New School

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~~**Skip 2 Months Later**~~

D.J.'s POV

Well, looking back at the summer, it was pretty much good. Demi, Dallas, Maddie, Joy, and I had a lot of fun. We went shopping, to Disney Land and Disney World, and some of Demi's concerts. In the past 2 months, we had a lot of family time. I met the rest of the family and some friends. For example, I met Selena Gomez, The Jonas Family, and Wilmer Valderrama, Demi's boyfriend. Mom, dad, and my sisters have been helping me get caught up with the schooling I have missed.

It's now September and the temperature has not changed. School is starting tomorrow and I'm super nervous. I start the 10th grade. I dropped out in 8th at the end of the year. Demi and Dallas are helping me pack everything up and pick out my outfit.

"How about this?" Demi asked. Holding up a pair of denim shorts, white Converse, and a hot pink shirt that says 'Pleasing everyone is impossible Pissing everyone off is a piece of cake' in black cursive writing. I said, giving her a thumbs up, "You've gotten one like. Also, thanks for buying it for me, Dems." Dallas sang "I don't like it. I love it, love it, love it. Whoa oh. So good it hurts." We laugh and I help Dallas finish packing my backpack.

Once we finish, it's about time for dinner. Maddie had gotten her casts off about 2 weeks ago. Dad brought us home 3 pizzas. We sit down, pray, and devour them in less then 30 minutes. With talking, of course.

We clear the dining table and watch 'Into the Woods' and 'The Little Mermaid' on TV. We sing alone to them in goofy voices and have a lot of fun. However, once the movies finished, it was time to get ready for bed.

We walk upstairs and get ready for bed. I get in my Batman pj's and flop onto my bed. Joy crawls in and says "J." Mom has been teaching her how to talk, as she is almost 3. She gets up on her feet and waddles over to me. As she almost falls, I catch her. Mom is also teaching Joy how to walk.

I laid on the bed with Joy in my arms. Joy lays her head on my chest and falls asleep. As if on cue, our loud sisters come barging in shouting "Mom and dad said we can sleep in here!" Joy lets out cries. I glare at my sisters and soothe Joy. Or at least try to. She just keeps crying. I feel her forehead and it's warm. I walk out the door and quickly to my parents' room.

I open it and say "Mom, dad, I think Joy is sick."

Mom walks over to me calmly. She kisses Joy's forehead and says "Nope. Cool as a cucumber." I nod and go back to my room. Only to find my sisters on my bed, looking guilty.

"I am putting her to bed." I put Joy to bed in her room and rush back to mine.

"So, mom and dad said that you two need to sleep, so we're just going to cuddle and sleep in here. Okay?" Dallas said. We all nod and get onto my bed. I fall asleep fast because I guess I was really tired.


I wake up next to Maddie with Demi and Dallas whacking us with pillows.

"WAKE UP!!!! YOU GUYS MISSED THE BUS!!!" They shouted at us. I feel the covers ripped off my warm body. I shiver, roll over, and cuddled into Maddie. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground with Maddie falling on top of me.

"Maddie, get the fuck off of me!" I said with a raspy morning voice. Maddie scrambles to get of me.

Demi and Dallas are on the ground, laughing, crying. They compose themselves and Demi says "Well someone's a bitch in the mornings." "Only when someone wakes me up.... Unless it's Joy." I said.

I get up and walk downstairs, followed by my sisters.

"Mom and dad aren't up yet. So I made pancakes with a little help from Dal." Demi said proudly.

"Are they poisoned or anything like that?" I asked carefully. She shoots me a look that could kill and I smile innocently.

Maddie walks over to the medicine cabinets and gets stuff for stomach aches, head aches, and some other things. Let's just say, Demi is not the best cook in the world.

I eat Demi's food and take all the medicine on the table. Maddie and Dallas do the same thing.

Maddie and I run upstairs and get dressed. I wearing the outfit that Demi picked out last night and Maddie was wearing a black hoodie, teal skinny jeans, all black Converse, and a Captain America shirt. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs with Maddie in tow.

Mom and dad are awake now and are taking pictures for the first day of school.

As the bus pulls up, Demi yells at Maddie and I "I'm picking you guys up this afternoon!" We nod in response and run to the bus.

I sit with Maddie and we just talk. She tells me all the rules and to choose my friends wisely. I swear, sometimes she is the older sister.

The bus pulls up at the school and everyone files out. I see people running over to other people. Hugging, talking, playing. Maddie runs over to her friends, I guess, and hugs them. Her group has 2 boys and 4 girls, including Maddie.

"Faith, Mike, Victoria, Luke, Lily, and Becky, meet my new big sister, D.J. She is a Lovato and we adopted her over the summer, along with a two year old girl, Joy." Maddie says to her friends, as they wave at their name. "D.J. meet Faith Roberts, Mike Jones, Victoria Kensington, Luke and Lily Greene, and Rebecca Lewis."

The teachers let us in and I walk to the office.


Hey guys! I ran out of ideas, so here we are. I hope you like it and everything.

QOTD: What are your Zodiac Signs? How are you liking my story?

AFM: I am a Capricorn.


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Have a wonderful day!

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