Monday: 7:58

39 2 5


Finally, me and Lili make it to our first class. I had Math class and Lili had History. We had an exam today in math, I couldn't focus at all. I was meeting with Lili after school today. I love when we can just be together and hang out. Lili is beautiful and she is super sweet, and she's helpful and caring. I just love-

The bell snaps me out of my thoughts. I look a my paper, blank.

"Alright, everyone set your tests on my desk on your way out." My teacher says as students rush out in the halls.

I slowly get up out of my chair and walk towards her desk. I set my paper down and rush in to the halls with everyone else. I head to my locker, I figured Lili would be there, but instead of Lili it was Tyra. Tyra is Lili's other bff, Tyra is nice but she isn't as caring and sweet as Lili. I wave to Tyra and she waves back. I walk towards her and my locker.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi." She says back.

We stared at each other for a while. Until she broke the silence.

"So uhm, you've been hanging out with Lili a lot right?" Tyra asks.

I look at her confused

"Uhm, yes I have. Why?" I respond in a confused voice

"Well, she didn't show up to class." She says

I stared at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask 

We stare at each other again.

Then the bell breaks the silence.

I ran to the bathroom to skip class, I had also grabbed my phone out of my bag. I needed some time to think about where Lili could be.

I think for a while. Until coming to the conclusion that she went home for the day, so I look for the window. I spot it and walk towards it. I thought that the window would be locked, but it wasn't. My school is definitely stupid thinking that some kids wouldn't skip class by using the window to get out.

I open the window and hop out. Realizing the window was around two story's high. I try to land but fail and end up hurting myself.

A couple of scrapes. But I was fine, so that was good. I stand up, I was a little wobbly but I gained my balance back after a few seconds. I quickly pull out my phone to text Lili.

13 unread text messages from contact "Flower <3"


I open my messages and read what Lili has been texting me about.

———————————-FLOWER <3————————————————

Hey Amara! Are you still fine with hanging out after school?

Amara!! Guess what!

Kyle just asked me out!!!

We're going on a date at 7:00!

I will have to change our hang out for 4:30-6:30.

Are you fine with that?

I just realized ur in class


Anyways I'm skipping school today to get ready!

You can join me if u want

I'm gonna walk 2 my house

Come there if you want to hang out or help me get ready


"Thank god! She's ok!" I think out loud.

Thankfully it's class time and no one's out here. I start my walk to Lili's house. Her house is around twenty blocks away from the school. I disliked having to walk to her house because it was always boring, besides when she would talk to me while we walked together, it was just, I don't know, relaxing? I just really like walking with her. She just made everything more fun.

I arrive at her house, I look at her window. Finally I text her

———————————-FLOWER <3————————————————

Hey Amara! Are you still fine with hanging out after school?

Amara!! Guess what!

Kyle just asked me out!!!

We're going on a date at 7:00!

I will have to change our hang out for 4:30-6:30.

Are you fine with that?

I just realized ur in class


Anyways I'm skipping school today to get ready!

You can join me if u want

I'm gonna walk 2 my house

Come there if you want to hang out or help me get ready


Hey Lili! Sorry I wasn't responding I was in class. Anyways congrats! I'm actually here at ur house. Btw Could you let me in through the window so ur mom doesn't see?

Ofc! Give me a second I gotta get my ladder.


I shut off my phone and wait for her. She has this old ladder in her room. Well actually it's in their attic, honestly I feel bad for her she has the attic in her room it's probably really creepy. When we were little we would go in to her attic and play what we called: 'Ghost hunters 5000'. Don't ask about the name, I don't even think that we knew what ghost hunters did, we would just take two flashlights and search her attic, one time we were playing the game and Lili heard a weird noise coming from this box and we got so scared. I think we both probably peed ourself. It turns out it was just her cat Sapphire.

I look back up at the window, Lili is lowering the ladder. Lili's room is on the third floor, yeah her house is huge. She had nine siblings, yeah I know her family is huge. Like how many kids is too many kids for her parents. Anyways, I grab a part of the ladder to help lower it. Finally, it touches the ground. I grab on to it and begin climbing. Anyways back to her siblings, there are 5 girls: Lilac, Olivia, Ivory, Kia, and finally Lili. Then they have four boys: Kai (who is actually Kia's twin), Kaminen, Silas, and finally Zander.

I make it to the top of the ladder, Lili grabs my hand and pulls me in to her bedroom.

(HIIII OMG I FINALLY FINISHED THIS :DDD I am so glad I am finally able to do a longer chapter! I also plan to include a LOT of drama! Also Berry I know you'll be reading this at some point and I just wanna say ty for reading all of these ily u <3)

(Oh and I made a drawing of Lili! Working on my Amara one rn!) (I also made them in gacha)

(I couldn't get the photos to work 😭)

(Love ya thank you for reading! Bye <3)

Word count: 1017

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