn't want to I had to fight myself to go away from her , what was happening to me.

I picked up Gary's clothes and walked out of the apartment driving home.

I got in and mom hugged me immediately " so nice of you to come see us baby are you staying for lunch" , " uhmm I'll see is Lina home?" She nodded.

"In her room" I got up throwing the bag at Gary as I walk past him.

I knock on her door " come in" I walk inside " hey " , " Nat , hey" she gets up from her bed and hugs me.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" I sat next to her on her bed.

Noticing her eyes were puffy " were you crying " she looks away and I bring her face back to look at me " hey what's wrong? Did someone bully you? Did.." , " Nat I am fine it's nothing" , " Lina I am worried just tell me why you were crying ".

She takes a deep sigh " it's stupid , my friends they were here and they were talking about Gary and I didn't like how they were talking about him and looking at him and I snapped out at them and asked them to leave , I got so angry and I well I..I.." she sturted.

" at dinner last night I couldn't stop looking at him , I suddenly felt so pulled to him and when he looked at me my stomach just felt warm and weird and I freaked out so I locked myself in here then all night all I could see was him , is he my Mate or am I just fantasizing over my brother am I weird?" She finally said.

I kissed her forehead " I don't think you're weird I think why not speak to Gary and you both figure it out together yes?, I promise you he's good at figuring things" she smiled looking up at me.

" Thanks Nat , what did you want to talk about?" , " well I wanted to give you this" I said taking out a box " I saw this and thought it'd look good on you" , she smiled widely and took the box.

She opened it then attacked me with a hug making me chuckle " thank you thank you , I love it , put it on me " , " well you need to get off me first " she chuckled and got up.

I put it on her " I'll never take it off , thank you Nat" I smiled and took her hand in mine.

" I am not good with showing emotions and all but I wanna be good at this , I want to be good with you , I'll try my best to be your big sister and working on us , just promise me you'll meet me halfway" , " you've been doing so great sis thank you I really appreciate the little things you do for me" she hugged me again.

" you can stop eavesdropping now" I said and the door swung open " what we were curious " I rolled my eyes and got up walking to Nathan's room.

" we need to talk" , " about what ?", I looked at him " well for starters I found your mate , he walked up to me and squeezed my arms shaking me " Nate losen her up she's already in pain because of you" he turned looking at Gary then let me go.

" what you both should be talking about now is how she is taking all the pain just being in the same space with you" , " what is he talking about?" He looked at me.

Gary sat him down " you need to start training , your sister there has been doing a pretty good job calming herself down , I don't even know how she did it considering us being around people at school,  because you are untrained the power inside you that's unwaken is hurting her she's taking in both powers".

He took my hand in his " Nat you said we'll talk why didn't you tell me I was hurting you? Can we start the training immediately? Will it take long? Will you be okay?" He asked.

" I am fine Nate really, we can start anytime you feel like it but we need to find a place to do it , I promise to talk to you about this starting from now okay" he nodded then hugged me.

" I am sorry I've been playing around all these years , starting from now on I'll learn all I can about us" I nodded giving him a light smile.

Honestly I don't know how I've been so calm to , maybe it's because I've been spending alot of time with Xavier he has been keeping me calm.

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