Chapter 14: Shadow

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Quickly, a shadow pops out of the bushes. The shape resembled much of...

   "Basil?" Hero exclaimed.

   The shadow ignores him and started walking up to Basil. Kel stood up and put his hand in front of Basil.

   "How do we know we can trust you? You might be working with that sicko Omo-"

   "Kel! He's an ally. He might be able to help." Mari corrected. Kel then quietly stepped out of the way.

   The shadow ran up to Basil and crouched down in front of him. Basil had tears flowing down his face, (cause of the constant vomiting)
and he was shaking, staring at the ground.

   "Basil! Listen to me. I know you're scared, but this isn't something you should run away from anymore!! Your friends... they're here for you. No matter what." No response. Basil's eyes were still cold with fear.

   "...." The shadow turned towards the group. The soulless white gaze made everyone uncomfortable. "How could you let it get this bad? Are you guys even his friends?"

   "I- WHAT." Aubrey snapped. "WE ARE. WE THOUGHT EVERYTHING WAS OKAY AGAIN!!" She stood up and started to stomp over to them, but Mari tugged on her jacket. "Aubrey! Don't take anything he says personally. He's..." she glanced at the shadow.
   Aubrey stared at the green grass in anger, but let's it go and steps back.

   The shadow turned back to Basil once more, and sighed again. "I didn't wanna have to do this, but I guess I have no choice." The shadow embraces Basil, and dissolves into him.

   "Wha-" Basil started, but then a sharp pain itches at the back of his eyes. "Ugh....." He clasped his head in his hands, while Kel ran up to him again. "Basil!! Are you okay??"

  Aubrey scoffed and also ran up to Basil. "Clearly he's not, dumbass!! It's that bastard'a fault!! He-"

   Then all of a sudden, the shadow tapped them on the back of the shoulder. "Hey."

   "AHH!!" They both jump and turn around to see the shadow standing behind them, holding Omori's knife Basil had. "SHIT. WHERE DID YOU-"

   "Aubrey! Kel! Chill. The shadow was helping." Hero yells.

   Basil stares at them in confusion, suddenly feeling better. "What? Why did you take that?" He points at the knife.

   "To do this." He holds out the knife and black goo starts dripping from the tip and landing in the other shadows hand. He holds it up to reveal a small figure (like a doll), one with short blond hair and a flower in their hair.

"Who's that?" asks Basil.

The shadow takes a deep breath.

"This is your fear and anger all combined into one being- one who you don't remember."

Basil gazed at the figure in worry. "But why don't I remember?"

"That isn't for you to understand. See, we all have something we've hidden deep inside us... and that's just how humans work. But it all comes up in a form somehow... one with an evil intention."

Hero whispers to Mari, "Did you just understand anything that he said?" She shrugs.

"Okay..." Basil kept glaring at the figure, he couldn't get his mind off it. It all seemed so familiar....

w a n n a p l a y a g a m e. . . ?

"Hey." Kel put his hand on his shoulder. "Don't get too worked up about it! I'm sure it'll all be okay in the end"

e v e r y t h i n g i s g o i n g t o b e o k a y
"Yeah...!" Basil forces a grin.

"Anyways, " continues the shadow, " I took this from you cause you couldn't handle it. But, it can be channeled, into something... more useful." He takes the blade and stabs the figure, and it gets sucked back into the knife.

"Here. Take this, Basil." The shadow hands Basil the knife, and turns around, starting to walk away.

"W-what am I supposed to do with this??"
The shadow takes one last look at the group then fades away.

"Well. That was helpful." Aubrey snarked.

Mari clapped her hands together, smiling, trying to lift the mood.

"Okay! So, let me tell you how to save your friend now. Here, you'll need these."

She puts her hands in her... pockets?? And then pulls out a spatula and a rubber ball. She hands them to Hero and Kel.

"Uhm..." They stare at the objects. "What are these for??" Kel asks.

"For self defense! Silly!! You thought saving your friend would be easy?"

Hero sighs. "What side are you on anyways??"

She giggles.

Aubrey looks at her. "Where's my weapon??"
"You're holding it!"

Aubrey stares at Mr. Plantegg pathetically.


"Yep! So, to get you through this, I'ma have to teach you guys how to fight!! But first, let me explain what's really at stake here."

A/n: omg me posting 2 times a day=O (kind of)
Anygays, Ik this chapter was short but the next chapter will be the last chapter in the vast forest!! (For now) Then, you probably know where they are going next... (>ᴗ•)
I'm having so much fun getting back into this again, and I'm so excited to have y'all with me!
I hope y'all enjoy to get this pain train on with me!! Cause there ain't no stopping it!! :D
See ya! Dms are open <3
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