Feels New

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(A/N: I did my research. *randomly smirks suspiciously and runs into a random bush* Now read!! *hisses like a cat*

PS Please read the A/N at the end. Okay, read!!)

D.J.'s POV

Type 1 Diabetes. I have Type 1 Diabetes.

The only thought running through my head as Demi comforted me. God, I'm so happy she remembered me.

The doctor gave me a choice between an insulin pump and some shots. I can't stand needles, so shots were definitely not what I chose.

The pump is surprisingly small. It's supposed to give me insulin to control my blood sugar levels. There's this small, plastic tube, to get insulin into my body, that's supposed to go just under my skin. The tube will be taped, to my skin, to hold it in place.

Anyways, I was told, by the doctor, that I need to have a healthy diet and exercise plan. He said that I needed to see a diabetic health team. They'll help me with my meal plan, based on my likes and dislikes. The meal plan will have breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, and dinner. I have to pay attention to what and when I eat. Also, I have to pay attention to my blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

I have a blood sugar meter too, that I'll need to use to check my blood sugar levels. I have to do that at least three times a day.

God I hate this. Everything feels new.

Currently, I'm on the way back to the hotel with Dallas, Maddie, and Joy. Mom and Dad didn't want us to sleep on the uncomfortable chairs there.

"Just so you know, Deej, we're sharing a bed. Don't worry, though. It's a king-size bed." Dallas informs me.

"I don't mind. Good thing I almost like ya'll." I say the last part sarcastically. I lay on the bed and feel a warm pressure on my stomach. "Hi, Joy. What's up, baby girl?" I wrap my arms around her small body, pulling her closer to me.

Joy rubs her left eye and simply says "Tired."

I can't help, but laugh lightly at her cuteness. "Oh, baby girl, it'll be okay. Just go to sleep." I kiss her head and mumble an 'I love you' to her. "I'm going to sleep. Night, guys." After closing my eyes, I hear a 'goodnight' from each of them and I feel Dallas kiss my forehead. I soon fall into a deep, dreamless, sleep.

I feel Dallas shaking me, asking for me to wake me up. I hear Maddie draw back a curtain, the window, letting the light hit my face. I attempt to roll over to block my view of the morning sunlight. Dallas and Maddie must have already had some coffee or some sort of sugar. Dallas says sternly "Donna Joe Louise Lovato. Get up right now." She was getting frustrated, I could tell with her voice. She sounded tired, like she was up all night or for a majority of it. She had some anger in her tone as well. I hear Dallas walk across the room.

I open one eye. I see Dallas on the phone, worriedly pacing around the room, and Maddie playing with Joy on the floor. I open the other eye and let both of them adjust to the ample amount of light in the room. I blink a few times before finally sitting up. I take a deep breath and stretch out my arms, moving my legs under the blanket. I pull the warm covers off my legs, instantly regretting it, feeling the cold air conditioning of the hotel room.

I hear Maddie laugh and tease "It's alive!" I hear something in her voice, like, she's trying to lighten the mood. Dallas glares at Maddie and Maddie starts to play with Joy.

Dallas says something into the phone and hangs up. She storms over to me and states, with worry and anger both laced in her speech, "Get up, and go take a fast shower. Something's happened to Demi."

I get up and do as told. I shower and put on a pair of pink sweatpants, a light gray tank top, a maroon hoodie, and a pair of black Uggs. I put my multicolored hair in a messy, wet, bun and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and see Dallas tapping her foot, holding Joy, and Maddie walking around, still getting dressed. Joy reaches for me, and I happily take her.

Maddie soon finishes getting dressed and we walk to the elevator. I blurt out "What happened to Demi?" Maddie and Dallas share a look and Dallas bites her lip, like she's afraid to tell me. "You can tell me. Can't you?"

Dallas shakes her head and says quietly "We can't because we don't know anything. Mom said she'd tell us when we got there." We had made it to the elevator by the time Dallas finished talking.

We get down to the parking garage and find Dallas' car. I put Joy in her car seat as Maddie climbs in beside her, and Dallas clambers into the drivers seat. I go around and slide into the passenger's seat. We stop at McDonald's, getting food for Mom, Dad and everyone.

The drive is silent, except Joy's babbles of nonsense. I look at my phone, wincing at the brightness of the screen. I made my own Twitter account about last month. Demi's lovatics are the sweetest people that could possibly walk the planet. I get some hate, yes, but I'm listening to Demi, Dallas and Maddie by not reading it or paying any attention to it.

I saw that I've been mentioned on a few things by a few people. I open it, shocked at what the tweet and picture say. Tears brim my eyes. I blink a few times, forcing them away.

That picture was supposed to be long gone.


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, I've been pretty busy for the past months. I was the only girl on stage crew, yet I was stronger than all the five boys. I've been working hard at school. I'm trying to exercise a lot because I'm having surgery the Monday before Thanksgiving (United State's holiday. Google if you want to find out more). It'll already be a struggle for eating all that food.

Thanks for 3k!!! Holy shit, I didn't think people would like this story this much!!

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Peace Out!!

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