Welcome Home(PART 1)

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Demi's POV

"Thanks for singing my song. I'll be right back." I tell D.J. before rushing out of the room. I think I ran to my mom. Once I got to her, I tried to calm myself quickly, but fail. Epically. I said to her quickly stumbling over my words "S-s-she's a L-l-lovato, mom." She look bewildered at me saying that. I continued by saying "She has a Lovato voice and looks kinda like me, sorta." We rush over there to where D.J. is. "D.J., tell my mom your full name, please." I politely command. She said cautiously "Donna Joe Louise Lovato. Please call me D.J." "Well D.J., I am Dianna. Demi and Dallas' mom. The two older ones. They are both Lovatos, just like you. The younger one is named Maddie. She is my husband ,Eddie's, daughter." My mom explained to my newly found half-sister. My mom than says something unexpected "How would you like it if we adopted you, sweetheart?" D.J. thought for a few seconds and said "I would love it, but you would also have to adopt my little associate here. She cries when I'm gone. Which is why I'm a high school drop-out." Eddie, Maddie, and Dallas walked into the room. Mom went over to him and they started talking, probably about D.J. Dallas and Maddie walked over and introduced themselves to D.J. and Joy. We started talking about our interests. It was fun talking with D.J., Dallas, and Maddie. D.J. pulled me aside and asked me "Why would you have a song on the radio, Demi?" I pulled her to a different room and said "Do you know to lyrics to 'Let It Go' from Frozen?" She thought for a few seconds and then nodded. "Can you sing that to me?" She nodded again and started singing the song. About halfway through the song, I started singing as well. Harmonizing with her. Her voice was super good. When the song was over D.J. said "Wow Dems. You're really talented and very pretty." "Thanks sweety, but you were the V.I.P. in that song. Now do you see why I have songs on the radio?" "Yeah. I think I do." She responds. Joy crawls into the room and I pick her up. "Hi, baby girl." I coo. She is sssssooooo adorable. "So, is Joy your sister?" I ask D.J. She answers my question and says "No, but she is just like one. I think. I'm not really sure. I've never had a sister." Those words broke my heart. She started to tear up. I pulled her into a hug. "D.J., sweetheart listen to me. I've had a sister all my life. Yes, at times she was very annoying, but I still loved her. Now, we are sisters because of our father. And I wouldn't trade you for the world." I stopped my speech. She sniffled and said "Promise?" "Promise, D.J. I promise you that I will spoil you til you die." At the word you, I booped her nose. We giggled and I tickled Joy, so she would giggle too.


So I need more ideas for my other story, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. Comment any ideas you have for either stories. If I choose your idea, I will dedicate the chapter to YOU.

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Have a good day, air breathers!

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