Part 22

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I woke up to Nat ontop of me , I looked at her and brushed off the hair covering her face.

She opened her eyes " morning" , " you don't listen do you?" , " why are you shouting at me" she said getting up from me and walking away , I wrap my arms around her from the pain.

" I just don't want you to be in pain , I am sorry " she turned and laid her head on my chest.

" I can't stop myself because you taste , feel and smell so good , your scent is addictive to me even before I knew you were mine , I wanted you to be mine , if it were up to me I'd eat you for breakfast , Lunch , Brunch and Dinner" I spanked her and she bit on her lower lip.

" now I am suddenly craving for breakfast" I lifted her up putting her ontop of the bed one hand on her breast one holding her legs opened as I eat her out my tongue plays inside her and she gasps bending her waist as she tightened her grip on the sheets , her head laid back " Xavier" she moaned.

At the mention of my name I increased my pace and she moaned louder , her legs start shaking and I feel her cum , I wipe her clean and put her down.

" I told you to stop biting on that lip , next time I won't be as nice , I'll make sure you can't walk and stay in bed for day" she covered her face with her hands.

Her cheeks red , Cute.

A knock disturb us she got up and walked to the bathroom and I swinged on a hoddie.

I opened the door and Gary walked in pushing me to the side " give us a break would you" he said obviously frustrated.

" what are you talking about?" , " your scents , your scent,  I swear every girl around here will be pregnant by the time you stop fucking Nat" .

She walked out of the bathroom with a towel covering her " mask yourself Nat please , I have never been so sexually frustrated in my life" she chuckled.

" sorry this is all new to us we will do it right away , is everyone okay?" He rolled his eyes " no we are all horny no one is okay , do you know how weird it feels watching old people have sex in the street so no we're not okay" I chuckled " fine we get it , we'll do it now" , " stop putting more babies into her , those two are already enough" he walked out.

I looked at Nat confused and she ran into the bathroom and started vomiting.

Shit , after like 20 minutes spent in the bathroom Nat walked out looking pale.

" are you okay?" She nodded " just hu..." a knock on the door and in walked my mom with alot of food and pills and the cream.

" morning, she's going to need this" she pulled Nat to sit on the bed putting a hand over her belly " they doing good" she's just hungry and exhausted.

"What's happening mom?" She cupped my cheeks " you're gonna be a Father baby" Nat stood up running to the bathroom vomiting.

" what? You knew?" She chuckled " ofcourse I did I was here when you made them" I feel so stupid.

" is that what happens when I knot inside her" she chuckles " yes and that can only happen with your mate , make sure she eats and you too mask your scents before she sleeps okay" I nodded.

Nat walked out of the bathroom,  I opened my arms and she ran into me buried her face on my chest taking my scent in.

A wave of her pheromones hit me and I pulled her away ," we need to mask our scents , it seems these two are making mommy extremely needy down there" she chuckled.

We masked our scents and at , I applied ointment on her after finger fucking and eating her out , she was really horny , after that she slept like a baby , I fell asleep right after.

Things were going great , Father stepped down me and Nat took over.

Our babies were doing great , I on the other hand could never get enough of her.

Lina and Nancy were pregnant, they were now living in the apartment Luke was living with them and his mate Sia.

It was finally peaceful in our world.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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