Chapter 30: Want a taste of my brain?

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.................. okay, its yours anyways.............
             .................You despair?..................
  ............I wonder how long it's gonna last........
(holy shit.)

   "A... are we at the castle yet??" Hero unplugs his ears.
   "Not yet, idiot! And stop that! The spiders are too big to crawl in your ears!!" Aubrey smacks at his hand.
  "You... you don't know that!" Hero argued back.
   "Guys, it's okay, we'll be out soon." Kel tried to calm them down.
   They continued, running into a mine cart track with missing parts.
   "Guess we gotta collect them, right?" Basil sighed.
   They backtrack, trying to find the pieces.
   They stumble upon a huge candle.
   "Is this what the matchbox is for?" Basil takes it out of his pocket, and turns to Aubrey in worry. He remembers what happened all those years ago. (Little does he know, that's not what actually happened lmao)
   Aubrey is staring back in obvious discomfort, "Here, let me do it." She walks up to Basil and snatches it from him.
   "I... okay." He whispers, not wanting to argue.
   They all step back as Aubrey takes the match and slashes across the top of the box. A bright red flame appears.
   She takes a big breath in and puts it near the wick. The candle's flame roars, and Aubrey steps back. She stands in front of it in awe.
   "Okay? Wha-" Kel starts, but then a bunch of spiders (actual spiders) come and hover around it.
"AHHHH!!!!" Hero cries out.
"Wait... guys!! We have to run!! Basil!! You go first!" Kel understands the assignment, holding Hero by the hand, runs up to the web.
Basil grabs Aubrey by the wrist, and they run further in the forest, cutting down cobwebs, trying to get there before the spiders.
They get to the piece, and Kel puts it in his pocket.
Just then, the spiders come back.
"Woah." Kel sits up. They're on the ground.
"What was that?" Basil looks around, and notices Kel still had the mine cart track in his pocket.
"AH... Ah.... a-ah...." Hero's voice shakes.
"You're fine." Kel taps him on the head and he jumps, "AH! GET IT OFF!!!" he hissed, smacking his hand.
"Oh... it's really bad... is it?" Basil looks at Hero, and Kel nods, "I mean, it's always been bad, but it's gotten worse."
Aubrey was spaced out again, she was looking at the matchbox in her hand.
"Okay. We have to go, we can't keep sitting here." Kel gets up while holding Hero by the arm, and walks away, "Come on..!"
Basil sighs and glances at Aubrey, "You okay?"
Aubrey slowly looks up and smiles weakly, "Yeah."
One after another, they find the pieces of the track and assemble them.
They then walk back to the entrance and get in the mine cart.
"Ready?" Basil sits in the front.
(This is when I leave to go to the hospital)
(Now I'm back lmao)
   He pushes on the ground, and they head off.
   They come to a halt.
   Basil is holding his heart in shock, and sighs.
   Aubrey is digging her nails in her hair, frustratingly, "Jeez."
   Hero is curled up in a ball and Kel has put his hands down, (Such a little goober) "WOO.... Ah... that was fun...." he smiles joyfully.
They all hop out and start making their way deeper into the forest.
"Mari!!!" Hero cries out, running to her and falling to his knees, "it... it was so... scary...."
Mari giggles sympathetically, "I'm glad you got through it."
"Soo... just keep going? When are we gonna get to the castle?" Kel asks.
"Soon. But first, a village is up ahead. They are holding the show." She points to the tickets in their hands.
"Alright, let's go." Aubrey starts to walk off, but then Mari grabs the top of her arm.
It hurts.
It stings.
It burns.
Let go.
"please let go of me." She winces in pain, whispering harshly.
Mari turns her head and squeezes tighter.
"OUCH! STOP IT!" Aubrey smacks her hand and Mari releases her grip.
Aubrey holds her arm and scowls, turning away, "Come on, guys." She walks ahead, and the others follow, not wanting to question and anger her more.
Mari hides a smile.
"Uhhhh... are they dead...?" Basil pokes at a sprout mole, with no light in its eyes.
They'd found a whole trail of them. And blood. Lots of blood.
Hero, still curled up in Kel's shoulder, looks up slightly, "wha...? W-who's dead...?"
"The sprout moles, dipshit!" Aubrey snaps.
"Guys! Look." He points to a ladder going underground.
"Ugh.... Not more ladders.." Hero groans, legs still sore from earlier.
"Woah... an secret village??" Kel looks around in awe.
Aubrey, still agitated from earlier, grabs his wrist and walks towards the show booth, "We don't have time to look around."
"Okay, okay, sorry, Princess." He scoffs.
They stand in front of the booth, where a small sprout mole with bags under their eyes greets them, "Four tickets... please...?"
"H-here." Hero stutters, even though they're past all the spiders.
"Take it." She throws it at the mole.
Basil and Kel silently give away their tickets.
Kel turns towards Aubrey slightly and frowns, "You know who is running this show, right? Aren't you the least bit excited?"
Aubrey looks away, "I know." She hides a bit of happiness, "I just wanna see her... she's my idol and all."
Hero straightens his back and sighs, "Okay. Let's go in."
And so they do.
As soon as they walk in, they are bombarded with a sprout mole with a top hat, yelling, "Help! Someone! I need assistance from a kind, young lady- OH!" He glares at Aubrey, "YOU WITH THE PINK HAIR AND THE BIG BLUE EYES!! Would you help me??"
"Fuck off." She kicks at him slightly.
He doesn't let that stop him, "Please!! I'll pay you handsomely!!"
"I don't WANT YOUR FUCKING MONEY." She walks ahead, about to take her seat. Everyone stands around, not wanting to get involved.
"I'll tell you where the keys are." The gentlemole mumbles.
   "Aubrey. We don't know our way around, maybe it'd be best if we had a guide!" Hero smiles.
Aubrey's freezes, "You- ugh. 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞." she points at the group, "Can my friends come too?"
"Oh... you guys are here to see the epilogue, right? You'll see them again soon enough.... Now! Come! We must make haste!" The mole runs off backstage.
   Aubrey looks at her friends, "I'll be okay."
   Hero gives her a thumbs up, while Basil nods.
   "Good luck." Kel snarks.
   She turns around and walks away, but not before flipping him off. (LMAO)
   𝐀𝐮𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲.
   IM DONE!!!
   HI! Okay. Hi. I hope you are excited and nervous for the future stuff, (you should be >:3) cause it's gonna get WILD.
   Ofc, this arc is gonna be about ma girl, Aubrey. Time for her to face her fears!!! :D
   Sorry for the delay, Yknow, hospital visits aren't fun.
   I hope you enjoyed the chaos, as per usual ^^
   See ya!! Love you guys!! <3

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