Part 18

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It's been 2 weeks , Nat and I were fine again and she was now talking to me , I wanted to spend more time with her but I couldn't father made sure I don't.

We were having Lunch and Lisa was here to " so Lisa how's the little one" mom asked " good slowly but surely were getting the hang of it", " that's good when is your next appointment let me go with you" , " I'd love that it's Thursday".

Nancy rolled her eyes and excused herself from the table , and so did Nick , my dad was quiet the whole time my hand rubbing on Lisa's back.

" so son when will you let her move in?" Father asked " I was thinking after maybe next week,  this weekend is your anniversary alot will be happening and I don't want her to be stressed so after that " , " good you're thinking like a true Alpha and a father too"

I looked over at Lisa " ofcourse anything for my mate" I said smiling at her.

After lunch I took her home before I could even reach home my phone rang and I answered " what's wrong babe?" , she screamed " something is wrong with the baby" I turned the car around and drove to her as fast as I could.

She had blood all over her and she was screaming in pain , I lifted her up driving into the pack house doctor.

I lifted her up running inside " Cole something is wrong" , " put her on the bed " I did as told and he examined her.

" Xavier out" he said the nurses pushed me out and I stood infront of the door not knowing what to do.

Mom and father walked in " son what happened? Is she okay?" I shook my head.

"I don't know I left her home then she called saying she was in pain and I hurried here" my mom hugged "it will be okay sweetheart Lisa is strong"

After what seemed like forever the doctor came out and I stood up immediately going to him.

" uhmm Lisa is fine" , "and the baby?" I asked " unfortunately she lost the child" my ears suddenly went deaf I couldn't hear anything he said , my vision blurred and I felt hard hands on me.

It was my father " son why don't you go home and rest we will take care of Lisa" he said.

Mom held my hand leading me into the house.

" do you want to eat anything? It's quite late" I shook my head and walked up the stairs.

I pulled out my phone to see I have missed calls and messages from Nat.

The time was 10pm. I called her and she answered immediately.

"Hey" she said and I kept quiet and only breathed she dropped the call and was infront of me.

She got on the bed sitting on my lap and pulled me to her hugging me tightly.

I wrapped my hands around her waist buried my head between her breast taking her scent in.

We stayed like that for a while and I moved my head to her neck taking in her scent , she unwrapped her arms around me.

I looked down at her noticing she's wearing a tank top and boxers my hands wonder from her thighs to her boobs , my finger circles her nipple until they're visible,  I slid a hand taking her boob out sucking it and payed with the other.

She dug her hand into my hair moaning softly,  I let go of her boob moving up her chest to her neck she tilts her head as I kiss , nible and bite on her leaving traces of myself on her.

I let go and lock eyes with her , I can feel her pheromones lingered in the air and I felt myself harden under her.

"Xavier we c.." I smashed my lips on hers opening her mouth with my tongue , she doesn't fight me for dominance and goes in my pace.

I take of her top and mine lifting her up slipping her boxers off , I unbuckle my pants and take them off me lifting her back up and sitting on the couch with her on my lap , my member stands between her butt cheeks and we break the kiss gasping for air.

" Xavier w.." , " please" I pleaded she looked straight into me and nodded.

I lifted her up and positioned my member under her. She dug her nails deep on my back as I lowered her into me , she bit into neck stopping herself from screaming.

She felt so good , so tight "fuck" I muttered out , I let her stay ontop of me resting taking me into her.

" you feel so good" I said she lifted herself up locking eyes with me her pheromones wave hit me and the color of her eyes flicked between green and purple , she put her hands on my shoulders for balance and started moving up and down on me.

My hands on her butt squeezing it making her moan " fuck Nat" God she felt so good like she was mine, she went in faster , I tilted my head back " faster" I demanded and she did just that.

My mouth on her boobs sucking on them , I felt her walls clench , I got up turned her around placed her on the corner of the bed.

I entered her " God you feel good" I started pouncing her from behind, my balls clapping her ass , I spanked her and she moaned , I spanked her again before , holding her up in choke mode going deep into her , my strokes harder and she moaned will I groaned.

I lowered myself on her neck , God she smelled good I wanted to mark her she tilted her head giving me access to her neck , I bit on her but not marking her as we both came.

I felt myself knot inside her , this has never happened before not with Lisa.

I turned her around still buried in her , my finger circling her now sensitive clit.

Her back bent as her head buried into the bed.

Her eyes were now fully purple , I started pounching in her again taking her of guard.

She held onto the sheets tightly " Xavier" she moaned my name and I went in faster feeling myself about to cum "Xavier" she said again , shit her voice it was making me reach my climax.

" I love you Nat" her eyes locked on mine " I love you to Xavier" with that said I came inside her,  her legs started shaking under me her eyes now red.

I lowered myself on her and she smashed her lips on mine hungry for me.

I pulled out of her she turned us around with her on top of us , it hit me we were both in our heat , I slid a finger into her and she moaned in my mouth I put another one in and finger fucked her.

"Xavier please" she pleaded and I pulled my fingers out and put my member in her , she poundered on me faster and harder.

Soon we both came but I knotted inside her again , I turned her around with me now ontop of her and started fucking her harder.

We spent the whole night switching positions and slept in the morning.

We didn't have class today and that was perfect because I don't think we would've made it.

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