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D.J.'s POV

I'm weeping into Maddie. Demi's rubbing my back and soothing me. Joy is in Wilmer's arms asking "Why D.J. cry?" and other stuff like that in her cute baby voice.

I decide to pull myself together. I wipe my tears and say "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened."

They forgive me and by then the pizzas were here. Demi and Wilmer share a large and Maddie, Joy, and I share a family pleasure. We joke around and talk about what happened today because it was our first day of school.

Finally, the words I were dredging popped up.

"D.J., can you please tell us why you broke down like that earlier?"

I shook my head and continue to eat my pizza.

Demi said "Donna Joe Louise  Lovato, what happened earlier? You had us very scared for you." She even said my full name, and that's never good.

"It started when we went to Tobin's for my tenth birthday." I start to explain "We can here because dad was friends with the manager, Mo. He was very kind and funny, he even had some pranks around the restaurant! After dinner, we were on our way to the car when my baby sister, Desire, was kidnapped. She should be eight years old. We never found her or anything. I have always wondered, though, what she looks like nowadays. She was a very sweet and cute little girl." I'm start sobbing at her little face and body stuck in my mind.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I want to know though, what's her full name?" Demi asked, pulling out her phone.

"Her name is Desire Lauren Lovato. She had dark brown hair and bright green eyes, she had my mother's looks for sure. She was a little baby when I last saw her. I just miss her so much." I answer , giving a little description of my sister.

"Okay, thanks." She smiled at me, typing away on her phone.

Demi's POV

I get a description of Desire and her full name, too! I'm texting Max right now to see if he can find her. D.J. looks so crushed to talk about her and to even think about her. I feel so sorry for her.

We finish eating and Wilmer pays for it. We rush through the crowd of paparazzi, to our car. Wilmer starts to drive home.

We get inside, put our leftovers in the refrigerator for later, and the girls go upstairs with Joy. Wilmer gets a phone call and says to me "Demi, I have to go somewhere. I might be home in the morning."

"Wilmer, you know what? I'm sick and tired of you saying 'I'm going somewhere, I'll be back in the morning.' You are never here at night! I honestly think-"

D.J.'s POV

"I honestly think-" I hear Demi yell. Then, I hear the shattering of glass, a thud, and the door open and slam close.

I get worried. "Maddie?" I call from Joy's room.

"What, D?" She calls from her room.

"I think something happened to Demi. She hasn't shouted anything in a while and I heard her and Wilmer fighting again."

She comes running into my room. "Let's go check on her." We run downstairs, being careful to avoid falling. Whenever Demi and Wilmer have a fight, Wilmer leaves and Demi cries.

The sight we see when we get down there is awful. Demi's lifeless body laying in a puddle of her own blood, glass shards scattered around her. Her head is cracked where he hit her with the glass vase and bruises are forming on her body and face. "Call Max, mom, dad, 9-1-1, Dallas, and Nick." We say at the same time.

Lights are flashing around us. Joy is crying in my arms. Demi had an abusive relationship. Wilmer is out there. Maddie is crying into my side. Mom, dad, and Dallas are on planes, coming. Nick and Max came as fast as he could in  We are currently sitting on our porch bench. Max has called all his bodyguard friends and Nick called his and his brothers bodyguards, along with the rest of the Jonas family to come keep us company.

"D.J.?" I heard Danielle, Kevin's wife, ask me.

"Yes?" I reply. Maddie's breathing has evened out and I think she and Joy have fallen asleep.

Danielle takes a deep breath and she starts to say "How ar-" She was interrupted by the shouts and yells of the police officers and bodyguards. Wilmer has come back.

I hear Wilmer slur with his ascent mixed "Shut up! Where's my Demi!? I wasn't finished with that bitch!" I hold back my tears. I need to be strong for my sisters. They need me. I hear four gunshots and an officer yell into his walkie-talkie "He's down."

Nick, Kevin, and Paul, their dad, rush over as I get up from my spot in between my asleep sisters and everything goes black.

Maddie's POV

I feel something warm move out from under me. I open my eyes, just in time to see D.J. pass out, Nick, Kevin, and Paul rush over. Nick catches D.J., Kevin picks me up, and Paul picks up Joy.

"Kev, what's going on? Why are you carrying me?"

"Hey! Officer Roberts? Come here." Kevin shouts at one of the officers. He comes over to us.

"How may I be of assistance?"

"We need to get her to the hospital. She passed out." Kevin urgently said.

"Boys, we've got another one down. She needs an ambulance. What's her name, Kevin?" He shouts at the other officers, and says the last part to Kevin.

"Her name is D.J. Lovato. We're her younger sisters." I butt in, motioning to myself and Joy.

"Okay, thank you. How old is she?"

"Fifteen. Almost sixteen."

"Thank you, once again." He smiles and I smile back.

They need me here to answer questions about Demi and to stay with Joy. However, they lift D.J. into an ambulance and Nick went with her. The rest of the Jonas's stay with me.


Hey guys! How's life? Dilmer was an abusive relationship. If you want to see some actual Dilmer love, go check out Since You've Been Gone, my other fanfic.

Should Nemi happen?

Vote, Comment, Check out my other fanfic Since You've Been Gone, Message me if you need anything (I don't judge or bite)

Peace out!

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