Cleaning and Injuries

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Maddie's POV


My dad carries me out to the van and helps me in. Mom hops in the passenger seat and starts the van. I'm still crying. I whimper whenever I step on my foot or do something with my hands. I wonder what my sisters are doing? I see we are at the hospital now. Dad helps me out, while mom gets a wheelchair. I sit down and dad rushes me into the hospital. Mom explains the situation and that I'm famous to the lady at the front desk. A nurse comes and takes us to another floor. She has my parents sit in the waiting room, while she takes me in for X-rays.

(A/N I know how they do this because I've broken a few bones.)

The nurse takes me in for X-rays. She has me lay on a table and sets up. She positions my foot the way they need it. After that, she does my wrists. The nurse has me sit in a chair by the bed and she positions my right arm. She takes the X-ray and does my left arm. She takes that X-ray and helps me out to my parents. Once we are out there, The a nurse says that I've sprained my right arm and broke my leg and left wrist. Well at least I didn't break all 3, right? The nurse leads me and my parents to another room and dad sets me on the bed. The nurse asks me "What color plasters do you want?" I think for a second, then I say "Black and blue." She nods her head and gets out the gauze and asks me "Do you want a waterproof wrist cast and what color do you want for wrist and foot?" "Yes please. Black for the leg with blue stripes and blue with black stripes for my wrist, please." "Okay." The nurse put the gauze on my leg, then puts the black plaster on, after the black, the blue stripes. She walks over to the sink and wets the black and blue plaster. She repeats the process of putting the gauze, but instead of black than blue, it's blue than black. The nurse got me a wheelchair because I can't put weight on my wrist.

D.J.'s POV

Demi, Dallas, and I looked at the mess we made. Joy sat on the floor laughing at how messy she is. It's a good thing we didn't use all the food. Dallas says "I think, D.J. should give Joy and herself a bath and shower, while Demi and I start cleaning. Then Demi will take a shower and D.J. and I will clean. Then I will shower and if there is anything left you guys will clean it up." "Sounds good to me." Demi and I say. I pick up Joy and take her up to my room. I undress her and put her in. I shampoo her hair and wash her small body. I rinse her hair and body and get her out. I wrap her up into a fuzzy towel and dry her off. I pick up Joy and carry her to her room. I dress her in a red and black striped onesie. I put her in her crib and walk back into my bathroom to take my shower. I undress and hop in. Afterwards, I dry off and slip into a red and black striped onesie that matches Joy's. I put my hair in a messy bun and I also slip on a pair of black Uggs because I'm part of this clumsy family. I go get Joy and bring her downstairs. "Demi's turn!" I call to my sisters. Demi drops whatever she was holding and runs upstairs. On her way up, I tell her "Wear this." She looks down at my outfit and gives me a thumbs up. I put Joy in her playpen and walk into the dinning room. "Wow. You guys cleaned up a lot." I said in awe. "You mean I cleaned up a lot. Demi is a lazy fart." She and I laugh, while I pick up whatever Demi was holding off the ground. Dallas starts singing 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons. I start singing with Dallas because I love that song! We were singing 'Uma Thurman' by Fall Out Boy when Demi comes downstairs in red and black striped onesie with black Uggs and her hair in a messy bun. Demi starts singing with us. "You take rrrreeeeaaaalllllyyyy long showers, Dems." I say dragging the 'really'. I throw her a rag and we finish cleaning. I walk over to Joy's playpen and take her out. We join Demi on the couch. Dallas comes back about 5 minutes later dressed exactly like Demi and I. She sat on me. "Hey! Dal, we are trying to argue here!" I yell at Dallas, shoving her off of me, onto the ground. Demi, Joy, and I start cracking up, but Joy doesn't really know what she's laughing at. Demi and I start arguing about what movie we should watch. "We should watch Mean Girls!" Demi suggested. "No, we shouldn't. We should watch Pitch Perfect!" "Not happening, baby sis!" Demi shouted. Dallas butted in by yelling over us "Let's compromise and watch Camp Rock, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, and Princess Protection Program!" "I agree!" I scream. "No fucking way is that happening! Let's go swimming!" "I agree!" I scream again. Dallas says "Let's see what Joy wants to do." We look at Joy, who is giggling at us. I say "Joy, baby girl, do you wanna see Dallas get pushed into a pool or watch movies with Demi in them? Demi is gonna hold up her fingers and you need to giggle at whichever one you choose." Demi holds up 1 finger and Joy laughs at it loudly, kind of like Demi's laugh. Demi puts down her finger and with the other hand she puts up 2 fingers this time. Joy giggles lightly and Demi puts her fingers down. "Looks like we are going swimming ladies." Demi said with an evil smile on her face.


Hey guys! I'm super sorry it's taking me awhile to get another part up! I've been busy with my stupid 4-H shit and school coming up. 😕😒

QOTD: What does Demi have planned in her head? Should Dallas and D.J. be scared? How many of you are in 4-H?

Anyways.... Peace out guys and have a peaceful day!💗

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