Movies and Pranks

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Maddie's POV

We leave the hospital once everything is done. I. Am. Dead. Tired. Mom must be a mind reader because she says softly "Maddie, you can sleep. Dad will carry you inside." "Thanks." I mumble and fall asleep.

I wake up and we are home. "Sorry, baby girl." Dad whispered to me. "It's fine, daddy." I say because he can easily drop me, but I know he won't. I mean, he is my dad. I can hear my sisters out back. They must be in the pool. I don't even notice that we are inside. Mom explains to me "Sweetie, since you can't go upstairs, you will be staying in the guest bedroom on this floor." "M'kay, mom." Dad sets me in my wheelchair. I roll myself out to my sisters in the backyard. "Hola, Weirdos. Don't worry, I'm not dead." They all look at me bewildered and run to me, screaming "MADDIE!!" They hug me and get me wet, but 'Oh Oh Oh I Really Don't Care'. "Thank god you're okay Mads. Can you swim?" Demi asks me. "Not sure, but I'll ask mom." I respond to Demi.

Before I know it, I'm inside with D.J. pushing me with Demi holding Joy and Dallas behind us. "Mom can I swim?" I ask. "Nope." She said popping the 'p'. D.J. blurts suddenly "Who wants to watch movies instead? Just so we can spend time with Maddie." They all raise their hands and I smile from ear to ear. Demi whispers something in mom's ear and joins everyone else running upstairs. Mom pushes me to the guest room and runs upstairs.

Mom returns a few minutes later with a red and black striped onesie with a pair of black Uggs. She helps me change and then she and dad leave to meet their friends in town.

I roll myself out to the living room, only to see my sisters wearing red and black striped onesies with black Uggs on. "Hey Dems. You know what, I just remembered that you're in my life and I caught the clumsiness from you." I laugh at Demi and Dallas and D.J. join in. Demi fake pouts, causing me, Dal, and D.J. to laugh harder.

Once we all stopped laughing, Dallas asked, "Movie?" "Movie." We said in unison. "What should we watch?" Demi asked. I raised my hand, while saying, "I got hurt today. Therefore, I get to pick." They nodded in agreement. A movie popped into my head. I smile evilly. This only happens when I want to watch- "We are not watching The Lion King again Mads." Dallas said obviously annoyed with my pick. "D.J. My sweet, sweet sister, who I love more than Demi and Dallas... Please put The Lion King in the movie player thingy. Keep in mind, I love you." I suck up to my older sister. She laughs and puts my movie in. "Thank you. Demi, Dallas, can you 2 please help me onto the couch, please? I can't put weight on my wrist." I once again suck up to my older sisters. They both get up from the couch. "Dem, you pull her from her right arm. I'll push on her back." Dallas made a game plan. "Dems. Be careful. I sprained my right arm." I explain to her. She grabs my elbow and pulls as Dallas pushes on my butt.

They finally get me up and sitting on the couch. The Lion King is about halfway through and I say, "Guys, who's hungry? I know I am." Only D.J. answers with, "I am, too." We look at Demi and Dallas, who are asleep. "Okay D.J. The plan is, you draw on Dals' face and I draw on Dems'. You will pour chocolate syrup on Demi, while I pour honey on Dallas. Then, we shall switch. You pour chocolate syrup on Dallas and I pour honey on Demi. We take pictures and go to my temporary room and wait for the sleeping beauties." I tell D.J. quiet so I won't wake up Demi and Dallas.

D.J. and I draw and write random stuff and word on Demi and Dallas' faces. They already look so beautiful. I grab the honey, while D.J. grabs the chocolate syrup. I pour about half of the honey on Dallas and D.J. has poured about half on Demi. We switch and D.J. dumps the rest of the chocolate syrup on Dallas' head. I, on the hand, am drizzling it all over Demi and trying my best not to laugh. D.J. and I take lots of pictures and D.J. pushes me quietly to the guest room.

"That was really fun, Mads." D.J. smiles at me widely. I smile back at her and say, "It was fun. The first time I did that, I was 4 and Demi helped me spell 'You're a bitch' on Dallas. That kind of learning got me expelled from preschool." I smiled to myself at the thought of that memory. "You guys are really close. Aren't you?" D.J. asked quietly, looking down at her lap. "Hey, big sis. Look at me." She shakes her head and I put my finger under her chin, carefully lifting her head. "Listen, okay? Now, we might not be blood related, but you, Demi, Dallas, and Amber all have the same dad. Demi, Dallas, and I all have the same mom, but the blood doesn't matter. You and me are sisters, by heart." She smiles at me and I return it. She asks me,"Are you sure you're not the older one? Also do you need help onto the bed?" I nod and D.J. helps me onto the bed and we fall asleep side by side.

We wake up to 2 women screaming. Demi and Dallas must be up. D.J. gets up and runs to lock the door to keep Demi and Dallas out. Once she locks the door, she runs over and locks the 2 windows in the room. She then comes back to the bed and we post the pictures from last night on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

We stay in that room until noon. So, in other words, we stayed in that room for 2 hours talking, taking pictures, and having random dance parties. It was really fun to hang out with my new big sister.


Hey guys. I'm thinking of starting a new story, so comment some ideas, please. :)

QOTD: 1) When does school start for you guys? 2) What should that new story be about? 3) Do you guys like the name cover and name? 4) What should happen to D.J. and Maddie?

AFM: Wednesday, August 19, 2015. 1 day before Demi's birthday. It's starts a day late due to mold, water, and roofing issues in the school.

Vote, Comment, Follow for a Follow, QOTD, Check (it) out my other story Lost And Found, and Don't Forget to share my story with your Wattpad friends.

Guys, Cool For The Summer just came on the radio! Talk about coincidences, am I right. Lol.

Have a beautiful day and remember you are just as beautiful. PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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