Waking Up

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Maddie's POV

D.J. and Demi still aren't waking up and I'm honestly scared for them. I mean, it has been about five hours since we found Demi. Since Wilmer was shot, dead at the scene. Since D.J. passed out. Since I was questioned about everything.

I'm currently sitting next to D.J.'s bed with Joy on my lap.

"When D.J. wakey?" I hear a small, baby voice say.

"I really don't know, babe." I heavily sigh, kissing Joy on the head.

"Mad Mad, I hungwy."

"Mommy and daddy are getting some snacks for us, babe. How about you take a little nap?" She nods and I rock her to sleep.

Dallas walks in a little bit later. "Anything new with Demi?" I hopefully ask.

Dallas shakes her head and asks me "Anything new with D.J.?" I shake my head as well.

Mom and dad walk in with our snacks. I nudge Joy for her to wake up and eat. We eat and talk.

Some nurses came in to check on D.J. and to change her IV.

Mom and dad leave to go check on how Demi is doing.

"Dally, I'm scared. What if they don't wake up? I love them and don't want to loose them." My voice cracks.

"Mads, listen. Demi and D.J. will be fine. A little banged up, but fine. They're warriors." Dallas soothes me and and strokes my hair.

There's a groan coming from the bed. Dallas presses a button, notifying the doctor that D.J. had woken up. "D.J.! You've finally woken up!" I say, getting up to tackle my older sister, but I almost forgot about the sleeping 3 year old girl in my lap.

The doctor barges in. "I'm so happy you have decided to wake up." He said smiling. "D.J. do you remember why you're here?" She nods her head.

"That's good. Do you feel any pain or anything?"

D.J. nods again and says "My head hurts."

The doctor gave D.J. a sympathetic smile and nods, saying "Headaches are pretty common with people after they pass out. I'll give you some medicine for it."

He hands her some medicine and D.J. gladly took it. He said to us "D.J. needs some fluids and rest. I'll be back in maybe an hour or so to check on her." He left and Dallas goes to get some water for D.J.

Mom and dad come in and mom thankfully says "Thank the Lord that one of our precious daughters have awaken!" They both hug her, and mom crying.

Dallas comes back with the water and D.J. gladly drinks it. "Momma, I'm tired." We groan at the same time. Everyone laughs at us.

"Dallas, can you take Maddie and Joy home to sleep in their own beds? Eddie and I will stay here with Demi and D.J. tonight." Mom questions Dallas.

Dallas nods and says "'Course I can! Have a good night." She takes Joy off my lap and we walk out the door.

I follow Dallas and Joy to the elevators. Dallas lightly taps it with her finger nail, encouraging Joy "Push the button, Joy." I chuckle as we wait for the elevator to come up for us.

On the way home, Joy fell asleep in the backseat to Dallas and I singing softly to her. We even continued to sing softly to the radio the rest of the way home.

As we pull up to the house, we see the cops are still there. "Dal, should we go stay at a hotel?" I whisper, careful to not wake Joy up. Dallas nods and we drive away from our home, that's currently being searched by police officers.

Dallas was on the phone the whole ride over to the hotel. She's probably either talking to a hotel, or she's talking to Robbie, her boyfriend. She takes the phone away from her ear and asks me "Do you wanna share a bed or not?"

"Oh, oh, oh, I really don't care. I'll share a bed with you and Joy." We laughed hard at the reference I made, then remembered the sleeping little girl in the backseat.

We finally get to a pretty nice-looking hotel. Dallas goes to check-in, as I grab Joy from the backseat. Shit! I woke her up!

"Mad Mad, where arwe we?" She tiredly asked, using her nickname for me.

"At a hotel, babe. We are staying the night here." I replied, using my nickname for her.

She points to the ground "Down....please." Joy commands after I give her a look. I set her down onto her feet and grab her hand. We meet Dallas in the lobby and go up to our room for the night.

We get up there and Dallas opens the door. I drop Joy's hand and immediately flop onto the bed. Since we are just wearing stuff like sweatpants and tank tops, we just lay down and fall asleep. Joy is in between Dallas and I so she won't fall out.

D.J.'s POV

Maddie, Dallas, and Joy just left. My head really hurts. Is Demi alright? I have no idea what has happened since I passed out. The last thing I remember is that Wilmer was shot. Wait! Did he survive?

Mom and dad have gone to check on Demi, leaving me all alone. I turn on the TV in my room and decide to watch E! News. The reporter said "Breaking News, literally breaking. Wilmer Valderrama shot to death by police officers outside of the Lovato/DeLaGarza house. Demi Lovato, her younger sister, D.J. Lovato, and Wilmer Valderrama were all taken to a nearby hospital. Demi was beaten by Wilmer." I can't believe this! How do they already know all that?

I shut the TV off and just lay there, eventually falling asleep.


Hey guys! Sorry this is a little late, my older brother came home from college and I was forced to spend time with him. I worked hard to get this chapter done before it became two weeks later than usual. I hoped you liked it.

Sorry to all you Dilmer fans. They are cute, but Nemi is forever and ever in my heart.

Vote, Comment, Share, Add It To Your Reading Lists; because I go through them to see if there's something new to read, Follow For A Follow, Check Out My Other Story, and Message ME If You Need Anything!

Sorry again, Peace Out!

For the next chapter: 50 reads and 25 votes!!!!

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