The Fight and Hospital

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Demi's POV

I, right now, hate D.J. No one should wake up someone like that. It's cruel. We are currently on our way out of the movie theater. I'm carrying Joy, but she is reaching for D.J. "D, take Joy." Joy and D.J. share smiles and I can't help, but laugh. Making these girls happy brings a smile onto my face. I grab my keys out of my purse and unlock my car. D.J. gets Joy into her car seat and I start the car. I turn the radio and hear '-And that was Demi Lovato's newest song 'Cool For The Summer'.' Damn. I her Selena's new song 'Good For You' and I sing along with the window open, screaming out the lyrics. (A/N: I have done that on a dare before to Demi's song 'Heart Attack') It was a lot of fun and D.J. even joined me. I can't ever stay mad at my family. I turn into my parents' driveway. I just had the best day of my life and now I'm tired. "D.J., sweetheart? Are you tired?" She nods and I say "Do you wanna take a nap with me?" She nods again and I get our little sister out of her car seat. "D, get the bags out please. I'm taking Joy inside because she's asleep." I walk inside and see Dallas and Maddie watching a movie. "Hey guys. Do you wanna take a nap with D.J., Joy, and I?" "Sure." They say at the same time. D.J. comes in and we go upstairs to my room. Maddie is on the right side of the bed, I'm next to her, then Joy, after her comes D.J., then finally Dallas on the left edge. Everyone falls asleep soon enough.

Dallas's POV

I ask Maddie "Do you wanna watch a movie with me, baby sis?" She nods and comes over to the couch with me. "How about you choose the movie?" She walks over and picks a movie. She puts it in and came to sit by me. The movie Maddie picked was 'Big Hero 6'. I love that movie! Maddie cuddles up to me and we were having a sister moment. Big Hero 6 was about halfway through and the front door opened. Demi asked "Hey guys. Do you wanna take a nap with D.J., Joy, and I?" "Sure." Maddie and I said at the same time. We all go upstairs, after I pause the movie, to Demi's room. We all fall asleep on her bed.

D.J.'s POV

I wake up in Demi's room, I think. Dallas is asleep next to me. Joy is up. Demi and Maddie are still down. I pick Joy up and set her on my lap. "Hi baby girl. Did you have a good nap." I check the time on my phone. It's dinner time! I roll onto Dallas to wake her up. Than, I roll the opposite direction to wake Demi and Maddie. They all groan and slowly wake up. Mission Accomplished. I reroll over Dallas and hop onto the floor. I walk downstairs with Joy still in my arms and see mom and dad making food. I set Joy on the floor and shout to my parents "What's for dinner?" "It's a surprise!" Mom and dad shouted back. "Okay! Got it how 'bout you guys tell me and I don't tell the weirdos I call my sisters." I continue to shout. "Okay. Okay. Quit yelling we are having spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic bread. It's almost done." Dad says. "Okay," I say calmly then I continue shouting, "Demi! Dallas! Maddie! We are eating in a little bit! C'mon down!" All of a sudden, we here a few crashes and thuds. Mom said "My clumsy girls. I bet 10 bucks Demi fell again." We hear a few cries and my sisters come around the corner of the stairs. Dallas and Demi both supporting Maddie as she cries and whimpers. "You owe me 10 dollars, mom." Mom glares at me and Maddie says in a whimper "Mommy, it really hurts." Mom coos "I know baby. You'll be fine." Demi whispers something in mom's ear and she says "Though, we might wanna get it checked out. Dad and I will take her, while you girls can eat dinner it should be done. Dal- No De- No Joy is in charge. She is the most responsible." Dallas, Demi, and I opened our mouths to argue, but close them, nodding. Maddie laughs and then we all laugh. Joy didn't even know what was happening, yet she was still giggling. Mom and dad leave with Maddie and we start eating dinner. Joy was sitting next to me and wasn't eating, Dallas and Demi were on the other side of the table eating and talking to me. I was feeding Joy and myself. Joy finally had enough and threw a meatball and some spaghetti at Demi and Dallas. They threw some back at us and I threw some more at them. It started a war between us. I picked up my plate that was full of food and launched it at them. We finish and look around at the mess we made.

Maddie's POV

I hear D.J. shout that dinner was ready. Obviously, Dallas and Demi heard too. We race out the door and down the stairs. I trip on the first step and I think something is wrong with my foot or ankle. I quickly put my hands out to stop myself from falling hard. I start to cry because now my arms and foot hurt. I stop sliding down the stairs and my older sisters help me up. Dallas and Demi support me all the way down the rest of the steps. 


My dad carries me out to the van and helps me in. Mom hops in the passenger seat and starts the van. I'm still crying. I whimper whenever I step on my foot or do something with my hands. I wonder what my sisters are doing? I see we are at the hospital now. Dad helps me out, while mom gets a wheelchair. I sit down and dad rushes me into the hospital. Mom explains the situation and that I'm famous to the lady at the front desk. A nurse comes and takes us to another floor. She has my parents sit in the waiting room, while she takes me in for X-rays. 


You know how your mom/dad forces you to do shit that you don't wanna do? That's my whole life and the reason why this chapter is so late. That and I'm all out of ideas. Comment some more please!

QOTD: 1)What should happen to Maddie's arms and foot/ankle? 2)How am I doing? 3)Do you guys and gals out there in the world like it?

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Also Please Check Out My New Story Lost And Found: Demi Lovato!

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