Part 9

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It was now Friday we have been training everyday and Nate has been getting better at controlling himself.

Xavier has been keeping me calm and making sure to buy me sweets but he never misses giving me a lollipop.

I walked in class , I was exhausted okay I must admit Nate has been hurting me , if Gary hadn't spoken and we didn't train I would've done alot of things right now with all this anger.

I sat down and Xavier walked to me he sat on Lina's chair , he pulled out the lollipop from his mouth and into mine , I immediately felt better.

He smiled looking at me " so today I w.." , " I know we're taking a break today , it's your birthday here" I pulled out a small box giving it to him.

It was a black necklace with a small N on it and behind it , I engraved X.S his initials.

He smiled looking at it , he took out a small box from his pocket giving it to me " I guess great minds think alike then" I opened the box and chuckled.

It was the same bracelet but with an X and my initials " I guess we just got our friendship bracelet" , " you better not take that off" he warned "yes sir" I answered he helped me put it on and I helped him.

He took a picture of our wrists "thanks this is the best gift ever" he got up seeing Lina walk in " bye Miss angry right there looks like she wants to kill someone" I chuckled and Lina sat down.

" okay what's wrong" she looked at the door and I followed her eyes landing on a very nervous Gary.

He walked away and I looked back at my sister " so?" I put a hand over hers , " I saw him standing with a girl she put her hand on his chest" , " did he let the girl do it?" She rolled her eyes.

" no he pushed it off him immediately but she still touched him, Nat does this mean I am jealous? He's really my Mate I can feel it and I know you know too but I know you can say anything " , " sweetheart listen, you'll get all your answers when you speak to Gary and yes you're being jealous and cute , I bet if you text Gary right now he won't be moody , mean and start fights over nothing with others , I am sure he is confused too" she gasped taking her phone.

She texted him " can we talk after classes" , he answered back " sure" after a while he texted her again " I am sorry beautiful" she smiled so widely her cheeks turned red.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" I asked her worried and she shock her head " I am blushing this is what happens when you feel flustered and something someone says to you makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside" I chuckled.

Classes were over and I didn't see much of Xavier today but he would randomly pop out of nowhere giving me a lollipop.

I had basketball practice and got home around 6 , home alone once again.

I warmed up some lasagna and hit the shower , I wore my big baggy tee only it sat covering my bums right under them , I mean if I could bend you'd probably see my cheeks.

I poured myself some wine and put on some music , I ate my food and drank my wine.

When I was done I poured another glass of wine took my book and walked to my bed.

Snuggling in bed I read my book and drank my wine till I passed out.

I woke up to banging on the door I check the time is 12 midnight , I walked and opened the door.

Xavier walked in pass me " something is wrong with me" he said sitting on the couch.

I closed the door and walked to him and touched his face , it was boiling hot too hot for any wolf , his cheeks were red.

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