Switch Up ~ Shidou

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You and Shidou hadn't seen each other since he left for Bluelock and you missed your boyfriend too much, so much that it started to hurt.

The two of you had grown up together and had started dating when he was 14 and you were 13 years old, now he was 18 and you were 17, the two of you were inseparable and had a ridiculously strong bond.

You were distraught when you were told that Shidou would have to leave for god knows how long for this program but you still loved him and supported him.

He would message you whenever he could and you would always message back.

It had been months and you started to feel affection deprived and a little mentally unstable but that wasn't his fault or yours and you kept pushing through and doing the best you could.

Currently, you were laying on your bed after having had cleaned your whole house due to it being a down right mess.

You suddenly got a call from your cousin, Ego, asking you to come to Bluelock and give some of the boys a run for their money and also to rein your boyfriend in since he was annoying Ego.

Of course you agreed right away since you lived football and you would also get to see your boyfriend in the process.

So, you packed some things that yoy would need and left your house, Anri was picking you up so you waited in the driveway for her to appear and take you to Bluelock.

Within a few minutes, said woman arrived and you got in the car with Anri.

On the way there, she gave you a quick run down of what had happened so far, what you would be doing, what you would eat and wear and how well or bad everyone was doing.

Once you had arrived, Anri took you to your room and gave you a little map so you knew where everything was and you thanked her before you left.

Just after you changed into the Bluelock uniform, a screen appeared with your cousin on it and he asked you to go to a certain area, where your boyfriend was causing a ruckus.

A heavy sigh left your mouth before you left your room and made your way to the field your cousin asked you to go to.

You entered the place and stood at the side for a minute to watch and listen to all of the players and see what was really going on.

"Fuck off you roach" A boy, who tou knew to be Itoshi Rin, hissed at your boyfriend and you watched as Shidou smirked evily at the younger male before opening his mouth to speak.

"Oh come on, underlashes jr. Your brother is so much better than you" Shidou grinned like a crazy person and you sighed before slowly making your way over to the group of males.

"Shut up you anntena eyed freak!" The younger Itoshi spat back at him with a threatening glare and Shidou opened his mouth again.

"Shidou Ryusei if you open your mouth and spout one more insult, I will personally cut off your tongue" Said older male had a heart attack and jumped around to face with with shock as you stood unimpressed with your arms folded.

"Yes ma'am" Shidou pouted at you before he opened his arms for you and you nodded tour head whilst opening your own arms for him.

He jumped on your and smothered you in a hug before you pulled away and looked at him.

"Apologise to Itoshi" You scolded him and he whined as you just hardened your gaze on him and he huffed before turning around and facing Rin.

"I'm sorry" He told the younger male and everyone seemed extremely shocked that Shidou was being calm and normal unlike his usual self.

"The switch up this guys has just because she's here" One of the other boys commented and you giggled to yourself.

You were going to have a lot of work to do but you could tell that this was a good group to be with.


Hey everyone! I hope everyone is keeping well and taking care of themselves!

Let me know what you thought of this chapter?

Thank you guys so much for 19K!!

I love you all!!

~Nana-Chan <3

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