Chapter 3: Pinwheels

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Sunny woke up in a breaking sweat, gasped for air as he sat up. He held his chest. Sunny was frozen in shock, he looked around precariously, waiting for his heart to settle. He was in his room, and it was morning out.

Sunny took more deep breaths to try and calm himself, and after a few moments, his heart finally stopped pounding. His vision was back to normal, so he looked around at himself, realizing, that they were noticeably scars on his right arm, where he had cut in white space. Huh. That's interesting. He shrugged it off.

  Next he realized he was laying on his desk the last he remembered, but he woke up on his bed. Even under the covers too. His whole body was numb tho, like he had really slept on the desk.

   He turned to look outside his window, to see nothing unusual, cars going by, birds chirping, and the sun obscured by his home.

   He finally got up and walked towards his closest, and slowly took of his shirt. He has to wear something long sleeved so his mom wouldn't see the scars, but that was ok with him. I mean, it's February and still pretty cold out. He got out a black top with a white collar, pretty much most of his clothes looked like this.

   He tried to put it on and felt immense pain coming from his arm. He froze, and looked at the arm. Still scars, but it burned like they were fresh, the pain seemed to be coming back to him from earlier. Sunny sighed, and even through it hurt, he still managed to get used to the cloth sleeve over them.

Next, took of his pants, and put on another pair, that looked exactly the same, dark brown with a zipper and buttons. He found comfort in wearing the same clothes every day, but he didn't really know why. His best guess was that, back when he spent 4 years to himself, he wore the same clothes every day, not changing once. To this day, that sounds disgusting to him, even if it looks like he still does it. Eh. I don't know why, but whatever.

He put on his pants, and went to his dresser to brush his hair. He always got messy bed head, and he always wanted to be neat and, well, perfect. He sighed. Guess I got that from Mari.

He glanced at his desk again, and at his black bracelet on the desk. He stared at it for a while, trying to decide whether or not to take it with him. ..... whatever. Fuck it. He took the beaded bracelet with the pinwheel charm off his desk and put it on his left wrist.

Then, he turned and headed out of his room.
Sunny's mom was waiting downstairs in the kitchen, putting together waffles.

"Oh hi Sunny! Bright up and early, that's unusual!" His mom grinned at him, and he smiled back.

"Yeah... I had a nightmare" He sighed, remembering everything that happened during the "dream" He walked over to the kitchen table and sat down in his favorite chair, he means, the one that's not broken.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that honey. But hey! Today is a new day and we are going to take on the world together!"

Sunny chuckled, while his mom went back to making the food. Sunny stared at his arm, then at his bracelet. A vivid memory plays back through his mind.

"Hey Sunny! Everyone! Look what I got us all!"

It was Kel, 7 months ago. On July 20th, My birthday. He ran over to the us into the secret hiding spot. He giggled and handed out a separate bracelet to each of the group. A orange one for him, a pink one for Aubrey, a blue one for Hero, a green one for Basil, and a black one for me.

"Hehehe... look what I got all of us!! They're friendship bracelets! For all five of us!"

I looked down at my bracelet curiously, feeling every bead on the tips of my fingers.

Aubrey immediately burst out laughing.

"God, Kel. You're so dumb." She smiled though, so everyone secretly knew she liked the gesture.

"Aubrey, Kel did something nice for everyone! At least say thank you." Hero replied.

*sigh* "Fine. Thank... you."

That was enough for Kel. He ran over to Aubrey and gives her a intruding hug.

"Agh! Kel! What are you doing??" She put an annoyed look on her face, but I could see the smile hidden underneath.

"... I love you guys." Kel murmured.

Hero nodded and grinned as he grabbed me by the hand and basil by the shoulder and pulled us in a group hug.

Aubrey's cheeks and the tip of her nose turned a bight red in embarrassment.


Basil left the hug and stood in front of us, then taking out his old dusty camera.

"Everyone say 'Cheese'!"


That was the last time he had seen any of them. Well, besides Christmas, but Kel and Basil couldn't come. Basil cause he was on a vacation for the break, and kel cause....

His thoughts get interrupted by the clang of the plate of waffles. He jumps, and his mom puts his hand on his shoulder, and looks at him worriedly.

"Are u ok?"

"Y-yeah! I'm ok!"

His mom took her hand off his shoulder and looked away.

"Good. Because Basil called earlier saying he wanted you to come over to the suburbs."

"What?!" His face filled with confusion. "Why would he call me over?? Is he ok??" Worry spread across his face, not knowing what to say next.

   "I'm pretty sure Basil is fine, dear. He actually seemed pretty eager and excited to have you over for his birthday!"

   Shit. I forgot about that.

   He became flustered and hid his face.
Why me? How could I forget..?

   He turned away, making sure his mom couldn't see the redness of his cheeks.

   "Ok. I'll go."

   He turned to his mom and smiled.
   "That's my boy!"

    She beamed and shoved a piece of waffle in Sunny's mouth.


   "Times a wasting, Sunny! Come on! We gotta go!" She pushed Sunny out of his chair and started to walk ahead to the car.


    A sharp and intense shock struck behind his eyes. He stopped and grabbed his head that was throbbing. Ouch.... why...? He heard a familiar sound coming from all around him, a tone he'll never forget. E v e r y t h i n g I s g o i n g t o b e o-

   "Sunny! Are you coming! The waffles are going to get cold!"

    Sunny's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his mother's voice. He head stopped pounding, and he slowly raised his head to look at his mom.


   He ignored it and ran outside, gleefully, waiting and anticipating to see everyone again.
He hoped for a good day.

   Oh, if only that's how it went.

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