Monday : 7:00 a.m

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I woke up to my five year old sister, Yuka screaming at me to come downstairs. I slowly pulled off my covers and head downstairs. I barley got any sleep last night because my sister wouldn't shut up. She complained and screamed for sooooooo long. Eventually I put on my headphones and listened to Marina. I love her songs so much! They are amazing. But still, I got only one hour of sleep, and it felt like ten seconds. I sit down at the table as my mother hands me and my sisters waffles.

"Yummy!!! Waffles!!" Yuka screams.

"Yuka, hunny please be quiet papa is still sleeping." My mother says shushing her.

I eat my waffles as Yuka and her twin sister Yuri argue about a show. Yuri is mainly quiet, but she can be really loud. Yuka is just, loud. I finish my waffles first and get up out of my chair. Yuka and Yuri are still fighting, I walk quietly upstairs to avoid waking my father up, he's been working late night shifts. He goes to work at 8:00 a.m so we normally let him sleep until around 7:30. I make it to my room and shut my door.

I look through my dresser to find my uniform. I open my second drawer and see my uniform. Yes!  I put it on quickly and hurry downstairs. I grab my shoes and my backpack.

"Amara! Remember to lock the door! Have a great day at school!" My mom whisper yells as I open the door.

"I will Mom! Bye!" I whisper yell back closing the door and locking it.

(Hiii!! So I am so happy that you are reading this!  I hope you're enjoying it so far! I hope to be able to post around three other chapters, but I might not be able to. I am also sorry it is kinda short I will try and make longer chapters. Love ya! <3 -Cherry)

Word Count: 320

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