28| Just hold me like this

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"I swear, it was incredibly chaotic," Arushi exhaled

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"I swear, it was incredibly chaotic," Arushi exhaled.

The three of them were sitting in an empty room, with Arushi posted up next to Nitya, while Virat took a seat across from them.

The craziness from just a few minutes ago was still swirling around in their heads. Even though they'd sorted things out, it was hard to shake off the chaos that had gone down.

"Are you alright? Despite Adwait filling us in on the details, we want to ensure that nothing has harmed you." Virat placed a reassuring hand on Nitya's.

"I am fine, Virat," Nitya reassured, placing her other hand on top of his.

She felt a deep sense of relief that had been eating away at her. The whole incident had been weighing on her for ages, but now, it was finally put to rest, giving her the peace she'd been craving.

"I must say, your punishment was far too lenient. Putting them behind bars would have been more appropriate," Arushi rested her head on the top of the desk as she looked at Nitya.

"And what good would that punishment have done?" Nitya raised an eyebrow. "Absolutely nothing. They're both rich, and it wouldn't take their parents long to bail them out and sweep this whole thing under the rug. At least with my punishment, they'll be tortured every second for a whole year. Their careers will be on the line. It's the most brutal, at least in my opinion."

"Well, fair point, but still, doing something more wouldn't have hurt," Arushi said with a shrug.

"I was completely out of ideas, Aru," Nitya shrugged helplessly.

Their attention shifted towards the door as Adwait entered the room.

"I need to talk to her," he stated, his gaze fixed upon Nitya.

Arushi glanced back and forth between Adwait and Nitya, a smirk playing on her lips. Amused, she got up from her seat. "Alright, Virat. Let's go. We'll grab something to eat."

"Why? We can stay here. There's no need for us to leave. After all, we're not strangers, and he can have the conversation with her in our presence."

Virat stayed put, thinking there was no reason to hide anything from him as her brother. He felt it was crucial to support Nitya. Already disappointed in himself over what happened the previous night, he wasn't willing to take any more chances.

Arushi rolled her eyes and firmly grasped his arm. "I said let's go."

"But..." Virat's words trailed off as he scrutinized Adwait.

Why the heck was he looking so intensely at his sister like that?

"Hey, you-" Virat's words directed at Adwait came to an abrupt halt as Arushi smacked him on the head.

"Didn't I say let's go?" She glared and forcefully dragged him along with her out of the room.

Virat grumbled and shot a glance back at Nitya and Adwait. Letting out a sigh, he finally agreed to go. He trusted Adwait with his sister, especially after seeing everything he'd done for her.

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