Part 21

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She clenched her fist and the trees flew exposing Blankies lingering behind them " Nat you're too angry move away" Gary voiced.

She moved to Xavier and took the lollipop putting into her mouth she wrapped her arms around his waist taking his scent in calming herself down.

She moved away " take care of the village I'll take care of this" the Alpha shifted bolting to the village immediately with the Luna and warriors behind them.

She clenched her fist and bones and howls echoed in the forest " come to me" she said walking to the middle.

" what's happening?" , "they here for her mate" Gary answered " she found him" Nathan nodded.

" we should protect them then" Xavier said and Luke chuckled " they should worry about themselves" Nathan voiced " why?" , " she's a Goddess when she turns her true mate will feel her power , if he can't keep himself up he could die just from her changing".

They all smirked looking at him he looked at Nat who ran deep in the forest she jumped high and shifted into the air.

Xavier felt strong power pushing him down and he bent one knee feeling as his chest closed in on him " mate " he growled loudly his eyes flicking between yellow and hazel his fangs showing his claws out.

He lifted his head looking straight at Nathalie, his chest grumbling he wanted to be next to her , he stood up but Gary and Nathan held him down.

"Finally" Luke said he put his hand on Xaviers shoulder and he calmed down immediately.

He got up " you guys knew all this time" they all ran hands through they hair " I told you , you were stupid" Gary voiced.

" I can't believe she's finally mine , we ne.." , " calm down big boy she can handle herself you have a pack to protect only you a King Alpha can handle thousands of Blankies" Gary said.

" Nathan will shield her and Luke is her guidian she will be fine" Gary added. They bolted back to the village.

Screams and howls , wolves being thrown around , combining they powers Gary , Nathan ,  Xavier and Luke , hit the ground in one strike , air Elementaries all worked together and so did the others.

Everyone turned when they felt a large knock and track on the ground.

Xavier walked in looking for his brother and mother they were sitting on the edge of a rock his mom injured her leg.

Nick ran to him and hugged him , he looked over to see Nancy with Lina and his Father on the other side.

Lina walked to the Luna bent infront of her and healed her leg instantly.

Nathalie walked out of the forest with no control of her new power every step she took forward the ground opened up the trees fell.

" Xavier get your ass here , she needs you" Xavier ran back up to see everyone staring at him mate she was half naked she wore a sports bra and biker bikini bottoms , she was exposed.

He waved all man off " what's wrong with her?" He asked " she can't control her power she's weak only you can calm her down" Gary answered.

Xavier ran into the woods teleported to her she jumped onto him as soon as she saw him wrapping her arms around his neck buried her head on his neck taking in his scent.

He wrapped his arms around her waist , with his hands running in circles on her back " hey princess" he finally said she lifted her head up locking her eyes on him " Hey" he rubbed his nose on hers nibbling her lips licking them before his tongue entered her mouth.

He teleported them inside his room putting her ontop of his lap , they pulled out of the kiss gasping for air.

He kissed down her neck living traces of himself on her she moaned " Xavier" his fangs came to life and he held her tightly against his chest biting into her and marking her she dung her nails on his back , her fangs out she marked him too.

With both they bodies letting out pheromones and they powers combined , everyone outside knew they have marked each other.

Cheers and howls echoed outside as people grabbed onto they mates.

Having such pheromones linger in the air wasn't good for unmarked wolves , they were in heat and the Alpha had a new problem on his hand.

Nathan immediately marked Nancy , Luke found his mate and Marked them immediately.

Blocking out everything happening outside , Xavier makes sweet love to Nat until sunrise.

Xavier was happy,  the one he loved was his true mate.

He stopped himself before he could hurt her again , but Nat wanted more and so he continued.

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