Perfect ~ Reo

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Lately you had been feeling down, you had been getting picked on an bullied in school and they kept making you feel like shit but you kept it to yourself and didn't tell anyone.

Of course there were people you could go to, like your best friend Mika, your childhood friend, Chigiri and there was your close friend Nagi, along with your boyfriend, Reo, but you didn't want to bother them or burden them, so you kept your mouth shut and didn't say a word.

However, they all picked up on your odd behaviour, your unusual behaviour, how you didn't eat as many snacks, stopped eating so much takeout, not drinking as many energy drinks, your shift in mood, how you would wear baggier clothes, they noticed it all and they all came together and were trying to figure out what was wrong.

They came up with a plan, they had suspected that someone had said something to you and you took it too real and too hard so they decided that Mika would try and watch out for you more and they would all pay closer attention to everything.

The four of them agreed that they would keep watch over you for a whole week before they had a serious sit down with you and spoke to you about what was going on.

The rest of the week carried on like this and it was now the weekend.

You were currently sat on your small couch in your bedroom, with Mika, and you were waiting for Chigiri, Nagi and Reo to arrive as you all wanted to hang out together.

Mika seemed a little off to you and so you had asked her what was wrong but she told you to leave it and she would explain later, you obliged and you didn't push it any further.

Soon enough, the boys arrived and you took them up the stairs to your room where Nagi flopped onto your bed and got comfy, Mika, Reo and Chigiri were sitting on the couch and you were between Reo's legs on the floor.

"Y/N. We want to talk to you" Mika started and you were confused and your heart sank, you were nervous but you nodded your head, wanting her to continue.

"We know you're being bullied" Reo stated and you froze, how did they know? How could they possibly know? You made sure to keep it a secret and no one was every around when anything happened so how?


On the Monday, Chigiri was assigned to keep watch on you for the majority of the day since he was going to be in most of your classes.

During your first period, he noticed how you refused to look in the direction of a specific group of five girls in the class, he also took not that when you went to the bathroom and one of those girls went after you, when you came back and put Reo's hoodie on, clearly she had done something or said soething to you and that caused you to put Reo's hoodie on.

During your walk to second period, he noticed how you looked only at the floor when you past a certain group of girls and two boys and then during your second period, you got passed a note and he watched as your face dropped after you read the note, his eyebrows furrowed and he couldn't help but glare at the girls who passed you the note.

Then came your break time, you were sat by yourself beacuse you wanted to be alone and he made sure to keep an eye on you, nothing seemed to happen but then came the last five minutes, two girls approached you and he watched as a girl spilled a carten of milk on your head and you rush off to presumably go and clean yourself up.

Chigiri wanted to approach those girls and tell them off so bad but the others had told him to not make a scene yet until they knew everything, so he kept himself as calm as possible.

Then you didn't show up for your third period, Chigiri had no idea what you were doing but he was really worried and he used this period to update the group on what had happened so far throughout the day.

He grew even more worried for you as you didn't show up for the remaining classes he had with you and you were also nowhere to be seen at lunch time.

Tuesday rolled around and it was now Nagi's turn to watch over you since he was in the majority of your classes, first period, third period, fifth and sixth period.

First period, he didn't notice anything in particular was wrong but he did notice that you wore Reo's hoodie the entire time, even when it got too hot, which was strange because normally you would take off as much clothing as possible so you wouldn't sweat but now you just didn't seem to care.

Second period, you were sat in the middle row whilst he sat at the back, he watched as three girls approached you and handed you a note before leaving to their seats, you seemed sad and depressed after that and Nagi wanted to know what was written on that note.

Third period, Nagi made sure to go in later than you and most people so he could maybe catch some people trying to pick on you and he was right, as he turned the corner, he could see a group of five girls towering over you as you sat in your seat and as soon as one of the girls noticed him, they all left.

Nagi felt himself grow annoyed and angry when he saw the tears that were rolling down your cheeks, he wanted to go and comfort you but he knew you would just pretend you were okay and just push him away, so he left you and went to his seat.

During lunch Nagi kept a distance from you so he wouldn't be seen by you or anyone else but just enough so he could still see you.

Nothing happened during the lunch but just as he was going to leave, he saw girls come near you and he stared at you and the girls whilst one of them held you by your hair whilst another did something to your face that he couldn't quite see, thw other girls just stood around and laughed as they watched.

His fists clenched and it took all the will power inside of him not to go over there and kick all of their asses for hurting you.

After lunch, you didn't show up to your last two classes so Nagi took this time to message the group and tell them every single thing that had happened.

End of Flashback:

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I-I just didn't want to burden anyone" You apologised through tears and sobs as Reo pulled you into his arms and held your head agaisnt his chest.

"Don't apologise baby. It's not your fault that those bitches are picking on you. It just means that now we're all gonna stick to you like glue and protect you, that's all" Reo told you as he placed a peck on your forehead before lifting your face so you could look at him, he caressed your cheeks and wiped away your tears with his thumbs.

"You're perfect the way you are so please don't listen to those immature, jealous girls and focus on the fun you have with us, okay? We all love you. I love you" Reo smiled down at you, it was contagious and you felt so grateful that you had him as your boyfriend, you smiled back at him.

"I love you too" You leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips before you burried your face into his chest and got comfortable.

After all the crying you had done, you were exhausted and you slipped away into a deep sleep.


Hey! I started college this week and it's all going great so far but I haven't had too much time to write but I am off today so I managed to do this chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed it? Let me know if you liked it or not?

Also thank you all so so much for like what? 32K?! That's insane and I cant thank you all enough!

I love you guys!

~Nana-Chan <33

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