Part 3

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I woke up to students being noisy " finally you're awake, I saw this beautiful girl today but I think she was with Nate".

" morning to you to Luke why didn't you wake me up?" , " we both know how that would've went you like your naps remember" i chuckled he was right.

" so what were you saying?" , " Isaw this beautiful girl today , but I think she was with Nate " I rolled my eyes " Luke every girl is beautiful with you" , " trust m..." he paused as everyone went quiet.

Someone opened the door , there stood a girl with curly hair " Nathalie!" , Lina shouted waving her to her.

The was something about this girl her aura " she's the girl" Luke said shaking me ,without looking Nathan opened the door and threw something at her , she caught it.

" see you at lunch" , " no way she's with me " Lina shouted Nathan just rolled his eyes and closed the door.

she passed us sitting next to Lina " definitely with Nate" Luke said shrugging on his seat, what took my attention was the basketball jacket she was wearing with number 23 that's my number , but hers had red stripes whilst mine had green.

The lecture came in " Morning students I believe we have a newcomer Ms Nathalie" she put up her hand " great I hope you all will make her comfortable " , class started.

Next lecture Lina wasn't in , I waited for the Lecture to leave and I slid my chair towards her.

" you do know that's my number on your jacket right" , " mmmm" was all she said as she was busy on the phone.

"You've got people talking today" , "I noticed" she was still looking at her phone.

Luke came and sat next to her " thats no way to speak to the future Alpha" she finally looked up looking between me and Luke with her light green eyes which sparkled she looked back at her phone " well this happens to be my lucky number and it's on my basketball kit, we can have a one on one if you like , whoever wins keeps the number" , " wait you play basketball?" I asked curiously.

"Yea , problem?" , " I am Xavier Captain of the men's Basketball team" I put out my hand for her and she shook it " Nat " , " we can both keep the number it's not a problem , but I'll take you up on the one on one offer".

She nodded " great I'll get in touch with you when I need to let off some steam" , she got up " hey why don't you ask what my name is" Luke asked " if you wanted me to know your name you would've said it" , " it's Luke" , " sure Lucky" , " I said Luke" she rolled her eyes " and I like Lucky" she took her bag and walked out.

I chuckled looking at an annoyed Luke "I like her" I said " ofcourse you do" he rolled his eyes.

It was now lunch time , I walked to the cafeteria and saw Nat sitting with Nate and some guy , I scoffed being annoyed.

I stared at them the whole time eating,  I don't even know why , but I wanted to go there and pull her away from them.

Time went by and it was now our last lecture for the day , I was so annoyed the whole day everyone was talking about Nat being Nates gf.

Lina walked in class and I followed her " what?" , " uhmm where is she?" She rolled her eyes " why should I answer you?" , " because I asked nicely " she rolled her eyes.

" she is probably in the basketball court she doesn't like this class" , " thank you" I said walking back to my seat.

Why didn't she like the class who doesn't like talking about mates.

Annoyed I got up and walked to the court , finding her playing alone " why are you with Nathan? Are you two dating? And why aren't you in class" she walked to her bag and pulled out a lollipop and opened it " aaaah" she signaled for me to open my mouth and I did.

She put it in my mouth " firstly euww Nathan is my brother , twin brother to be exact , Secondly I am not interested in the whole mate thing , thirdly starting from today you're going to be my sour sucker" she signaled me to open my mouth she took the lollipop and put it in her mouth.

For some reason that made me warm inside " your what?" She looked at me " I like sweets especially these lollipops but they sour in the beginning so you will suck that away from me starting from today"

I scoffed " and why would I do that?" , " for the future of your pack Mr future Alpha" she teased grabbing her bag.

" what does that mean?" , " you should start reading up your history Mr Alpha this isn't good for someone whose gonna be a leader one day" she walked of and I grabbed her hand.

" what do you mean" , " I mean you're stupid enough not to sense I am a Blankie and not to know what a Twin Blankie means , just seeing you come in here raising your voice at me that alone tells me you're clueless,  I don't feel like fighting you so as a punishment you'll have to suck the sourness of my lollipop everyday , and before you ask sweets keep my anger levels in check , you definitely don't want me angry , next time I see you I hope you're more clued up" she walks off leaving me confused.

Luke walked in " Hey are you going to Mickies with us" , " uhmm no I have something to do with my dad maybe later" he nodded.

I walked back to class getting my bag then to my car I drove straight home I needed to have a chat with my mom.

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