Brand New Day

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Demi's POV

I wake up suddenly to Maddie and Dallas hitting me with pillows. "5 more minutes." I mumble and then yawn. I wonder what it would be like to not have siblings. Dallas says "Mom made pancakes." Did she just say mom's pancakes!? I quickly stumble out of bed and to my bathroom to take a shower and start my day. I brush my teeth and get dressed in a white shirt, light-wash ripped jeans, and white strappy heals. I put my hair in a messy bun and walk downstairs still half asleep. When I do get down there, my mom puts a stack of pancakes in front of me. I start digging in. I didn't know I was that hungry. My mom looked at me and said "Girls, how would you like a new brother or sister?" We looked at each other, than her all shocked by what she just said. I was brave enough to speak by saying "M-m-mom do y-you mean that you're p-pregnant?" "Demi, you're 22 years old. I'm not having anymore children, but Eddie and I were thinking to adopt. There is an orphanage near here called Sunny's Care Home. We can try it, girls. We were thinking about a 10-18 year old kid. Boy or girl." We all said in unison "Okay." We finish our food and get ready to go. Eddie shouted "Girls! C'mon, lets go!" We all shuffle down the stairs. I finished getting ready by putting some make up on and a black hat to hide from the paps. Mom and dad drive their car and Dallas, Maddie, and I drive my car. Once we are there, we get out and with all of us smiling, we walk inside.

D.J.'s POV

2 black cars show up outside. The adopters must be here. I quickly run to my bathroom to hide my scar on my face that I got when I got hit by a branch on a bike ride. Dumb trees. Once I have my make up on I go to the window and see a family of 5. All girls, 1 mom, and 1 dad. I get dressed in my usual light pink, button-up, tank top and light blue short-shorts with white heels. Let's just say that I'm not the tallest person in the world. I run to Joy's room and get her ready in a pink onesie and a new pull-up. Once I'm done, I go downstairs, with Joy in my arms, and we all line up in front of the family. Joy looks up at them. Since she gets scared easily, she started crying into my neck. Sunny whispered in my ear "Take her to the other room." "Yes, ma'am." I reply and quickly walk to the other room. "Joy, baby girl? We are alone now." I tell her quietly. She keeps crying. I sing a song I heard on the radio called Nightingale by Demi something softly to her and rub her back, trying to calm her. I hear heel clicks on the ground. I turn around to see one of the daughters of the couple. "Hi, I'm Donna Joe. Please call me D.J. and this is Joy." She says kindly "Hi, D.J. My name is Demi Lovato." " What did you say?" I said quickly in a panic. "My name is Demi Lovato?" She repeats herself. I look at her bewildered. "Is something wrong D.J.?" "My full name is Donna Joe Louise Lovato." I said still panicked. Her eyes widened than she said "Thanks for singing my song. I'll be right back." Her song? What?!


Thanks for reading my new story! I ran out of ideas for my other story.D:

If you could for my other story, called EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED, comment what else I could write about and I will dedicate the story to YOU!

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Have a good day gumdrops! XD

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