Waking Up (PART 2)

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Dallas' POV

My phone is ringing at 4:30 am. I was up, though. I pick it up, as mom's calling me.

"Hey, mom. What's up?"

"Hi. Demi woke up, thank god, and lost her memory of the past few months. She doesn't remember D.J. and Joy. Do you think you can bring Joy down here? I don't care what might happen. I'll tell you more once you get here." I can see mom rubbing the back of her neck and biting her lips, her nervous habits.

"Of course I'll bring them down as soon as I can. Do you want me to bring anything?" I ask, shoving at Maddie to wake her up.

There's a pause, some shuffling, muffled talking, and then mom is back. "Maybe some McDonald's. Water bottles, for sure. Um... I think that's it. Thanks. I'll talk to you when you get here." I say goodbye and hang up. I successfully push Maddie out of the bed.

"Owww, what was that for? I was sleeping." She sleepily complained.

"Demi woke up and doesn't remember anything from the past few months. Mom just called." I informed her, getting out of the bed and slipping on my shoes.

Once Maddie understood and woke up, she was up and had her shoes on as I made my way to the door with Joy in my arms. Joy hadn't woken up yet and I was thankful for that.

We get in my car and I drive to the hospital quickly, and didn't get a speeding ticket or anything. We run through the front doors and into Demi's room. "Dal, why do you- Oh my God! Is that my baby?" Demi quickly answers her own question. I nod and hand over Joy.

"She's so beautiful and so big!" Demi explains, tears threatening to fall over. I smile at the sight of the mother and daughter. (A/N: You guys are probably really confused right now. So let me break it down. Demi had a daughter at the age of about 20 and named her Joy. Demi couldn't handle Joy, because Demi's career was taking off. Demi gave her baby up for adoption, saying the child's parents had died while she was babysitting their 'daughter'. Joy and D.J. became really close because Demi and D.J. were secretly related. Dianna and Eddie let Demi sign Joy's adoption papers, legally making Joy Demi's child again. Hope that helped, enjoy the rest!)

'I wonder if mom and dad have told D.J. yet?' I think to myself.

"We did. Don't worry, Dallas." Mom calmly stated in response. I nod in response. 'I talked out loud?'

"I'm gonna go check on D.J." I declare. I get up, walk out of the room, and down the hall to where D.J.'s room is.

I open the door and see some girls and a boy, probably D.J.'s friends, sitting next to her on her bed. The boy is holding D.J. as she sobs. Something I didn't notice, they were all looking at me. "D.J.? What's wrong, baby?" I ask softly.

"I-I w-w-wanna talk t-to D-Demi, but t-they won't let m-me. I-I'm s-s-so confused." She sobbed harder.

One of the four girls decided to speak up with a smile on her face. "Hi. I'm Anna. We're D.J.'s friends." Anna has dirty blond hair pulled into a side braid, tan skin, blue eyes, and a wide smile.

Another girl, who looks exactly like the Anna, but with green eyes and darker hair, also pulled into a side braid, smiled and said "Hey. I'm Anna's twin sister, Mackenzie. Feel free to call me Mac."

The boy spoke next, with a smile "Hiya. I'm Tyler." Tyler has short, curly, black hair, lightly tanned skin, dark blue eyes, and a smile smile.

Another girl spoke "Aye. I'm Amanda." Amanda has long, light brown hair, light blue-green eyes, and really tanned skin.

The last girl said quietly "Hello. I'm Delanie." Delanie has black that fades into 'Ellen Blue' hair pulled into a ponytail, beautiful bright blue eyes with a hint of purple in them, and tan skin.

I smile to them all and say "Nice to meet all of you, can D.J. and I have a few minutes to ourselves?" They nod and reluctantly go out into the hallway.

D.J.'s POV

I wake up at almost 4 a.m. to my parents rushing in, saying "D.J., Demi woke up! The only problem is that she lost memory of you and Joy. We will try and jog her memory. The doctor said that her memory will slowly come back, though!"

"Can I go see her?" I quietly ask. Mom lowered her head and shook it, probably not wanting to see the look on my face. They leave to go make sure Demi is okay and leave me. I text my friends, telling them to come to the hospital and hang out with me. They agree and say they'll be over in about 25 minutes. Tyler texts me to ask what room I'm in and I text him back with the answer.

In about 30 minutes, they all arrive at the same time. I smile as they come in, but as they settle down in chairs and on my bed, I breakdown. They comfort me and try to make me feel better. I tell them what happened and Dallas comes in.

My friends introduce themselves and Dallas asks them to leave.

"How are you holding up?" Dallas asks me. I shake my head, at a lost of words, and cry. Dal sits on the bed next to me and holds me. "It will be okay, Deej. I talked to the doctor and he said you could leave today. We just need to tell him to get the discharge papers ready."

I look up, smiling. "Really?"

Dallas nods and says "Yep! You just have to take it easy."

A/N (Please read)

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in over a week. I got super busy with school, homework, video games, my daily fix of music, etc. So, I hope you liked this and it made up for not updating for a while.

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! WE HIT 1K!! Thank you everyone that read this!!!

The next update will be a Christmas Special. It will be thrice+ as long as it usually is. So the next update will be on Christmas. (I understand some people don't celebrate Christmas [That's totally fine!] Please read it anyway because shit can and will go down. I mean it is the holidays)

Vote, Comment, Share, Add it to your library, Check out my other story, FOLLOW FOR A FOLLOW, and remember, as always, do any of this for a follow.

Peace OUT and happy early holidays!!!

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