Shopping With Demi

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D.J.'s POV
Demi, Joy, and I go downstairs to find our family sitting down for a meal. Fully clothed. "I see you three couldn't find the time to get dressed." Mom said. "Mom. We would have, if you weren't making pancakes." Demi said in a sweet and loving voice. I can tell she has a special liking to mom's pancakes. "Okay, girls. Sit, sit. We have to eat these before Rob gets here." "Who?" I said obviously confused. Dallas said "My boyfriend. He'll eat all of these." I put Joy in a high chair that they put next to where I was sitting and Demi say next to me. While Maddie sat across from me and Dallas across from Demi, with mom and dad at the ends. When I took my first bite of mom's pancakes, it was just like heaven. We talked about what we were going to do today. Demi said she wanted to take me and Joy shopping. Maddie wanted to come along, but she was hanging out with Bea Miller today. Dal was going out with her boyfriend, Rob. Mom and dad were just going to stay home or something like that. After breakfast, Demi, Joy, and I got ready to go out. Demi told me to go casual, but disguised. Same for Joy. I put Joy in an adorable black onesie that says 'Daddy's favorite.' I than put a black beanie on her little head with white Uggs. Adorable. I'll give her a white blanket to cover her. I put on a black half shirt that says 'What Ever' with a white tank top. A ripped pair of black skinny jeans. My favorite pair of Converse, that is teal with black, white, blue, purple, pink, and patterned laces. Black beanie that matches Joy's. Some aviator sunglasses and light make up. With my hair curled. I finish, grab Joy's blanket and Joy, and leave my room. I get downstairs to see Demi dressed in a black hat that's hiding her hair, a pair of sunglasses, a tight black shirt that says 'Awesome women have curves and tattoos', a pair off dark blue skinny jeans, a nice pair of white high heels, and light make up. "C'mon, baby girls." "We're hurrying! Gosh." I mumble. "Heard that." Demi said. We got Joy in the back and got in ourselves. On the way to the mall, Demi explained to me about the paparazzi and the fans. Joy will be defiantly scared. Demi turned the radio on and we sang a few songs together. I know some because I went onto YouTube and listened to some, while I was getting ready. I love her voice. We sang Heart Attack, Neon Lights, and Up(Olly Murs ft. Demi Lovato). We got to the mall about 10 minutes later. We went to get Starbucks and headed to the shops with a few complications.

Demi's POV

"C'mon, baby girls." "We're hurrying! Gosh." D.J. mumbled. "Heard that." I said. I love my new little sisters. She has a great fashion sense! She also picked out Joy's clothes and they are a-dorable! We got in the car and started driving. I explained to D.J. about the paps and fans. After I explain everything to her, I turned the radio on. A few of my songs came on! D.J. and I sang my songs. They were Heart Attack, Neon Lights, and Up. I love her beautiful voice! About 10 minutes after we sang my songs, we arrived at the mall. I got a still sleeping Joy out and placed on my hip. Then, D.J. covered her with her blanket. I whispered to D.J. "Keep your head down, baby." She nodded and tilted her head down so that she was staring at the road. I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me when I saw them staring at us. The paps saw me. I picked up the pace, but they ran over to us quicker. "Demi! Demi! Is Wilmer the father?!" "Does he know?" "Do you have more sisters?!" I snapped at that last sentence. "Guys!? These are my sisters! I'm not having kids for a while!" The flashes were blinding. I pulled my half-sister out of the crowd and turned to her, only to find her with tear tracks running down her face. "Are you okay, Kiddo? Remember, they are paid for pictures of celebrities. Just like your favorite sister... Maddie too, I guess." She laughed and than sniffled. I cupped her face in my free hand and wiped her tears with my thumb. We started walking again. She laughed again and said "You do actually look like you are Joy's mother. With how your carrying her and keeping her safe from the paps." "Well, baby girl, I try. 'Sides, I love you both. Probably like a mom would." "Your lying." She said unconvinced. "No. Really. I really do love you two girls. I honestly wanna take you girls to my house to live with me. I love you that much." I said super serious. So serious that I made her laugh really hard, getting looks from people passing by. "Babe, people are staring." I mumbled in her ear. She stopped laughing and Joy woke up finally. I have no idea how she slept through the paps. She started crying and I started singing Skyscraper softly in her ear, but she wasn't quieting down. She didn't stink and she wasn't just crying. She was hungry! Shit! "Do you have food for Joy?" I asked D.J. nervously. Her eyes went wide. "She likes bananas, Dems." "Go and get one. And hurry." I pointed at a shop that I knew had bananas. She ran to it. I continued to sing my songs softly to Joy. She likes Nightingale, I can tell. D.J. ran back to us a few minutes later with a banana. She peels it and puts it gently in Joy's mouth. I held it there while I took the girls to Starbucks. I ordered the usual for me and an apple juice for Joy in a sippy cup. D.J. ordered and we waited until our drinks were called. The lady said kindly "You have an adorable daughter, ma'am." "Thank you, ummm... Abby." I said happily looking at her name tag, trying to disguise my voice. Joy stopped eating her banana halfway and I held it just in case. I asked D.J. "Where do you wanna go next, D.J." We had been to a few stores and had a few bags. I was still holding Joy and a lot of people say she is adorable. I'm surprised no one has recognized me yet. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon. "OMG!!!!! You're DEMI LOVATO!!!!!!!" I heard someone scream. "Run. Run as fast as you can!!" I mumbled to D.J. We started running as fast as we could, with the crowd right behind us. Joy started crying almost instantly. "Sssshhh.... Joy, baby girl, calm down." "Sing Demi!" I heard D.J. say, still running. I made a turn into the next store. It just happened to be Gap. I sat Joy down and started to sing Nightingale softly into her ear, while holding her head to my chest. I love this little two year old sssooo much. She calmed down after me singing Nightingale to her a few times. I pulled her back from me and saw it. A red spot on her white blanket. I looked at where the red patch was covering up on her leg. It must have been hanging out and my fans scratched her. My poor baby girl. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone to call D.J. About 5 minutes after I told her, she was in Gap looking for us. I waved to her so she would see us. She ran over to us and wrapped her arms around me and Joy. I had her ask for a first aid kit and we patched Joy up. D.J. said "Demi." I looked up from Joy. "Can we just go home?" "Sure, kid." We walked out of the mall and went to pick up lunch for the two of us. 


What's up ladies and gentle-dudes of Wattpad. PLEASE. Please, comment on what you think of my book. It would be AWESOME if you people would share my story. I am going back to just updating my stories every week. Check out my other story on my profile.

QOTD: Do you want something more exciting to happen?



Wud up Harry Potter reference!

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