Together ~ Nagi

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You were 10 years old when you got your soulmate gift, they were unique and different to every person, you were given a beautiful, silver, butterfly necklace and you cherished it.

The gift you had given your soulmate was a ring, it was a silver and gold ring with blue gems embedded into it.

Currently, you were 17 years old and you were training, you played for Manshine City because your talent had been discovered by none other than Chris himself and he took you under his wing.

Thus helping you get into Manshine City and now you would be going away to Japan to train with other teenage boys in a program called 'Bluelock', you didn't mind this because you would get to maybe visit your grandparents and also get to see Japan.

You had always wanted to see Japan and you weren't going to take this opportunity for granted.

After months of practice and hard training, it was finally time to leave the UK and head off to Japan with the rest of your team, you didn't speak much with most of them, you only really spoke to Agi and Chris.

On the plane ride there, you sat with Agi and Chris and spoke with them the whole flight there and you enjoyed yourself.

After about an hour after your flight took off, you became extremely tired and you fell asleep in between the two footballers who immediately went on their phones or laptops and did their own things for the rest of the flight.

Once you landed, Chris shook you awake and you all headed off of the plane and immediately you went into a car and were taken to the large Bluelock building where you would be introduced to the bluelockers.

You were honestly excited to meet them because most of the boys there were your age and you had read most of their profiles so you sort of knew who most of them were and not to mention that you had watched their game between Japans U-20 team.

To make matters better, you were pretty impressed by most of the boys but only a few managed to fully draw your attention.

And as Chris says, it's pretty hard to manage to grab your attention.

The few boys who managed to grab your attention were Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Mikage Reo and last but not least Nagi Seishiro.

When you arrived at Bluelock, you were all taken to a certain room where you were told to wait for the bluelockers to come to you after they had chosen England as the team they wanted to play for.

After some time, some bluelockers did come and you immediately saw three boys that attracted your attention, a long pink haired boy, a purple haired boy and a ridiculously tall white haired boy.

However, what attracted your attention more was the ring that was on the white haired boys finger.

It was the exact same one that you had given to your soulmate and you couldn't take your eyes off of him the entire time that Chris was speaking to all the bluelockers.

Once he had finished talking it was time to introduce everyone, everyone had introduced themselves and it was only you left.

No one had noticed you so far because you sort of hid behind all your teamates and you were pretty small anyway so you were pretty hard to spot.

"Hi. I'm Y/N L/N. I'm 17 years old and I've been with Manshine City for about 4 months now" You introduced yourself and told them how long you had played on the team for and it was safe to say most of the teenage boys were shocked.

After the introductions were finished, everyone was dismissed after being given a timetable that they would now follow for the time being.

You were very tempted to speak to Nagi and tell him you were his soulmate but you didn't have your necklace on so you couldn't really prove it.

In the end, you decided not to approach the boy and simply went off to your room, showering before getting changed into your pyjamas, putting on your necklace, unpacking and heading off to the cafeteria so you could eat some food.

You entered the cafeteria and you spotted the Manchine City players, the bluelockers and all the other teams but you decided to just get your meal and figure out where to sit afterwards.

As you were getting your food, you felt pairs of eyes staring at you and you couldn't help but find the eyes that were staring at you once you grabbed your tray of food.

It was Nagi, Reo, Chigiri and two other boys that you didn't fully recognise.

"Hey, Y/N. Wanna sit with us?" Chigiri offered you and you gave him a sweet smile and a small nod in response before heading over to their table and taking a seat with the small group of boys.

"Y/N, this is Isagi Yoichi and Kurona Ranze. They're from Bastard Munchen" Reo introduced you to the two other boys that were sat at your table and you smiled at them and gave them a small wave before digging into your meal.

The whole time you were eating, the other boys talked although one boy didn't and his eyes were glued to you the entire time.

The sudden noise of a chair scraping against the floor and a hand grabbing your wrist stole all of your attention, you snapped your eyes up and you were met with the boys back and a white head of hair, immediately your heart started beating faster.

"N-Nagi? What are y-you doing?" You stuttered over your own words as the boy dragged you out of the cafeteria and into the hallway.

The boy didn't say anything and he simply pushed you against the wall and stared down at you, well your neck more specifically and that's when it clicked.

He was staring at your necklace.

"My soulmate" Was all he said as you locked eyes with the white haired boy, not managing to actually form any words.

"Y-yeah... I am y-your soulmate" Your heart was racing, your cheeks heated up, your hands were clamy and you were shaking at how close this handsome boy was to your face but he didn't seem to be fazed at all.

Your eyes widened and your mouth opened ever so slightly as he engulfed you in a tight hug.

It caught you completely off guard.

"N-Nagi?" You tried to look at the male but he just tightened his grip around you and hushed you.

The two of you stood together like this for a solid two minutes before he finally let go of you and looked down at you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear and you could see a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Your cheeks were tinted pink and you wanted to look away from him out of embarrassment but you couldn't.

"You're so pretty, Y/N" He complimented you before placing a sweet and soft kiss on your forehead.

"I'm so happy I found you" He continued on and this made your heart do a backflip, it was cute and you couldn't handle how sweet he was being with you.

Your lips curved upwards into a smile as you looked up at the giant boy, he offered you his hand and you happily took it.

The two of you walked back into the cafeteria hand in hand so you could finish you meals.


That's all folks!

I'm sorry for missing days but I've not got too much motivation, I'm also working on another book and I kinda keep forgetting about updating/getting too into some other peoples works and reading instead lol

I hope you guys liked this part though!

I love you guys so much and thank you all so much for more than 5k!! It's crazy and I couldn't be more grateful!

~Nana-Chan <3

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