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Demi's POV

Dinner was nice. It would of been nice if the paparazzi wasn't there. D.J. looked really scared when she saw them. Joy was really freaked too. She was crying and D.J. finally quieted her by the time we were at the table. She is really great with kids. I wish mom and dad would let me take her home to my house. On the ride home, we talked the whole way. Mom and dad said me and Dal could spend the night. I can tell me and D.J. have a special connection. Joy is really warming up to me too. When we got home, we all went to our own rooms. D.J. and Joy share a room for now. Tomorrow, I'm taking D.J. and Joy shopping for new clothes.

D.J.'s POV

I think I'm just gonna take a shower and go to sleep. I'm ssssssooooo tired. "Joy, baby girl, do you need a bath?" I ask the almost asleep toddler. She nods and I pick her up. "I'll give you a bath, then I'm getting in. Okay?" She just nods again, even more sleepily. I put her in the tub after undressing her. I wash and dry her and put her to bed. Then, I get in the shower and dry my body and hair. I get into some pj's and go to bed with Joy snuggled into me. I hear the door open and I think Demi asked "Baby girl, can I sleep with you? My room isn't heated and it's freezing in there." I open up the covers and she slides in next to me. She snuggles into me and I'm warm and cuddly. Soon, I fall into a deep sleep. I wake up to a crying Joy and Demi trying to shush her. "Please, baby girl. Please be quiet. You don't want to wake your sister do you?" She begged. I sat up still drowsy and said "I'm up, sis." She hands me Joy while saying "She won't quiet down. I was thinking about waking you up." "She likes it when I sing to her. Try singing, Dem." She thinks for a second and starts singing, what I later found out, Skyscraper softly. She has the best voice in the world. "Baby girl, you can go back to bed." "Thanks, Dems." I said gratefully to my sister. I can tell already, that we are going to have a great relationship for siblings. Soon, I feel a baby next to me. A minute later, I feel Demi getting in the bed next to me. They are both snuggled up to me and I am really hot now. I slowly drift off to sleep. What feels like a few minutes later, but was actually a few hours later, I hear a camera click and see a flash. I feel Demi get up and whisper shout to Dallas or Maddie "We had a rough night. Let. Us. Sleep." "Ok." I hear the door close and I open my eyes to Demi watching me and playing with my hair. "Morning, Sunshine." She said with a small smile. "Morning." "Mom made her special pancakes. They're really good." "Okay, what are we doing here then?" She shrugs. We are about to get up when I remember a sleeping baby next to me. I wake her up and we go downstairs together.
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