Part 20

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It was now the day of the event. Nat and Xavier haven't spoken or seen each other since that night.

They had never practiced but Xavier knew how important this was for his parents, he told himself he would sing the whole song by himself.

Everyone gathered in the main hall , people sitting with they mates.

Gary , Lina , Nathan and Nancy sat together infront with the Alpha and Luna.

The Alpha wanted Nathan and Nancy infront of his eyes , he didn't want her marked yet.

The event went by okay, but Nat was nowhere to be seen.

Xavier was getting anxious " Nate did you talk to her?" He shook his head " she's blocking me out " he answered.

It was now time for him to sing as the closing of the event.

He stood up and stood on the stage.

" this is a very important day for my parents , as part of the seniors of the Academy,  I was chosen to be the one that sings for them , now my partner isn't here , I don't know if she will be, she's kind of pissed at me , I was an asshole to her" he paused looking over at everyone.

" today is about Love and Mates , all my life I've been looking forward to the day I'd get to meet my Mate, but then I met Nathalie" cheers went around and screams.

" yes you were all right and I was wrong , I am truly inlove with her , I wish the Goddess would've blessed me with her as my Mate, she's an amazing person , I don't even know where to start apologizing for my mistakes , I listened to others instead of my heart and I hurt her" he paused.

"I hope my elders bless our union, I am sorry Lisa but my heart belongs to Nathalie. This song as much as I am singing it for everyone else , I wish she was here to hear my confession to her"

Everyone clapped and the music started.

He started singing

I would do anything for you.
Won't let your heart ache.
Never let no one before you.
Don't let this fade away.
And I will ride flatline skies
If it means more you.
No matter where we go , I got you , light in the dark.

And if I am dreaming let me sleep
Cause I don't want your love to leave
I don't want to fall too far , just ride this high that you givin me.

No I don't want to wake up.

No I don't wanna wakeup.

Nathalie's echoed in the room and the door swung open she started singing her part walking to the stage.

You don't even have to question
If the feeling is mutual , baby
Just like you would do for me
Nothing I wouldn't do for you , baby.
And I want it so bad , everything or nothing at all , yeah.
Take my soul to a place I can't control.

She was now infront of Xavier and they sang together.

And if I am dreaming let me sleep
Cause I don't want your love to leave
I don't want to fall too far , just ride this high that you're giving me.

No I don't want to wake up.

No I don't want to wake up.

Is it wrong that I crave you?
Is it wrong that I need you?
Is it wrong that I looove you?
And I know we're ain't supposed to
But I just want to hold you
Close my eyes just to see you
Baby if I am dreaming let me sleep.

As they continued to sing everyone looked at them as they felt the vibration of their powers connecting.

" she's his mate" the Alpha said watching them and the Luna nodded " he doesn't know it yet" he added.

"She's binding him" Nathan voiced catching the Alphas attention " why?" , " your son is an Alpha King he doesn't know it yet" one of the elders voiced from behind them listening on the conversation.

The Alpha looked at his son dumbfounded when he realized what he had done all this while.

Everyone clapped they hands as the pair finished up they song.

Nat walked of stage immediately walking away bowing to the Luna then leaving.

" she came here out of respect for our Luna , what a beautiful soul" the elder added.

After the ceremony Xavier tried following Nat but she disappeared.

He sighed his mom hugged him from behind, " patient son , be happy she atleast came" , he nodded.

Over the weekend blankies were acting suspicious and following Xavier all the time.

He didn't notice anything as Gary and Nathan kept him distracted.

Nat would ignore him at school.

It was Tuesday,  Nathalie walked in the class noticing the guys were not around.

" where is everyone?" She asked one of the students.

" well something happened yesterday and the Alpha and warriors were seen guarding the forest up " she nodded and sat down.

She knew she was being followed so she acted not to know anything.

The rest of the day was quiet after getting rid of who had been tracking her she walked up to the forest.

The warriors saw her and moved for her to get through " I've been looking all over for you "she said spotting Xavier.

" Nathalie what are you doing here? It's dangerous" she pulled out a lollipop from her pocket giving it to him.

" I need a booster" she said " fine but leave after this" she nodded.

Within a second she catched someone behind Xavier killing him immediately,  teleporting infront of the Luna killing the one infront of her then the one infront of Luke.

" come out or I'll make you" she shouted , all this happened with in seconds she walked closer to the Alpha " you come out her blind abandoned your pack , giving them an opportunity to wipe you out , you put the Luna in danger and the future King Alpha my Mate" , " I don't answer to you pup" she chuckled.

" do you know what or who your precious Lisa is?" She asked " do you know she's the only daughter of the Goddess? You bought her here whilst she had only one goal to kill your son".

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