Part 13

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I hated our birthday, the only thing this day reminded me off was that , I'd soon know who my Mate is.

And the pain of my heat. I woke up grumpy getting some ice-cream from the fridge.

My phone rang and it's Gary , I answered " do you want me to come over?" , " no its okay I'll be fine" , "okay see you tomorrow then don't forget you have a test" , "thanks" , " oh and mom made cake so if you feel better come home", " sure" I dropped the call.

I spent most of my day in bed , in the pool , in the bath tub trying to calm myself down.

I could feel and locate my Mate but I cast my wolf down , if I acted out rationally they would find him to , I needed to stay calm.

It was now at night I was laying in bed the suddenly a heat wave hit me followed by pain , this pain wasn't normal.

After an hour the pain disappeared , I slept from the exhaustion.

Before I knew it , it hit me again it felt like my insides were being torn into two no three.

This went on all night , I couldn't sleep a wink till morning.

My phone rang and I answered " get up or you'll miss the test" Lina said.

I looked at the time and it was 8:15 the test is at 9 , I quickly got in the shower gragging my painful body it took longer than I thought it will , I painful but clothes on and walked to my car.

I got in and drove to school.

I woke up disgusted by myself, I pushed Lisa off me waking her up " leave" she immediately got up and left , it was 5 am.

I got into the shower using every shower gel in my bathroom, trying to get her off me.

I hate myself when this happens , I didn't expect to be in heat but ever since Nat released me from the spell I've been feeling weird.

Craving for Lisa whilst another part of me craved Nat , I couldn't understand what was happening.

After like 20 washes I get out get dressed then go downstairs,  I notice my sister sitting alone in on the table , " what's h.." I pause as I can tell she's crying.

" hey what's wrong?" , " is something wrong with me , I haven't found my Mate yet? Do you think they passed away" , " uhmm actually I wanted you to meet someone today will you ?" She nodded " uhmm I'll leave first I want to take the long route to school" I nodded letting her go.

I forgot about Nathan and her , I wonder if he'll talk to me today.

My mom walked in "is Lisa gone yet?" I nod " you know son with your wolf let out sleeping with someone else hurts your Mate more than you think especially if she was on heat to" I nod.

" mom what is imprinting?" , she looked at me before sitting down " it's when you imprint your scent on someone who shares the same feeling as yours , they can be on heat , mostly males imprint on females locking them from any other males , even if she's on her heat only the one that imprinted on them can feel they heat " I nod.

"Good chat see you when I get back" I kissed her cheek and walked out before my dad could come out.

I got to school at 8:50 , I put my bag down and in walked in an angry Nathan.

Punching me in the face letting me lose my balance and move back.

Gary holds him " I told you not to imprint on her you jerk" he shouted " you've gotta stop hitting me , I am really at the edge of losing my fucken patience with you" , " I couldn't fucking care about your shitty patience do you know how much pain she was in ? She couldn't even sleep one bit , she could even miss her test because of you" , what are you talking about?".

Gary pushed Nathan back and stood between us " she felt everything you were doing last night , every round you did brought her more pain , when you imprint on someone she feels you like your mate feels you when you sleep with someone else , she only slept this morning" I couldn't feel my heart breaking.

I lost my balance and Luke held me up straight,  Lina walked in looked at me with disgust as Nathan and Gary walked out.

"Okay students sit , it's time for the test " he was about to close the door but paused when Nat slid in.

" Ms Brown good timing" she looked terrible,  her eyes red under her glasses her hair tied up , she wore Grey sweat pants and Grey hoodie with white sneakers.

A huge lump sat on my chest.

We wrote the test ,  I wasn't even focused every now and then I'd look at her.

Once we were done the lecture took all papers and walked out , I walked close to her immediately opening up a lollipop.

She stood up " uhmm could you like give me some space whatever scent that's all over you is making me feel worse" , Nathan walked in pushing me away from her " Nat are you okay" she looked at him giving him a small smile.

" uhmm yea I just need to sleep" she walked away and I held Nates arm.

" we need to talk" he slid his arm off me " I need to take care of my sister this can wait" I pulled his arm "it can't it's about your mate" Lina pushed between us " I'll take care of Nat " she waked out.

" come with me" I said going to my car , he got in and we drove to Nancy's school " she's a kid?" , I looked at him " she's my younger sister" , " is that why I can smell you?" I looked at him confused.

" when you're a twin , you can smell your twins Mate before them , that's how Nat found your sister , the Mate can also smell its mates siblings smell".

I chuckled " I followed you to the mall once thinking you were my Mate" I confessed , he just looked away " for a future King you're pretty dumb " , " that's the same thing your sister said" I looked out the window as Nancy walked out of the school with her friend.

"Mate" Nathan said as he jumped out of the car within minutes he was infront of her his arms wrapped around her and his face buried on her neck.

She froze but after realizing what was happening she wrapped her arms around his waist.

They stood there like that for a while with everyone looking at them.

He finally let her go locked hands with her and walked to the car , he opened the door for her and she jumped in her cheeks red.

He sat at the back pinching her chin lifting up her face " why are your eyes puffy? Did something happen at school? Did someone do something? Are you hurt" ,Nancy opened her mouth to say something but she closed it again.

" she was trying because she thought you passed away long time ago and that she will never find you" I said looking at them.

He took her hands in his "I am sorry I kept you waiting , I promise to make it up to you" I rolled my eyes.

" do you need me to take you somewhere,  I can be your chauffeur for the day , I don't want to leave you alone , I don't think mom would appreciate you being marked so early" , " just take us to my place " he said and I nodded.

Driving to his home.

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