Movie Night

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D.J.'s POV

Demi had turned out of the crowd and into Gap, with crying Joy. I just kept running. The fans eventually noticed Demi wasn't there anymore and stopped running after me. They asked me a few questions and asked for pictures. Their questions were stuff like "What's your name?" and "Are you a Lovato or De La Garza?" or "What is it like to live with Demi?" also "Who was that baby that Demi was carrying?" My phone rang and I answered it after seeing it was Demi. "Hey. Um... Joy got scratched and I need you to come into Gap." "I'll be right there Dems." She hung up and I went to Gap. It took about 5 minutes to get there. I looked around for Demi, but I didn't see her. She waved her hand and I walked over to them and saw a red spot seeping through the white blanket. "Go and get a first aid kit, D. Quick!" She said and I walked over to the front desk. "Excuse me, Miss." I said to get her attention. I continued "do you have a first aid kit?" "Yup. Here ya go." She said with a Jersey accent. I said thanks, turned around, and went back to Demi and Joy. We cleaned and put a band-aid on Joy's cut. "Demi?" She looked up to me. "Can we just go home?" "Sure, kid." We leave the mall with no complications. I guess the paparazzi left. Demi put Joy, who fell asleep, in her car seat, while I got in the passengers seat. Demi got in and we drove to Subway for lunch. We ordered and Demi got an apple juice and a banana for Joy. We take it out to Demi's car because the paps found us again. So, we ate in the backseat with Joy. "So.. how was your day with the famous Demetria Devonne Lovato?" Demi asked once we finished eating. I said sarcastically "My day with Demetria Devonne Lovato? It was awful..." She put her hand to her chest and faked being hurt. "Well, that is the last time I take you shopping. I'll only take Joy from now on." We laughed and Joy giggles. Demi takes Joy into her arms and helps her eat. "Joy is so adorable." Demi said suddenly. "I know right. I love her almost as much as she loves me." "Joy kind of looks like us... Maybe Patrick had another daughter..." Demi spoke quietly. "Wait.. How many daughters has our dad had?" "He has had... 4 daughters, that I know of." She explained to me. I nod in response, showing I understood. Joy stopped eating and Demi put her back in her car seat. "And you might not know this, but Patrick... died 2 years ago." Demi said hesitantly. I was shocked, but I realized something's. "Wait, you said that dad had 4 daughters. Does he have any sons? Also, what about the other Lovato daughter?" "None that I know of. And we have another sister named Amber. C'mon, let's go to the movie theater!" Demi said excitedly, changing the subject. We got back into the front seats and Demi drove to the local movie theater. We got out with Joy and walked in. She and Joy went for the tickets and I went for the snacks. I got Sno-caps, Lemonheads, and Mike and Ikes. Demi walked over with 3 tickets in her hand. "What are we seeing, Dem?" "We are seeing Inside Out." "Why can't we see Jurassic World?" "'Cause we brought our baby sis." I groaned and Demi laughed at me. "C'mon, Dinosaur. We're gonna miss the movie." I guess I sounded like a dinosaur. "Yup. You did." Shit, I said that out loud. "Hey. Wait, you forgot to get drinks!" Demi points out. "Oops. let's go get drinks." We walk over Joy still in Demi's arms. "$5.20." The teenage girl behind the counter says obviously bored. "D, take Joy." Demi said getting into her purse. A minute later, Demi pulls out a 10 dollar bill. She hands it to the lady. She hands Demi her change and says "Btw, you have an adorable daughter, ma'am." Demi said thanks and I hand Demi Joy. We walk into the movie, only to be surprised. There was only like 5 groups of people in there. I think it's because pretty much every person in the world has seen it. Demi and I walk to our seats and sit down. Demi sets Joy in her lap, but Joy crawls over to me. We eat the candy and watch the 2 hour long movie. About a third of the movie is over, Joy starts to cry and take her out of the movie theater. I sit down on a bench they have in the lobby and start to sing quietly to Joy. Her breathing goes from uneven and heavy, to even and light breathes. That means she fell asleep. I sit there for a minute and look at the baby girl in my arms. She does kinda actually look like Dallas, Demi, and me in some ways. I get up and walk back to the theater. "Everything okay?" Demi whispered to me. "Yup. I think she was just tired." I respond in a whispered voice, and I give her Joy, who was still sleeping. I sit back down to finish watching the movie. My legs fall asleep and I seriously don't care. The movie finishes and I have to say, that is literally the worst Disney movie I have ever seen. I mean, really, Inside Out is really sad. Throughout the whole movie. (A/N I really think that) I look over to Demi and Joy to find them both asleep. I pushed Demi lightly, not wanting to wake up Joy. She stirred and continued to sleep. "Demi wake up!" I think of something to wake her up "Demi! The buildings' on fire!" She shot up immediently. She looks down at Joy who woke up with her. "God dammit, D.J.!" She whispered to me. "C'mon, I wanna leave." I complained to Demi. "Okay. Let's go."


Hey guys! So I have recently started summer school and it sucks.

QOTD: Am I doing a good job?

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Have a Perfect day! Peace!

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