The Sister ~ Reo

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Trigger Warning!!

Smoking, fights, insults and gore I guess.

You were Nagi Seishiros younger sister, you were just a year younger than him, making you 16.

You were known to be quite the trouble maker in school and you knew that, your brother didn't care what you did as long as you were okay, which sometimes you weren't due to fights.

Today was no exception, you were sitting by the fountain, smoking a cigarette like you normally do during the time you wait for your brother to be done with his football practice so you could walk home together.

As you were just finishing up your cigarette, it was slapped out of your hand and then you were punched straight in the nose.

You heard a crack and a pop, you brought your hand up to your face and held your nose, feeling a liquid substance run down your face and that's when you tasted that familiar metallic taste in your mouth.

"What the fuck?!" You screamed, standing up from where you were sitting and looking at the person who had just broken your nose.

"Stay the fuck away from Nagi! HES MINE!" The girl, the popular girl who you hated with your whole heart and soul, shouted at you and you scoffed at her stupidity before throwing a punch straight to her jaw and knocking her out cold.

"He's my fucking brother you bastard! Fucking hell you absolute moron!" You retored back to tell her and her little group before you spat at her and proceeded to walk of.

You were spouting curses left right and center as you stormed through the school to go to the football pitch and drag your elder brother home because you didn't want to be in the shitty school any longer.

Everyone and anyone you passed immediately moved out of your way with a shiver as they saw the cold glare you were holding, your bloodied up face and your menacing aura that surrounded you.

After storming your way through the school for about 10 minutes, you finally made it to the P.E area and stormed out the doors and straight down to the pitch.

You spotted the football team gathering their things and leaving whilst a certain white and purple haired duo stayed behind to practice some more.

"NAGI SEISHIRO!!" You screamed your brothers name at the top of your lungs, startling every single boy that was standing on the pitch.

They watched as your figure drew in closer, everyone getting anxious as they saw your aura, most of the boys backing up and giving a quick goodbye to the duo before leaving the three of you.

"Y/N! What happened to your face?" Nagi pointed at your face with his usual stoic and emotionless demenour and you growled lowly at him before shoving past him and grabbing his bag.

"Doesn't fucking matter! Move your ass and hurry the fuck up. We're going home!" You told the boys, grabbing Nagi's hand and you started dragging him away but you didn't get very far as another hand grabbed yours.

"Come with me" It was Reo, you tried to protest but alas you were not strong enough to get out of his grip and you simply followed behind him as he dragged you to the outdoor bathrooms.

"Sit" He commanded and you did as you were told, grumbling a few curses at him as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Look. I know that people keep perstering you about Nagi and I but please refrain from fighting... I don't like seeing you get hurt" Reo mumbled the last part but you heard him and you looked at him with slightly wide eyes as he treated your nose.

"And neither does Nagi" He added on as he started wiping away the blood from your face.

"It's broken" You quitely stated the condition of your nose and Reo stopped what he was doing and stared at you.

Heart rose to your cheeks as his eyes stared straight into your soul and you felt your heart speed up.

"What?" He asked you, clealry not comprehending what you had just told him.

"My nose. It's broken, Reo" You told him again and you watched his eyes widen and his mouth open, he got up from his place and ran outside, clearly going to talk to Nagi.

You sighed and patiently for the pair to come back into the room.

"Who?" Was all you heard as you lifted your head and your freakishly tall brother was standing over you, the look in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine.

He was pissed.

"What?" You asked him, it was your turn to not properly comprehend what he had asked you.

"Who the fuck broke your nose?" His voice was deeper than normal and it held venom, you were terrified, you had never seen your brother like this before.

"Y-Yuki... Yuki T-Takahashi" You gave him the name of the girl who had punched you square in the nose and had broken it.

"I'll be back" Is all he said before he left you and Reo together, in the bathroom, you were both dumbfounded at Nagi's new behaviour and it honestly scared the living shit out of you.

"That was scary" Was all Reo said and you nodded your head with a small hum to tell him you agreed.

"Well he is really protective of you but this is new" Reo rubbed the nape of his neck and took a seat beside you.

"Yeah but I have only ever had a busted lip, bruised knuckles, a scrapped knee or two and a bloody nose. I've never broken anything before" You pointed out and Reo hummed in response, he knew you could defend yourself so he wasn't too worried about you but he was still worried.

"Come, we will take you to the hospital to get that nose properly looked at" Reo offered you his hand and you took it, your heart racing 100mph as he didn't let it go and slung your bag over his shoulder and the two of you walked off.

Soon enough, as you got to the end of the gates, Nagi appeared, his knuckles were a darker shade than normal, he had bruised up knuckles and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you two dating now or something?" Nagi asked you both in his plain and bland voice that he normally had.


You and Reo both spoke at the same time and you looked up at Reo with wide eyes and he just simply smiled down at you before cupping your face with his hands and looking into your eyes.

"You're mine" Was all he said before he connected your lips together and he made sure not to touch your nose at all.

The two of you pulled away from the kiss and you smiled up at Reo.

"Let's go! I'm bored and wanna go home" Nagi whined like a baby you rolled your eyes at the older boy as you and Reo walked hand in hand with Nagi in front of you as the three of you made your way to the hospital.


A shorter chapter compared to the last 2 chapters but I hope you guys still liked it? Let me know what you guys thought of it!

Thank you guys again for all the attention my books been getting! I honestly am really shocked at how many reads this is getting so thank you all for reading!!


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