Baby Sitters

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D.J.'s POV

We get home and I have a little bit of homework. Well, it's not really homework. More like, a worksheet we need to fill out to let the teachers know what they're dealing with this year. Demi, Wilmer, Maddie, and Joy are watching an old Disney movie that was really dusty. I said that I would join them later, though.

So, Demi and Wilmer are our babysitters, because our parents 'Had to be somewhere.' in Demi's words. Dallas isn't babysitting us, because she and Rob are doing 'Something very important.' also in Demi's words. So, Maddie, Joy, and I are stuck in Demi and Wilmer's care For. A. Whole. Week.

I'm currently finishing up my worksheet. It's not that hard. The questions are like 'What do you do in your spare time?' or 'How many siblings do you have?' It's really easy. I finish and it's almost time for dinner.

"DEMI!!!" I scream. She runs in, then Wilmer, and Maddie walks in holding Joy, smirking. She must know what time it is. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Demi questions, worry written all over.

I gulp, make a puppy dog face, and say, holding back a laugh, "My stomach growled at me." Maddie and I start cracking up. Joy saw us laughing and she started giggling with us.

Demi shouts over our laughing "How about we go out to eat." We instantly stop laughing and saying at the same time "Sure." "Go change. I'm in the mood for something fancy." We giggle and I grab Joy before following Maddie up the stairs.

Maddie and I plan what we are going to wear. I put the outfit above on. Maddie puts on the same thing, but coral. Maddie does our make up so that we would look like twins, because we are about the same height. We put Joy in a pink tank top with a tutu attached to it, black leggings, a matching pick headband, and hot pink slippers.

Maddie picks up Joy and we head downstairs. Demi is wearing what she wore to the Teen Choice Awards in 2014. Wilmer is wearing a simple tux. "You girls ready? You look really beautiful." Demi complimented us. We smile and say "Thanks. You two look beautiful, too." Demi laughs her famous laugh and Wilmer laughs sarcastically. He grabs the keys and we leave.

Demi turns on the radio and we sing and dance in our seats to 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy, 'Lean On' by MO/Major Lazer/DJ Snake, and 'Same Old Love' by Selena Gomez. By the time some ads were coming up, we had arrived at Chili's. "Oh fuck," Demi mutters "Paps." I look out my window, only to see middle aged, sweaty, loud men with cameras.

Demi says "Here's the plan girlies. D.J., you take Joy and come with me and put her blanket over her head. Maddie, you go with Wilmer and put your jacket over your head. Wilmer. Don't. Loose. Her. Sound like a plan?" We all nod. "Good, leggo."

Demi gets out, comes to my side, and helps me get Joy. Wilmer gets out and helps Maddie get out and to the door. Demi, Joy, and I make our way to the door. I feel my neck get wet, only meaning that Joy is crying. I try to bounce her and calm her down, but it's not working. Demi says in my ear "Give her to me or sing yourself."

I quietly sing 'Skyscraper' to Joy. She starts to quiet down. I hold her head to my shoulder, as Demi holds me. I look up to see we are almost to the door and Wilmer and Maddie had already made it there.

Next thing I know, I'm being pushed through the door of Chili's. "Hello, welcome to Chili's. How many?" The receptionist asked us.

"Five and may we have a high chair, please?" Wilmer asked. She nods and puts us on the waiting list. We sit down in the waiting area and, well, waited.

It's. Been. Seriously. One. Hour. I'm hungry. Demi's hungry. Wilmer's hungry. Maddie's hungry. Joy's hungry and fussy. "I'm so hungry. I just want pizza!" I say loudly, so Demi and Wilmer can hear me.

"Girls, please be quiet. I know you're hungry, and fussy in some cases, but Will and I were just talking about leaving. I mean, we have been waiting for over an hour." Demi said.

I say "Well, like I said before, I want pizza."

"I'm down." Maddie agrees.

Demi tells the receptionist that we're leaving and rejoins us at the car. The paparazzi were out following another celebrity, I think. All I know is that they weren't outside the restaurant.

Wilmer takes us to a nice pizza place called Tobin's. I remember coming here for my tenth birthday with my mom, dad, and Desire.


We walk into a restaurant. "Mommy, where are we?" My 3 year old sister, Desire, asked my mom.

"We're at Tobin's, baby." She answered. We walk up to a man. A man who I knew as my Uncle Mo. He smiled and gave mom and dad a hug. He seated us at a table in the back. It had old arcade games back there.

We ate the food and it was really good. I liked to dip my pizza in their special barbecue sauce.

That night, the night of my tenth birthday, was probably one of the worst nights in history...


I see a hand in front of my face, feel arms wrapped around me, and a head in the crook of my neck.

"Deej, are you okay, babe? You're crying and really out of it." Maddie points out. I nod and cuddle into Maddie crying and mumbling "I miss her so much." 

"Miss who, D?" Wilmer asks me, concerned. I shake my head and continue to weep into Maddie.


Hola! I finally updated, so tell me if you liked it or hated it. What happened to Desire? Will D.J. ever tell? How will they take it if she does? Why am I asking you, when I know the answers? I have no fucking clue?

BTW: I think it's so cool how ya'll are from different countries and everything! It's a really cool feeling. 

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Love ya'll, peace!

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