Chapter 2: Omori

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The black haze felt like it surrounded Sunny, engulfing him into a trance. Yet, he snapped out of it when he heard a familiar voice.

   "Hello, ...Sunny." He immediately turned around to see a black and white figure standing in front of him. "....You." Omori murmured. Sunny trembled. His voice wasn't deep at all, but it's chilly and cold. He starts to shake.

Sunny glanced at the shimmering knife in Omori's hand. "u-uhm..." Sunny's thoughts get trapped in his throat. He tries speak, but the words can't seem to get out.

   "You have come once again. I wonder why."

    Omori's flat tone gets Sunny even more anxious... and angry.

   "Why am I here..? I b-bet this was your doing! I got rid of you! How'd you come back..??"

   Omori shrugged and smiled. That made Sunny even more pissed. Sunny started stomping towards Omori, hands in fists. Omori held out his knife and that immediately stopped Sunny in his tracks.

   "...I don't understand." Sunny whispered.
   Omori put on a straight face again. Staring deep into Sunny's eyes.

   "Aren't you enjoying your new life in the city? Where everyone knows the truth? You shouldn't need this place anymore."

   Sunny looked away, pitifully.

   "What are you... trying to be nice? Of course I enjoy my new life."  Sunny replied.

   "...then why do you still yearn for this one?"
  Sunny froze. He stared at the lightbulb, trying to look away from Omori.

"I don't know why... I mean... if you're looking for eternal peace and salvation, this is the right place. But... I thought you didn't want that."

He turned away.

"I guess I was wrong."

Sunny's face started to turn red in anger, as he felt his whole body heat up. He wasn't even scared anymore, he was just, furious. He didn't care if Omori had a knife. He was pissed. And nothing was stopping him.


Omori looked away, and put his hand over his face. Sunny heard him chuckling, and giggling.

"hahaha... hehe... oh... wow. You really are ignorant, are you? I forgot how exhilarating emotions can be... hehe..."

Omori's face dimmed down.

"Look. I wasn't the one who sent you back here. I know you won't believe me, but I'm just saying it out loud."

Sunny started to relax a little, truly realizing the situation he was in. He took a deep inhale and exhale and finally calmed down.

"Ok. I don't say I believe you... but I can't do anything about it now. Do you know something you haven't told me Omori?"

Omori shrugged.

"Does the baby need help finding out? I think it's pretty damn obvious."

Sunny breathed deeply again, trying to keep his cool.

"Look, I'm not playing any games. Tell me.... Ugh. Please."

"Mmmmmm... nah."


"It's funnier if you don't know. Then you could be a fish outta water, struggling to breathe and comprehend. "

Sunny stood there in shock and disbelief. Omori, someone, HE CREATED. Was talking back to him. He couldn't let that slide.

*sigh* "I understand, you hate me, but at least tell me how to get outta here smartass."
Omori frowned.

"But we were just gettin to the good part! Ugh. Fineeee. Here. Catch."

Omori let go of the knife and threw it at Sunny, and he caught the blade, and it cut his finger. It didn't hurt him tho. Blood started flowing down his arm an onto his sleeve.

Sunny looked at Omori in confusion.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"
Omori shrugged and smiled.

"I don't know, figure it out, wise guy."

Red hands seem to come out from behind Omori, shielding him.

"Oh, and, good luck with Kel ;)"

Then both the hands and Omori disappeared before Sunny could react.

Sunny ran to the white door, and tried to open it. Of course it's locked. He sighed.
Sunny stared at the knife curiously, and at his arm. Sunny looked up in disbelief. Why am I doing this? He took the blade and started to cut himself. No pain, just blood. Huh. He thought. Does that mean... he started shaking, while slowly putting the tip of the knife to his chest.

"I-*laugh* I can't believe I'm doing this."
Sunny looked down at the knife, and closed his eyes. Slowy, he started to push the blade into his clothes, then his flesh. He didn't feel it, he only felt the blade go further and further down into his lungs, then his spine.

He gasped. And fell the the floor.

Sunny tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was red and pitch black. Omori's words repeated back in his mind. Then why do you still yearn for this one?

He didn't know why.

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