31| She is everything to me

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The university was buzzing with lively tunes and pumped-up music, echoing with happy screams and ecstatic cheers from students

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The university was buzzing with lively tunes and pumped-up music, echoing with happy screams and ecstatic cheers from students. They were dancing their hearts out, swaying and spinning to the beat. Some were sipping drinks, others snapping pics to remember the moment. The stage was shining like a starry night, filled with sweet melodies from the band.

Samar filled up everyone's cups with punch, his big smile spreading happiness all around. "Here you are, friends," he said cheerfully, handing out the drinks to his friends.

Virat and Arushi gladly took their glasses from Samar. When he offered one to Adwait, though, Adwait politely turned it down, and a flicker of disappointment crossed Samar's face.

"Aw, come on, man! You can handle like five without even feeling it. One won't even touch the sides," Samar cajoled. Finally, Adwait gave in, nodding and taking the glass.

Samar's grin stretched wider as he went up to Nitya, holding out the glass. "Here you go."

"I'm sorry, Samar. I don't drink." Nitya politely declined.

"Don't you worry, sweetpie. I have prepared a special fruit punch just for you." He gestured subtly with his eyes, directing her attention to the drink placed upon the tray.

Adwait's hand froze halfway, eyebrows knitting in surprise at the unexpected 'sweetpie.' Where did that come from? He gripped the glass tighter, shooting a glare at Samar, hoping for an explanation. But Samar smoothly dodged it and shifted his focus towards Niharika.

Nevertheless, he turned around once more, causing Niharika to gape at his audacity. "Hey, what's with that behavior? Where is my glass?"

"Glass? There are plenty of them in the dustbin," Samar replied casually shrugging his shoulders.

Niharika was pissed. "Seriously, Samar? Give me that tray," she snapped, reaching out her hand to take it from him. But Samar swiftly dodged her.

Adwait internally facepalmed himself, feeling exasperated. He had hoped that Niharika and Samar had outgrown their constant cat-and-mouse conflicts, but it seemed that even now, they were locked in the same dynamic.

"That's enough, Samar. Give her the glass. Now." Adwait's irritation from the nickname Samar had given Nitya made his tone firm and a bit strained.

Niharika broke into a grin, her eyebrows wiggling as she issued a silent challenge to Samar. In response, Samar rolled his eyes in exasperation. Swiftly, he made his way to retrieve his camera from the car. However, before disappearing from view, he couldn't resist showing his middle finger to her.

Nitya watched the whole scene play out. Her expression dropped. Seeing Adwait stand up for Niharika and speak to Samar so firmly revealed a deep connection between them. It was clear that Niharika had a special place in Adwait's life. A strange pain tugged at her heart.

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