Hero ~ Kunigami

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You missed your boyfriend, you really did.

You both managed to get into Bluelock, somehow but you weren't put on the same teams, you were with team V whilst he was with team Z so you didn't get to see him unless it was meal times but even then you didn't get to see him much, he did pass the first selection so you were proud.

But now was the finished portion of the second selection and Kunigami was nowhere in sight.

Your heart was pounding and it was in the pit of your stomach as you watched the last team come out and Kunigami wasn't there either, your heart shattered for him.

He had been locked off, his dream was over and you were devastated for your beloved ginger but you couldn't do anything about it and that broke your heart.

He had worked so hard for his goal and you knew him better than anyone else so it crushed you knowing how upset he would be and how devastated he would be.

But alas you had to move on and continue playing and that's what you did, you worked your ass off and trained as hard as you possibly could, getting great results and managing to play for Bluelock against the U-20 team, you knew deep down that Kunigami would be proud of you.

Thankfully, Bluelock won the match and you all got 2 weeks off.

You used this time to message your boyfriend and see him because you missed him so so much.

❤️Ginga Ninja❤️

Hey Baby! How are you?

I'm fine.
How are you?

I'm great! We got 2 weeks off and I was hoping that we could meet up?
I really really miss you :(

Of course.
I miss you too.
Beach? 20 minutes?
I'll buy your ice cream and an iced latte.

Ooo yes please! Thank you baby! I will see you in 20! ❤️


You smiled to yourself before you turned off your phone, he knew you so well but that was to be expected since you had been dating for 2 years now.

After getting changed into a pretty, white and yellow sundress, you grabbed your bag and all the things you would need before you headed out of your apartment and made your way down to the beach.

On the way there, you got stopped a few times by some people who asked for your autograph and also just stopped you to praise you.

Because of this, you ended up being 10 minutes late to meet up with Kunigami.

As you arrived at the beach, you immediately noticed a head of ginger hair that belonged to a massive giant, you quietly made your way over to him before jumping on his back.

"Boo! It's me!" You laughed and you could hear him chuckled lightly at your shenanigans as you got off of him.

"I've missed you so damn much Ren!" You tackled the older boy in a hug and he stumbled backwards and fell onto his butt, laughing at how much you had missed him.

"I missed you too buttercup" He patted your head before leaving a soft kiss on your head.

"It's so boring without you~" You dragged on and he only laughed at you, turning you around so you were now facing out at the ocean, your back against his chest whilst his head was ontop of yours.

"You're my hero, y'know that" You told him and you didn't even have to turn around to know that he was smiling at your words, you could just tell.

"I know baby, you tell me all the time" He told you, placing another kiss on the top of your head and you could feel his smile.

"I love you" You muttered, turning your head to look up at his orange eyes.

"I love you too" He muttered back, placing one hand on your cheek and placing his lips on top of yours in a sweet kiss.

Oh how you had missed your ginger boy.


Hey there! I know this one is much shorter than some of the others but I personally think it was really cute and I can't drag it on anymore but let me know what you all think!!

And holy crap! 400 reads already?! Thank you guys so much! It means the world to me! I honestly thought this would completely flop and no one would like my writing but here we are so thank you guys from the bottom of my heart!!

I hope everyone is keeping safe and staying healthy!


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