Part 2

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I walk out of the basketball training hall and walk to my dorm.

The hallway is silent , students are probably packing especially those who know will be sent home.

I get into my room and take a shower once done I get out lotion my body and get dressed in the same attire I always wear.

Black baggy jeans and a black baggy shirt my black and white sneakers and my basketball jacket with my lucky number 23 it's black with red highlights.

I get my black bag and leave my bouncy curly hair down.

"All students please gather in the student hall " the intercom announced.

That's new we usually go mid day.

I walk to the hall and sit at the back with Gary he nods his head greeting me and I do the same.

Once everyone is inside the Blanky Goddess walks in we all stand and bow.

"At ease" we sit back down, " morning students I'll make it short and simple as we don't have much time , all those turning 18 this year will be going home your bags will be delivered to your homes , and you will be delivered at school" gasps and whispers are heard.

"I've already got you all in schools near your home town , please follow the teachers to the buses" we all got up.

" students " we all looked back at her " anyone who finds me Nathalie's mate first will be rewarded" I look straight at her not breaking eye contact.

" kill him or her in sight and that's an order" Gary nudges me bringing me back , I look away and walk to the bus , everyone stares at me " Nat what's wrong why are you angry" Nathan's voice echoes in my head.

" it's nothing Nate can you pick me up at the station?" , " already on my way" , " thanks".

I sit down next to Gary " you're okay" I nod and he goes back to his phone.

We get to the station and we walk out the bus " uhmm hey can I catch a lift with you" Gary asks.

I don't say anything I just drag him with me , I don't get why he'd ask me that question Gary was family.

Nathan ran to me hugging me and picking me up " finally , is this Gary?" He asks and I nod and get in the car.

" I am Nathan" he says as we all in the car , Gary looks between us " twins?" I nod and he scoffs " that's why she wa.." he stops when he sees me staring at him.

" that's why what?" Nathan asked " the Goddess asked everyone to find and kill Nats mate" , " what? Why?" , Gary lookes between us " are you kidding" , " he's not a reader" I answer him.

Making him chuckle as we drive off " so he doesn't know he can shield you?" , " what's that?" , " you can feel each other when in danger , you can see things that are about to happen especially things between you too so you can shield her from attacks" Nathan looks at me as I look out the window.

He tightened his hand on the steering wheel " so all those times it was you? Last week when I almost died you were the one who killed that rogue" I looked at him and I nodded.

" I know we have alot of talking to do but we can do that late on okay let's get school done first okay" he nodded loosening his grip.

We got to school , I didn't notice it but we were matching,  he wore black denims and a vest with his basketball jerseys black with green highlights with the number 24.

He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked , with Gary behind us.

" Nathan I see why I was told not to put you too in one class" , " that's bullshit!" , "Language Mr Brown , here's your schedule , Gary you're with Mr grumpy here" we walked out.

"Man this is bullshit" , " it's not like you won't see me Nate , plus you have Gary I have no one" I turned looking at him as we stood infront of my class.

" take care of him okay don't let him get into fights , he's not good with people if they so much breath in his way he will go off , make sure he always has his earphones and his phone is charge to keep him distracted when you're leaving him alone in class , only I can stop him and I am not in the mood for fights"

He rolls his eyes " yes mother ill make sure my brother doesn't get in trouble " I roll my eyes.

"Lina is in your class be nice she's really looking up to having a big sis" I nod.

"I'll try my best not to disappoint her" , for a second I forgot I had a sister.

The only person I always talk to is my brother because of our connection.

I don't want to lie I didn't want to disappoint Lina I wanted to try and have some sort of relationship with her.

They wave and I open the door.

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