The One ~ Kurona pt.2

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It had been about a month since you found out Kurona was your soulmate and you couldn't of been happier.

Playing the sport you loved and dreamed of playing forever and also being with and getting to know your soulmate more.

You were back at Bluelock after your two week break and you had to choose the team you wanted to be on and you wasted no time in clicking on Germany, joining their team.

Once everyone had chosen their teams, you all went through doors and were met with the German team and you were all told to do the obstacle course.

Of coure you had no issue with keeping up with Bastard Munchen and you were tied with Kunigami whilst the other Bluelockers lagged behind and couldn't quite keep up with you all.

Once you had finished up with the course, you stood patiently and waited for a certain pink haired, shark toothed boy to finish as you had caught a glimpse of him earlier before you started the obstacle course.

Soon enough, Kurona and the rest of the bluelockers finished up and Kaiser went off the harrass poor Isagi.

You took this beautiful opportunity to sneak up behind your soulmate and wrap your arms around his waist and nuzzle your head into his back.

"Hey, N/N. You did awesome, you really are something else" Kurona knew fine well that it was you who was behind him because you had started doing that everytime you saw him, every single opportunity you got you would greet him with a back hug if he hadn't already seen you and greeted you first.

Kurona liked to greet you with a little kiss on the forehead and a regular hug where his arms were wrapped around your waist and yours were wrapped around his neck.

"You did pretty well too, Sharky" You giggled as you felt and heard him sigh at the nickname you had given him.

After Kaiser finished bullying Isagi and Noa had spoken to everyone, you all went off to find your dorm rooms and you found yours, your roomates already in the room.

You looked at your roomates and saw Isagi Yoichi, Hiori Yo and...

"SHARKY!!" You yelled out to Kurona and threw yourself at the poor boy, the two of you falling onto his bed as you giggled like a little child and he just chuckled at your childishness but still gave your cheek a loving kiss nonetheless.

"Hi N/N, it's nice to be sharing with you" Hiori greeted you and you smiled over at the older male and also giving Isagi a friendly wave.

"Hey, Y/N? Do you think I could train with you sometime?" Isagi asked you and you didn't even need to think about it, you just agreed straight away because you wanted to know his play style so you could devour him and use him during matches.

After the four of you had settled into your room for about 30 minutes, you were hungry so you got up to leave and go get your meal from the cafeteria, Kurona following behind you like a lost puppy.

The two of you got to the cafeteria and grabbed your meals before settling down at a table, sitting across from each other.

"Hey, Y/N? Can I ask you something?" You looked up to meet the pink haired boys pink eyes and you gulped.

Kurona never used your name, he normally used your nickname so you knew he was being serious and it kind of made you nervous and your heart raced, you nodded your head.

"I've been thinking. Well, I really like you and we are soulmates so... Will you be my girlfriend?" He was looking everywhere but you and you found it so adorable that he was nervous, it was cute and his question made your heart race.

"Ranze... Of course I will be your girlfriend you silly little shark boy!" You giggled at him as his eyes widened slightly and a huge grin made its way onto his face.

You loved and adored his smile and you could never get enough of it. 

The two of you finished up eating your meals and put away your trays before heading back to your dorm rooms, hand in hand on the way back.

As the two of you entered, you dragged Kurona to his bed before you plopped down on his bed and opened your arms for him to lay down on you.

Kuronas face turned red as he shyly climbed onto the bed and climbed on top of you too, laying down on you, head on your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist.

You smiled to yourself as you placed one of your hands in his hair and started massaging his scalp, your smile growing when you hear him sigh in content.

The way this boy made you feel was incredible and you couldn't of been happier to be able to call him yours.


Here is the part 2!!

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Thank you all so damn much for everything! You all mean so much to me and thank you guys for coming back and continuing to read this book and showing your love and support for me and this book! I can't thank you all enough!

I love you guys!!


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