Revenge and Forgiveness

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D.J.'s POV

We have been in Maddie's temporary room for 2 hours. I locked the door and windows so they can't get in.

Demi and Dallas have been looking for a key to get in, but they don't know that we grabbed the keys to this room's windows and door. Maddie and I have played Truth or Dare, had random dance parties, and acted like we were gonna open the door for Dallas and Demi.

They finally got tired of our games and Demi ran into the door one last time. This time though, she broke it. Demi. Broke. The. Door. Down. How did she do that? Maddie and I screamed and hugged each other, while Demi and Dallas started tickling us. Joy sits on the bed, laughing a laugh that sounds kind of like Demi's.

"Demi! Please s-stop!" I say in between laughs.

"Say 'I'm the bestest sister in the whole universe and I'm a mother fuckin' badass!'" Demi says still tickling me.

"I-I'm the b-bestest sister in the w-whole universe and I'm a m-mother f-fuckin' badass!" I shout between laughs.

"Damn smart ass." Demi mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear, while getting off of me.

"Say it!" Dallas says, while tickling Maddie hard. I crawl over to them and tackle Dallas off of Maddie. I help Maddie into her wheelchair and put Joy in Maddie's lap. We run out of the room victoriously, right as mom and dad come through the door with bags in their hands.

"What's going on here?" Dad shouts as Demi and Dallas come running through the door. "Couch. Now." Mom said shaking her head. We all walk to the couch. Well, I pushed Maddie and Joy was in her lap still.

Once we were all in the living room, mom said "Demi, Dallas. What happened to you two?" They said at the same time, pointing to us "D.J. and Maddie drew on our faces and poured honey and chocolate syrup on our our heads." We shared a look and Maddie says with tears in her eyes "We did do it, but Demi and Dallas tickled us and it hurts to breathe mommy." Dad came over and picks up Maddie as she starts to cry. I start to cry too and say "We're sowy mommy. Demi made me say 'I'm the bestest sister in the whole universe and I'm a mother fuckin' badass.'" Joy sees I'm crying and crawls over to me. I pick her up and she starts crying as well. I have no idea why.

Mom gives Demi and Dallas a disapproving look and comes over to comfort me. Joy continues to sob. Mom notices and takes her from me and leaves for upstairs. Dad gives Demi and Dallas a look as I walk over to him and snuggle into him.

"D.J. I'm sorry for tickling you that hard and making you say that. I love you." Demi says looking down. I walk over to her and give her a hug. "It's fine Dems. I love you too."

"Are we cool, Mad? I'm super sorry for what I did. I love you." Dallas says and you could hear the hopefulness in her voice. "I guess Dally. I love you, too." Maddie laughed loudly and walked over to Dallas giving her a hug as well. "But, it still hurts to breathe." Maddie said very seriously. We all laughed at her seriousness and she soon joined in.


Hey guyz! School has started and I know this is only like half of what I usually do. I can't believe my idol is 23 already?!?!? Am I right or am I right? Of yeah! So, I'm very stressed with school, chores, homework, and Wattpad. Ugh, just so stressed.

QOTD: 1) SHOULD I DO ANOTHER STORY? 2) What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? 3) I need ideas! So if you have any, comment, PLEASE!!!!!!!

AFM: Drawing/Coloring and Listening/Singing music!

QOTD, Comment, Vote, Follow for a Follow, Check out my other story,and Share my story with your friends!

Have a perfect day, beauties! Mwah! Kisses!

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