The Twin ~ Sae

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You were Y/N Kaiser, the twin sister of Michael Kaiser and you kind of hated it since so many people thought you were as cocky and full of yourself like your brother but you weren't.

The only person who knew this and always knew this, even when you first met him, was your boyfriend Itoshi Sae.

You and Sae had a really close relationship and you were always together when you could be and Sae understood you and loved you more than anyone else and you were so grateful that you had him in your life.

The two of you met when Kaiser and Sae had a match against each other, Sae immediately caught your eye and you also caught his eye so after their match, you went to go and see Kaiser to congratulate him on his game but he just told you to get lost.

You left his locker room and waited outside for him and that was when Itoshi Sae approached you and asked for your number.

Of course you gave it to him and the two of you would talk pretty much every single day, you would call and just text to and you even went away to spain sometimes just to see him and stay with him for a few days to a week.

After about a year of getting to know each other, going on dates, hanging out, calling, texting and being more than friends but less than a couple, Sae finally asked you to be his and you said yes, obviously.

That was all 2 years ago and the two of you were currently back in Japan, he had agreed to play in the U-20 match against Bluelock, where his younger beother was, and you cheered him on.

After the game, he wanted to go back to Spain but you had other ideas.

Your brother had come to Japan to participate in the Bluelock program and you too had recieved an invitation to join since you were one hell of a player and they wanted you to play with PxG, alongside your old friend Loki.

Instead of declining and going to Spain with Sae, you accepted and decided it would be a good idea to put your skills to good use.

You settled in well with the other PxG players and you were happy to be playing with Loki again since you hadn't gotten to play with him for a good 2-3 years and you got to see how much he improved.

Of course Sae wasn't particularly happy about your decision but he stayed because you weren't leaving with him yet.

After a few weeks, Sae got annoyed and bored without you so he spoke to Ego and got to join the program to as another person to help the Bluelockers improve.

Sae was also placed with PxG and you just knew this was going to be an issue.

Issue 1: Rin and Sae did not get along well and so this would be a problem in itself.

Issue 2: Your brother was also in Bluelock and he definitely did not like your boyfriend, Sae.

Issue 3: Shidou was also with PxG so this would cause issues for everyone.

Today was the day that Sae was going to be added to PxG and you were full of nerves because you knew Shidou, Rin and Kaiser would cause a scene.

You had built up a nice bond with Rin since coming to Bluelock and you were scared that Rin finding out you were dating Sae would ruin that and he wouldn't want to speak to you anymore.

You also knew that your brother would insult and glare at Sae like no tomorrow because he didn't like him and he hated the fact that the two of you were dating, he made that more than clear to you when you first started dating Sae and even before that when you were just speaking to him.

And Shidou.

You knew fine well that this boy would attack your boyfriend in a hug and he would harrass him 25/8 since he loved and adored him, he always spoke about him and teased Rin about it.

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