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D.J.'s POV

As I walk to the school's office, I look around and on the walls, they were large bricks. On the bottom, there was a light blue color going up five layers of blocks, one layer of blocks white, another one layer of blocks yellow, and then the rest are white.

I walk into the office and I'm greeted with "Good morning. How can I help you?"

"Hi. I'm new."

"Name?" She asks, obviously bored. I bet she's been doing this all morning.

"D.J. Lovato."

"Full name?" She asks annoyed that I answered with my nickname.

"Donna Joe Louise Lovato."

"Finally." She types on her computer for a minute or two. She gives me my schedule and I walk out of the room into the empty corridor. I look down at my new schedule, History; Room 102. I start walking in a random direction.

Okay, so from the looks of it, I went the right direction. 99, 100, 101, ah ha! Found it! I take a quick glance around at the lockers. Mine is 167 and the ones in this area are numbers like 134 and 141. Those are around my locker numbers!

I look around for about a minute or two until I finally found it. I do my code (14, 20, 12) and open it. It already has all my books for my classes in it. I put my backpack in there and walk back to the room where history class is taking place.

I walk in and all eyes are on me. "Um, hi. I'm Donna Joe Lovato, but everyone calls me D.J." I flash a small smile at the class.

The teacher, he's a guy, says in a deep voice "Hello, D.J. I'm Mr. Howards and welcome to Tri-Valley. Please take a seat at an open desk." I sit down in an empty seat. Mr. Howards says to the class "Since D.J. is new here, we need to introduce ourselves and say one thing about us. Let's begin with, um, how about Opal, and we'll wound around the classroom, ending with D.J."

The girl named Opal goes first and says "My name is Opal and I like art."

A boy goes next "Name's Carter. I play football."

Another boy goes after Carter "Hello, my name is August, but everyone calls me Auggie. She's my twin sister." He points to a girl that looks like him in a lot of ways. She says "Hey, I'm December. If you can't tell, our parents have a thing about months. We have 2 older siblings and 3 younger siblings."

A girl goes next "I'm Violet and my parents are divorced."

About 20 more kids go and then it's my turn. I say "Hey I'm D.J. I like to sing and hang out with my sisters for some odd reason." I laugh at how weird I am.

Mr. Howards asks me "D.J., would you like to sing something for us?" I say yes and sing 'Here We Go Again' by my big sister, Demi Lovato. Once I finish, everyone claps. Mr. Howards also asks me "How many sisters do you have, D.J.? Can you tell us there names?"

"I have four. Their names are Dallas, who is 27 years old, Demi, who is 23 years old, Maddie, who is 13 years old, and Joy, who is 3 years old. I was adopted by the Lovato/Delagraza family over the summer. Dallas and Demi are my half sisters."

Mr. Howards nods and continues with going over the rules of the classroom and other stuff.

As I walk out of class, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see a girl. I think her name was Annie. She said "Hi! I'm Anna. I think we have social studies together." She smiles widely and sticks a hand at me.

I smile and say back to her "Hiya. I'm D.J." I shake her out stretched hand.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join my friends and me for lunch? By the way, you look a like your sisters in so many ways. Has anyone ever told you that?" She asks me. I nod and say "I don't want to be late for my next class."

"What do you have? Maybe I can help you?" She smiles.

I look at my schedule."I have science next." She looks surprised.

"I have science next, too." We walk to the science classroom together. I introduce myself to the teacher.

The rest of the day is kind of like what happened in social studies. Turns out, I have Anna in every single one of my classes. She's really nice and helpful, giving me tips on the teachers.

At lunch, I had lunch with Anna and her friends; Amanda, Tyler, Delanie, and Mackenzie. They are really nice and accepted me into they're little group. I'm glad I met Anna.

I walk out of the school talking to Anna and Mackenzie. They are twins and their older brother was picking them up. We walk over to the pick up area. I spot Demi, Wilmer, Maddie, and Joy in the distance. I say bye to Anna and Mackenzie and walk over to them.

I take Joy from Wilmer's grasp and say "I'll be back in a minute. Dems follow me." Demi follows me back to where Anna and Mackenzie were standing.

Once we get there, Anna starts freaking out and Mackenzie just stands there shocked. "Anna, Mac, meet my sisters; Joy and Demi."

Mackenzie is the first to talk "Joy looks a lot like you and Wilmer, Demi." We talk for a bit until Mackenzie and Anna's brother comes and picks them up. We head to Orange Leaf and have some frozen yogurt to celebrate surviving the first day of school. Lesson learned: Fro yo and small kids DON'T mix.


Hey people! Sick days are the best days to get some shit done! Am I right? No? Okay.... Anyway! What do you guys think about Demi's new album? I honestly love it! If you haven't heard it, you should definitely hear it.

Vote, Comment, Share, Follow for a Follow, Check out my other story and Demi's new album 'Confident'.

Peace out!

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