Friday : 12:35 PM

9 0 1

( TW : Vomiting, Corpses)


"My sister, Lili has been...weird, since what happened. She doesn't talk, she just...locks herself in her room and..she just stares at her roof." I say, to the woman in front of me, my therapist.

"And why is she so upset?" She asks, I think hard about how I want to word this.

"She told us that she found her best friend, Amara Jean, on the floor outside of a restaurant, on the 15th of February, with a bullet in the bottom of her stomach, near her hip." I say, it was in fact what Lili had told me, but it felt so...wrong to say.

"So, she's in the hospital? Or did she..pass from the bullet?" My therapist asks.

"She's in a coma,  and Lili, shes been so much more jumpy..its like she knows something no one else does." I say, the worry in my voice clear.

"Has she told anyone about having bad thoughts? Or has she been keeping to herself?"

"She keeps to herself, she never liked really talking about her feelings." I respond, fiddling with my hair.

"I recommend getting her a therapist, oh, and that concludes our session." My therapist says.

I give her like 100 dollars in cash, which I was supposed to buy lunch with.. whatever I guess. I walk out of the room, and head to the exit. I walk to my car, when I get in, I get a whiff of rotting, and a bitter sweet smell.

"What is that smell-!" I ask, gagging a bit, I turn around, a decomposing corpse in the backseat.

"WHAT THE-" I scream, and open my door to escape my vehicle.

What was a dead body doing in my backseat? Who put it there? How'd they get my keys? Were all things I was asking myself. Instead of continuing to overthink, I run back in to the therapists office.

"YOU'VE GOT TO CALL THE POLICE! THERE'S A BODY IN MY BACKSEAT!" I yell at the lady at the front desk. I could tell at first, that she didn't believe me, but once she noticed my traumatized look, and me sweating from head to toe, I think shes realized that I saw something extremely disturbing.

"Alright ma'am, please take a seat, I'll call 911." She says, shooting out of her seat, but she continues to remain calm. She takes my hand, and guides me to a seat.

I'm still shaking, unable to get the nasty picture out of my mind. I feel like vomiting. I feel so disgusting.

Eventually I can't hold it in anymore, I run to the bathroom, and in to a stall.

I vomit, I'm so tired, I've had a long day..


it goes black.


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